
Once upon a time, there was a mischievous little mouse named Max who loved to explore the world. One day, Max was scurrying around the kitchen when he saw a big block of cheese on the table.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于小学介词和连词的题目?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Once upon a time, there was a mischievous little mouse named Max who loved to explore the world. One day, Max was scurrying around the kitchen when he saw a big block of cheese on the table.


Excited, Max scampered over to the table, but he couldn't climb up because the cheese was too high. Max thought for a moment and then realized that there was a chair below the table. So, he scurried over to the chair and climbed up on it.


But as he was about to jump onto the table, he heard a loud noise behind him. It was the family's cat, Mittens, who had just woken up from her nap. Max quickly jumped down from the chair and hid beside it, hoping that Mittens hadn't seen him.


But Mittens had spotted Max and was now stalking towards him. Max knew he had to act fast. He darted between the legs of the chair and ran by Mittens, who was caught off guard by Max's quick thinking.


Max continued to run until he found a small hole in the wall by the way of the pantry. He squeezed through the hole and found himself in a dark room. But to his surprise, he wasn't alone. Besides him, there was another mouse there, who introduced himself as Monty.


Max and Monty quickly became friends and started to explore the room together. They found a big wheel by the wall, and they decided to run on it. They ran and ran, but soon they realized they were lost. They didn't know how to get back to the kitchen.

马克斯和蒙蒂很快成为了朋友,并开始一起探索房间。他们在墙旁边发现了一个大轮子,他们决定骑着它跑。 他们跑啊跑,但很快他们就发现自己迷路了。 他们不知道如何回到厨房。

Just then, Max remembered that he had a sense of direction. He looked up at the ceiling and saw a tiny hole by which they could escape. Max and Monty quickly scurried up to the hole and squeezed through it. They emerged on the other side and found themselves back in the kitchen.

就在这时,麦克斯想起他有方向感。他抬头看着天花板,看到一个小洞,他们可以通过那里逃脱。马克斯和蒙蒂迅速跑到洞口并挤了进去。 他们出现在另一边,发现自己回到了厨房。

Before they could celebrate, they heard a loud noise. It was Mittens, who had been waiting for them. Max and Monty ran by her as fast as they could, and they finally made it back to their mouse hole safely.


From that day on, Max and Monty knew to be more careful when exploring the kitchen. But they also knew that they had each other to rely on, no matter what adventures lay ahead, and that they would always be beside each other.



