九年级英语下册知识点冀教版 冀教版九年级上下册英语各单元知识点归纳

1.break a world record 打破世界记录2.get a gold medal 获得金牌,今天小编就来聊一聊关于九年级英语下册知识点冀教版 冀教版九年级上下册英语各单元知识点归纳?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!

九年级英语下册知识点冀教版 冀教版九年级上下册英语各单元知识点归纳

九年级英语下册知识点冀教版 冀教版九年级上下册英语各单元知识点归纳


1.break a world record 打破世界记录

2.get a gold medal 获得金牌

3.with a time of … 用…时间

4.at the same time 同时

5.up and down 上上下下

6.set a world record创造世界记录

7.as fast as possible 尽快

8.believe in sb 信任某人

believe sb 相信某人的话

9. make sb proud使某人感到自豪

10. give up 放弃

11.be able to do sth能够做某事

be unable to do 不能做某事

12. at the age of …在…岁的时候

13.catch up with 赶上

14. none of 一个也没有

15.fall off 掉下

16.do one’s best 尽某人的努力

17.the others 别的


1. take turns 轮流, 交替

2. hold a world record 保持世界记录

3. be located in / on ……位于

4. be proud of 以„自豪

5. on average 通常

6. on record 记载下来有

7. four times as --- as --- 是„四倍

8. think of 想出

9. find out 了解, 找出

10.some more 更多一些

11.try to do sth 试着去做某事

12.all over the world 遍及全世界

13.be full of 装满

14.it’s adj. for sb to do sth


15.it’s time for sb to do sth


16.such as 例如

17.take part in 参与

18.that’s very kind of sb to do sth



1.pay …for…付钱, 赔偿

2.make money 挣钱

3.something to eat 吃的东西

4. what’s the price of …价钱是…

5. get up 起床

6.be hard to do sth 做某事难

7.come up to 到达

8.go over to 走过

9.give sth back to sb 把„ 还给某人

10.do / deal with 处理

11.elementary school 小学

12.hold up 挂起

13.on the Internet 在互联网上

14.what else别的什么

15.hear of 听说

16.set up 创建

17.have success in 在…取得成功

business hours 营业时间

18.anyother 别的


1. wake up 醒来

2. what’s wrong with ……怎么了

3. get a cold 感冒

4. get dressed穿衣

5. be weak in 在„ 薄弱

6. point to 指向„

7. look up 查字典

8. out of breath 上气不接下气

9. miss school 没去上学

10. take medicine吃药

11. breathe through the nose


12. must be 一定 表示推测否定:can’be

13. stay healthy 保持健康

14. be different from 不同于„

15. be made from /of由……制成

16. be bad for对..有害

17. get a pain in „在„哪痛

18. dare to do sth 敢于做某事

19. think about 考虑

20. get married结婚

21. fall ill 生病

22. as soon as 一……就

23. the more, the better 越多越好


1. be famous for 以…而著名

2. learn sth from 从…学到东西

3. be born in 地点 / on 时间:出生于…

4. not …until …直到…才…

5. make a mistake 犯错

6. so… that …如此…以至

7. so that 为了,以便

8. come up with 想出, 提出

9. in the 1960s 在二十世纪 六十年代

10. devote to do sth 致力于..

11. because of 因为

12. in one’s spare time 在空余时间

13. it’s said that 据说

14. nothing but 除了…什么也没有

15. day after day 一天又一天

16. in a difficult situation 在困难情况下

17. talk about 谈论

18. in the same year在同一年

19. give first aid 进行急救

20. make an example 举例

21. in the Anti-Japanese War 在抗日战争中

22. die of 死于„


1.have an accident 发生事故

2.take care of 照顾

3.warn sb ( not ) to do sth 提醒某人(不)干某事

4. there ‘s something wrong with …有毛病

5.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 6.instead of 代替

7.long long ago 很久以前

8.be careful 小心

9.it takes sb sometime/some money to do sth花某…时间/金钱干某事

10.from then on 从那时起

11.don’t have to do sth 没必要做某事

12fall on the top of 掉在„上面

13. on the edge of 在„边沿

14.hurt oneself 伤到自己


1. know / learn …by heart 记住…背诵…

2. need todo sth 必须做某事

3. look / sound / feel / like …


4. think of 想起………

5. hear / see sb do / doing ……


6. start / end with…从…开始/以...结束

7. express oneself 表达自己

8. at the moment 此时

9. a set number of 一定数量的

10. either …or …或者…或者…

11. both „and 两者都.

12. fill in 填入

13.look up 向上看. 查字典

14.another two 另外两个

15.differentkinds of 各种不同类型的

16.go ahead .向前 走吧 说吧 干吧

17.in the middle of 在„中间

18.be related to 与„有关


1. combine …and ...和…结合 2. neither …or …既不…也不

3. the answer to the question:问题的答案

4. not only …but also…不仅…而且

5. the same as…与…一样

6. divide sth in half 把某物分成两半

7. no longer不再

8. had better ( not ) do sth 最好(别)干某事

9. play chess 下棋

10.say hello to sb 向某人问好

11.what if 如果……将会怎样

12.generally speaking 通常来说

13.except for 除……外

14.for example例如

15.prefer……to 与……比较更喜欢„

16.prefer to do sth rather than do sth



1. be different from 不同于……

2. make a mistake 犯错

3. pick up 拾起 4. be full of 装满

5. keep doing sth 保持干某事 6. point to 指向„

7. introduce „ to „把„介绍给„

8. eat up 吃光

9. as soon as 一…就…

10.talk about /with / to 交谈

11.give sth back to sb 把某物还给„

12.have trouble with 在…遇到麻烦

13.face to face 面对面

14.at the end of在…的最后

15.in good Chinese tradition


16.no problem 没问题

17.never mind 别担心

18.depend on 依靠 视情况而定

19.again and again 反复地

20.praise …for …因…表扬…

21.give sth back to sb 把„还给

22.given name 名字 23.family name 姓氏


1. spend sometime/some money on sth:在某事上花费„时间/金钱

2. have a fight with sb和某人争吵

3. be bad for对„不利

4. have / hold a meeting 开会

5. be angry with sb/sth

=be mad at sb/sth 生某人/某事的气

6.agree to do sth 同意做某事

agree with sb 同意某人意见

7. either of 两个都

8. belong to 属于

9. the student council 学生会

10.make a friend with sb 和某人交朋友

11.understand each other 相互了解

12.a number of 成员

13.the Garden of Eden 伊甸园

14.at last 最后

15.have a talk 谈话

16.and so on 等等

17.to be honest 说实话

18.the Garden of Eden 伊甸园


1. how do you feel about ……

= what do you think of…… 对……感觉如何

2. teach sb sth 教某人某事

3. knock on /at the door敲门

4. hang up 把„挂起

5. it’ time for …到…时候了

6. help yourself to sth 请随便吃……

7. turn on /off 打开/关闭

8. hand in /out 上交/分发

9. would you mind doing sth


10. it’s very kind of sb to do sth


11.be /get ready for 准备做„

12.get sth ready 准备好某物

13.be different from 不同于„

14.not ……at all一点也不

15.regard sth/sb as把某人/当作……

16.from now on 从现在起

17.three percent of 百分之三

18.compare to /with 与„相比


1. grow up 长大

2. be free 有空,自由

3. be busy doing 忙于做某事

4. at first 首先

5. graduate from毕业于

6. up to 达到

7. pay attention to 注意

8. cut down 砍下

9. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

10.make progress 取得进步

11.step by step 一步一步地

12.be worth doing sth 值得做某事

13.even if 即使. 纵然

14.get a chance to do sth 有机会干某事

15.as many as 230 million多达二亿三千万

16.leave for 起程去………

17.shout at 对……大声喊

18.leave sb alone 让某人单独留下

19.spend one’s vacation 度过某人的假期

第I卷 非选择题一、 单项选择(共20小题,计20分)

1.There is b “h”and “u”in the word “huge”.

A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an

2.---Li Hua’s English is very good.

---Yes,and her French her English.

A.is as good as B.isn’t as good as

C.is as well asD.is as better as

3.---What’s wrong with you,Cheng Li?

---I’m feeling .

A.terrible B.terribly C.badly D.good

4.---What did LuXun do after he gave up medicine?

---He devoted writing all his life.

A.him to B.himself in C.himself to D.her in

5.---Whydon’t you ask Tom to do it?

---I don’t know whether he is to.

He sometimes makes things worse.

A.possible B.afraid C.easy D.able

6.---Did you go toJane’s birthday party?

---No,I .

A.am not invited B.wasn’t invited

C.haven’t beeninvited D.didn’t invited

7.“Tom, afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.”said Mum.

A.not be B.not to be C.be not D.don’t be

8.---People can not only use salt for meals.

---Yes. They also use it to fire.

A.put on B.put off C.put out D.put down

9.---Is itpossible to be mad others?

---Of course not.

A.to B.at C.with D.for

10.They found useful advertise on thee Internet.

A.that B.this C.it D.it is

11.---Why was the plane put off?

--- the heavy rain?

A.Because B.Because of

C.Instead of D.After

12.---Dad,when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.

---I’m sorry,Jack. But I think I will have a holiday soon.

A.four-days B.four-day

C.four days D.four day

13.---How long has this shop ?

---For about three weeks.

A.opened B.been open

C.been opened D.open

14.---I have won the girls’ long jump.

--- .

A.It’s nothging

B.All right

C.Don’t be proud


15.---Can you him studying hard?

---No,I can’t. He never studies hard.

A.stop B.prevent C.keep D.warn

16.---What about some soy milk? They are full ofprotein?

--- --------.

A.Yes,I’d love to. B.No,thanks

C.I want to get vitaminD.It’s terrible

17.--- is the price of the book?

---It’s 188 yuan.

A.How much B.How many C.How D.What

18.---We’d better g out for a walk instead of TV.Don’t you think so?

---OK. Let’s go.

A.to go;to watch

B.going;watching C.going;watch


19.We don’t know . It is said that she would come tomorrow.

A.how she will come B.when she came

C.when she will come D.when she comes

20.Which of these signs is not seen in a supermarket?

A.Push B.Pull C.Business Hours D.Slow Down


A boy who was cleaning shoes in the street said to ayoung man 21 by,“Let me clean your shoes, 22 ?”The young man said,“No,thankyou.”“You may 23 me only a pound for that,sir.”said the boy. 24 the young man refused again.

Then the boy told him that he would clean his shoesfor 25 . The young man agreed to this,and soon one of his shoes was shiningbrightly. The man put 26 shoe on the boy,but the boy refused to clean it unlesshe 27 two pounds for his work. The young man refused to pay anything and went away. But one looked 28 dirty that he couldn’t walk away. He had to 29 and gave the boy 30 . In a very short time his shoes shone brightly.

21.A.passed B.passing C.pass D.passes

22.A.will you B.do you

C.don’t you D.can you

23.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay

24.A.And B.Then C.But D.Or

25.A.Anything B.Something

C.Everything D.Nothing

26.A.another B.otheres

C.the others D.the other

27.A.paid B.pays C.was paid D.pay

28.A.such B.so C.very D.quite

29.A.return back B.go away

C.come back D.leave

30.A.only one pound B.half a pound C.two pounds D.oneand a half pounds

三、阅读理解(30分)(A)Sports City Bar

Every Tuesday and Thursday evening in Sports City Bar everyone can enjoy a “Buy one,get one free”Tex-Mex ,seafood Buffet(自助餐) for 118 yuan.

At our Sunday Family Buffet,we have exciting games forchildren. The buffet lasts from 11:00am to 2:00 pm. And costs 98 yuan per adult. Children aged12 to 16 eat for half price,and children under 12(limited(限制) to two) eat for free.

Happy hours at Sports City Bar lasts from 6:00 pm to8:30 pm. But one soft drink,get one free.

Location:The fourth floor,Blue Sky shopping centre.

31.When can we enjoy the “Buy one,get one free”at Sports City Bar?

A.On Tuesday

B.On Thursday

C.On Sunday evening

D.On Tuesday and Thursday evening

32.Who have free lunch at the Sunday Family Buffet?

A.Children under 12

B.All the children



33.If you are thirteen,you ().

A. can’t buy one,get one free in Sports City Bar.

B. Can eat for free at Sunday Family Buffet.

C. Must pay 49 yuan for your lunch at Sunday FamilyBuffet

D. Must go to the Sports City Bar with your parents

34.The Sports CityBar is on the floor.

A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

35.How much will your father pay if he and your10-year old brother go to have lunch at the Sunday Family Buffet?

A.49 yuan B.98 yuan

C.118 yuan D.147 yuan


Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相).He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day,the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this,he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once. When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily,”Effendi,since(既然)you knew when my Minister would die,you must know the date of your own death. Say it out,or you’ll die today.”

Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then heanswered,“But how can I know? I’ll die two days earlier than you.”The king was afraid that if hekilled Effendi,he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive as long aspossible,so he let Effendi go.

36.This story tells us .

A.how Effendi fooled the king

B.when the king would die

C.why the Minister died

D.Effendi knew the dates of everyone’s death

37.The prime Minister died because() .

A.Effendi killed him

B.Effendi said he would die

C.he was badly ill

D.he fell off the horse

38.Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendi’s own death?

A. Because the king wanted to know when he himselfwould die.

B. Because he wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi.

C. Becausehe himself had known the date of Effendi’s death

D. Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die

39.The king let Effendi go because() .

A.he hoped to live a long life

B.he was afraid ofEffendi

C.he didn’t believe Effendi’s words

D.he knew he woulddie two days later

40.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Effendi played a joke on the Minister.

B. The king was afraid of death.

C. Effendi didn’t know when the king would die.

D. If the king killed Effendi,he himself would die two days later

( C)

From the world’s heaviest apple,the oldest lady to theworld’s smallest dog,these are all part of a group of the world’s strangest people and things.And they are all in the Guinness Book of Records(《吉尼斯记录》).

The book is going to celebrate its birthday thisAugust. It began exactly half a century ago. And it’s always one of the best selling books in the world.

People now can break over 100 records every week! Why do so many people want to break the records? Do they want their names in the book or meet more people around the world?“It gives people a chance to show they’re the best in the world.”said one of the record keepers Stewart


The book was started by Hugh Beaver from Britain. In1951,he went shooting birds and talked with his friends about the fastest birdin Europe. Three years later,they were still talking about it.

So Beaver believed that people must have differentideas. So,he decided to start a book to record the world’d truly greatest people and things in it!

The newest book came out last Tuesday. This book has a lot of interesting records. Here are two:

①A British dog,Whitney,is the world’s smallest dog.It’s only 76mm tall.

② An American woman Lee Redmond has the longest finger nails(指甲).They grew as long as 600mm! She made the record in 1971.

41.We can see everything in the Guinness Book ofRecords except .

A.the heaviest fruits and vegetables B.the smallestpeople and animals

C.the strangest people and things D.very ordinarypeople and things

42.The Guinness Book of Records has been one of the best sellingbooks for .

A.50 years B.76 years C.600 years D.1000 years

43.Newport thought many people tried to break Gunnessrecords because . A. their names be kept in the world records.

B. their names could be seen by the whole world.

C. they could meet more people all over the world.

D. They could be known as the greatest by the world.

44.Which of the following is right according to thepassage?

A. Newport started the Guinness Book of Records inBritain.

B. More than four thousand records are broken eachmonth.

C. The Guinness Book of Records started in the year1954.

D. The newest book of Guinness comes out everyTuesday.

45.The writer of this passage wants to 。

A. tell us the strangest records in the world

B. show us the beginning of the Guinness Book ofRecords

C. give us an introduction to the Guinness Book ofRecords

D. let us know the most interesting things in theworld

第II卷 非选择题


46.I should do my homework tonight i of watching TV.

47.He decided to go there,no one could s him.

48. Smoking is bad for our health,so we should makesome posters a smoking. 49.He doesn’t have much m ,he is very poor.

50.The giant tortoise lives longest of all animals,ihumans.


51.In 1809,Santa had eight (reindeer).

52.Most animals run on four (foot).

53.--What’s your ? --1.88m.(high)

54.Her grandfather told her not (water)the flowers ifit (rain).

55.Our class could play soccer for a week without (stop).



Since 1946,one of the most important inventions hasbeen the computer. It has been changing all our lives.

The first computer 56 (build) in 1946. It 57 (be) aslarge as a room and very difficult and slow 58 (use). But since the inventionof silicon chip(硅片),computers 59 (become) smaller,easier and faster to operate. Somecomputers are as small as TV sets. Some can even be made smaller than a book.And computers 60 (get) smaller and smaller all the time. Who knows thecomputers of tomorrow 61 (be) like?

There 62 (be) several resons(原因)why the computer isuseful to us. First,a lot of information can 63 (put) into computers. Second,thecomputer 64 (work) very quickly-thousands of times faster than a man and itwill not be tired. Third,modern computers can be built into other kinds ofmachines like radio,cars and planes. So today people can spend less time 75(do) more work with a computer.


在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面的提示写一篇发言稿。字数要求在80词左右。

提示:1.What does your school look like?

2.What fun do you have at school?

3.Why do you like your school?

My school is very big with several tall buildings.There are 2000 students in my school. We have a big playground with lots oftrees around it. There are a lot of flowers everywhere. We have lots of fun atschool. After class we play games and do lots of sports, like playingbasketball, football and table tennis. Sometimes we have class meetings. Theyare very interesting. I love my school because it's like a big family. Theteachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents. I feel proud of myschool because it is one of the best schools in my heart.


一、1-5BAACD 6-10BDCBC 11-15BBBDC 16-20BDDCD

二、21-25BADCD 26-30DCBCC

三、31-35DACDB 36-40ADBAD 41-45DADBC

四、45.instead 47.stop 48.against 49.money 50.including

五、51.reindeer52.feet 53.height 54.to water 55.stopping 六、56.was built 57.was 58.to use59.have become 60.are getting 61.will be 62.are 63.be put 64.works 65.doing




