
Hi, I'm teacher Dennis and I'm here today to continue the IELTS speaking series. Today's topic is books.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于雅思口语常用语法?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Hi, I'm teacher Dennis and I'm here today to continue the IELTS speaking series. Today's topic is books.


And today we'll cover vocabulary that will help you answer the IELTS speaking questions, such as do you like to read, what kinds of books do you like to read, and tell me about a book that you recently read, and what you liked about it. Let's get started.


Okay, the first words we're going to talk about are about your reading habits. The first word we have is big reader.


Now this is a word that describes a person and the reading habits. So a big reader is someone who reads a lot.


Me, personally, I'm a big reader. So you might get a question on the IELTS like tell me about your reading habits, or do you often read.


And you could answer, yeah, I'm a big reader. I read in all my free time.


Or I read every night. Avid reader is the same idea.


It means the same thing as big reader. An avid reader is a big reader.


It's just a different word for it. Now avid means something. . . it means that you really like to do something and you do it a lot.


So you could be an avid reader. You could be an avid basketball player.


You could be an avid cook. You could be an avid model maker.


You could be an avid almost any sort of like hobby. So these words, both of these are, you could use them interchangeably.


You could say, if somebody asks you do you like to read, do you often read, you can say I'm a. . . I'm a big reader. You could say I'm an avid reader.


And both of those would be okay. But remember for the IELTS you don't want to just have one sentence.


You want to say two or three sentences. So if somebody asks you, do you often read, you can say, I read a lot.


I'm an avid reader. I usually have a book in my bag with me or in the car seat next to me, because I really like to read.


So our next word is bookworm. And this is an idiom and it's something that you use to describe a person.


And this we just talked about big reader and avid reader. A bookworm likes to read even more than that.


A bookworm always has his or her nose in a book. They've always got their nose in the book any sort of free time.


So if somebody on the IELTS, if you were asked, tell me about your reading habits, you could say I always have my nose in a book. I'm a bookworm.


I really like to read, because it makes me feel happy and excited and enjoyable. The next word we've got is bedtime reading.


And bedtime reading is not really to describe you as a reader or another person as a reader. It's used to describe the kind of thing you like to read at bedtime.


So the kind of reading you do at bedtime or when you're in bed, going to sleep. So you might say, if somebody says. . . if you asked on the IELTS exam, do you read in bed, you could say something like, yeah, I do read in bed.


I like to read. I usually like to read science fiction as my bedtime reading.


But sometimes it's a little bit too exciting, so I have to read something a little bit lighter or more whimsical. Okay, moving on, now we're gonna talk about words we use to describe books that we've read or that we are reading.


And something to notice is that a lot of these words are about feelings, because that's what a book does, that's what a good book does it lists at least. It makes you feel something.


So you'll see a lot of these words are about how you feel. The first is heavy going.


And you can also just say heavy. Now, heavy going, it means that it's difficult to get through the book.

你可以说 heavy。沉重的,它指的是这本书很难读。

Now that could be because it uses a lot of high vocabulary and complex sentences, or it could be that the emotional content of the book is difficult to read. It's very sad or it's very scary.


So maybe if you're studying a psychology textbook that could be heavy going. Or if you're reading a novel about a war somewhere, that could be very heavy because it's very difficult to keep reading through.


Typically, you might say something like, I really enjoy to read books that are heavy going. Or you can say, I don't really like to enjoy.


I don't really enjoy reading books that are heavy going. The next word is a real page-turner.


And that's a really common word to use in the Western world to described a very good book. And that means literally what it says, a real page-turner.


Page-turner, to turn a page. So a real page-turner is a book that you just keep you want to keep turning the pages.


It makes you want to keep turning pages and the reason it does that is because you really want to find out what's gonna happen next. So you might say something like, oh, this book that I'm reading Right now, it's a real page-turner.


I can't put it down. I stayed up until 3 a. m. last night reading it, because I couldn't stop.


That would be a good example of how to use that that word in a sentence. The next word is spine-tingling.


So we have the word spine here and that's this part of your body. And we have tingling and that's, um, that's like an electric feeling.


So spine-tingling is a book that makes you feel kind of excited. Now it could be excited, happy excited, or it could be kind of scared, like a little bit scared.


So it makes you feel a little bit excited. So perhaps you might use it in a sentence like this: I like to read at night.


I like to read horror books at night. And it's dark and it really gives me a very spine-tingling feeling when I'm reading these books.


The next word is poignant. Poignant.


And poignant means something that evokes a heavy emotional feeling. It makes you feel something real deep, usually sadness.


So poignant is a word that you can use to describe a heavy book that has a lot of emotional content in it. So you might say, there was a. . . you were reading a book.


So for example, you might say, I was finishing this book about a war. And there was a very poignant moment at the end of the book when the characters had to say goodbye forever, for example.


And the next is a tearjerker. Now this is. . . that's something that's really cool about English is a lot of times, if you look at the word, it gives you a very strong image of what the word means.


And this is a great example of that. So a tear is, you know, when you cry, a tear.


And then a jerker, so jerk means to pull, right? So a tear jerker is a book that pulls your tears out.


It's kind of a strange image. But it's so. . . it's a book that really makes you feel sad.


Well, I guess it could be happy. It could be a tear jerker if it's like a happy sad.


Does that make sense? So a lot of, a lot of romantic books or romance books, they could be real tearjerkers.


And also maybe a kind of genre called a coming-of-age story could be a tearjerker. Coming-of-age.


Now coming-of-age story is a story about a person who is sort of becoming a man, a boy becoming a man, or a girl becoming a woman. It's about growing up and maturing and oftentimes those books are tearjerkers.


Moving on, we got two more and these mean more or less the same thing. First is gripping and the second is riveting.


Gripping and riveting. And they both mean kind of the same thing.


And it's. . . what I was just talking about. . . you can see what it means. So grip means to like hold something hard with your hand.


So gripping is a book that grabs you and won't let you go. It's very good.


You don't want to stop. You reading it.


It's a real page-turner. And rivet is the same idea.


And a rivet is a. . . it's in do with machine. It's how do you attach two pieces of metal with a big machine.


You rivet it together. Right, so a riveting book, you're riveted to the book.


You can't look away from it. You just. . . you want it. . . you want to keep reading it.


So a lot of times, books are real page turners, because they're so gripping and riveting. So you might use that in a sentence by saying, yeah, the book that I read, that I finished last. . . last week, the story was so gripping.


I didn't want to put the book down. I kept reading and reading and reading.


It was riveting. That could be a good way to use those two words.


Okay, so the next one is unraveling of the plot. Now, unravel means to take apart like a knotted thread.


For example like if you had a ball of thread, and you would unravel, you would make it straight. Or if there's a sweater and you pull a string, it becomes. . . it starts to unravel.


It starts to come apart. So unraveling the of the plot, that means when you. . . when you as the reader start to figure out what's going on in the plot.


Now obviously, this kind of thing, this kind of vocabulary is something that you're going to use for mysteries or books that you're not exactly sure what's happening. It could be like maybe a sci-fi, one starts in a in a place and an environment where you're not familiar with.


So unraveling the part means when you as the reader start to figure out what's happening. So unraveling of the plot.


On the IELTS speaking, if you're asked what kind of books you like, you could say something like this: I really like books that are a real page-turner that are poignant and are gripping. But my favorite kind of books are books where there is an unraveling of the plot, where as a reader, I have to figure out what's going on.


I really love that. Okay, moving on to the next word.


Next we've got enchanting, enchanting. Now enchanting, if you see the word right there, enchant, that means to cast a spell on somebody.


And this word enchanting is something we use to describe books that are magical, being magical realism or fantasy, these kinds of books. And that mean, so that yeah, magical fantasy and fun.


Enchanting book. So you can also use that to describe a character in the book.


Maybe. . . maybe the lead character is very enchanting and he can use his, his charm to convince other people in the story to do things that maybe they don't want to do. The next word is informative.


Informative and you can see it's the same root as information. And informative means to tell somebody about something or to teach somebody about something.


To teach about something. I'm just going to write st there for something.

教某事。我在这里写 st 代表某事。

So informative book is a book that teaches you about something. Now if you're asked what kind of books do you like to read on the IELTS exam, you might say something like, well, I like to read sci-fi and and adventure books and books that might be spine-tingling.


But I really like a fiction book that's also informative, because it's like. . . it's like a special bonus. You get to read a book, that's a nice story, but you also get to learn something.


The next word is thought-provoking, thought-provoking. And provoking, the root is provoke.

下一个词是发人深省的,发人深省的。而 provoking 的词根是 provoke。

And that means to come out. So a thought-provoking book is a book that makes you think.


It makes you think. It makes you think.


Now a thought-provoking book, you can use it to describe fiction books and non-fiction books. It can be used for both.


Most often times when it's in fiction books, you might say something like, oh, I really liked the story in that book, because it was so thought-provoking. I was thinking about it for days and days afterwards.


The next word is adventurous, adventurous. And that's pretty straightforward.


That's, um, usually to describe a story that moves pretty quickly and and very big action happens. There's a lot of action.


Usually the characters in this kind of book are going on a journey somewhere. So well, I'm going to write here action and a journey.


And that's an adventurous book. And the last word that we have is whimsical, whimsical.


And whimsical is a playful and fun book. Right, it's very. . . whimsical book is very different than a heavy book.


They're, they're opposite. So if you're asked on the IELTS speaking exam to tell me about a book that you've read and what you liked about it, you could say something like this: I really read a. . . I've read a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.


And it was a really good book because it was so thought-provoking. I've thought about it for days and days after I finished it.


It was also a little whimsical, because the things that happen in the book weren't very heavy. And it was still, but it was still informative in that it taught me a lot about how to live life in a good way.


That might be a good answer for that question. Okay, moving on from vocabulary.


Now we're gonna talk about some sentence patterns that you can use to describe books. The first we have, I see myself a bit in the character of. . .


Let's break that down a little bit. A bit means a little.


And the character are the people, sometimes animals, depending what you're reading. But it's usually a living thing, usually a person in the book.


So to see yourself in a character means that you can relate to that character. It means you can relate to this character.


So you might say something like, I can see myself in a bit in the character of Edward, the scientist, because he's always trying to find the answers to the problems that he sees, that he finds in the book. And in my life, I'm like that a lot too.


I'm always trying to find answers to the problems that I have in my life. That could be a way that you can use that sentence pattern.


The next one is the story grabbed me from the get-go. Now if you remember, we talked a bit ago about the word gripping.


This is the same idea. The story grabbed me.


It was so interesting. It hooked me so much that I couldn't stop reading it.


Now from the get-go, that just that means from the beginning. That's another way to say from the beginning, from the beginning.


So get go here means from the beginning. The story grabbed me from the beginning.

所以这里的 get-go 意思是从一开始。这个故事从一开始就吸引住了我。

I was interested right away. The action started on page one and then I couldn't stop reading.


It was a page-turner. Now here you could, you could say the story, that's perfectly fine, works great.


You could also say the plot. Now the plot in a story, it goes with the movies and books as well.


But the plot is the sequence of events in the story. It's how the character goes from the beginning to the end of the story.


That's. . . that's the plot. Okay, so the. . . the next sentence pattern is, the story has characters.


Now you. . . this. . . the stories have characters that do what. The character. . . story has characters that all have magical powers, all have superpowers.


Or maybe you might say, the. . . the story has characters that remind me of my family. Right, you could say a lot of different things.


The story has characters that, and then here you can put a verb, almost any verb. This. . . the story has characters that can fly.


The story has characters that spend all night reading. The story has characters that fall in love and get married and have a baby.


So if you're asked on the IELTS exam, tell me about a book that you read and what you liked about it, you might say something like this, I finished this book called manifesting the monkey. And it was a really interesting story, because it had characters that went on a great adventure to find the secret of life, the meaning of life.

如果在雅思考试中有人问你,请跟我说说你读过的一本书,以及你喜欢它什么地方,你可以这样说,我刚刚看完这本叫做 manifesting the monkey 的书。这是一个非常有趣的故事,因为它里面的角色进行了一次大冒险来寻找人生的秘密,人生的意义。

And along the way, they got into a lot of trouble and they had some big problems that they had to solve. And that was a very interesting book.


It was gripping. Next sentence pattern is the story is based on. . .


Now again you could probably, you can switch plot to here. You could say the plot is based on. . .


That would be okay, too. The story is based on. . .


Now based on, that. . . what that means is where does the origin of this story come from, where does the idea of this story come from. So the story is based on what's, what we often say is on a real story.


Or we might say on real-life events. Right, the story, the story is based on real-life events.


And that means that something happened in the world, and then an author came and took that of those events and made them into a story that we can now read as a book. You might also say the story is based on. . . on a movie.


Or what we often have is the movie based on a book. It's. . . the book usually comes first.


So we usually have a movie that is based on a book. Okay, next one is, next sentence pattern is, it's set in. . .


It's set in. . . Now this, so here we're talking about characters, right?


What kind of characters are in the book? Next, we've got plot.


And now we got setting. And these are three key elements that every book has, every fiction book has: a plot characters and setting.


So here it's set in, and then you can describe where it's set in. It's set in ancient Rome, for example.


Right, ancient Rome. And ancient means, as you know, a long long time ago.


So ancient Rome, it's set in ancient Rome means, oh, what now we know that the story takes place in ancient Rome. And this is very useful to answer the question of "tell me about a book that you recently read".


You can say I finished this book called the Colosseum. And it's. . . it's set in ancient Rome and the characters are gladiators and they have to fight every day to stay alive.


And some of the action was spine-tingling. It was a riveting book.


So it's set in and then you have kind of like a place or a time, or a time. You can say it's set in the the 1950s, for example.

所以先说它以......为背景,然后加上某个地点或时间,或者时间。比如你可以说它设定在 1950 年代。

Or you can say it's set in the future. It's set in the past.


It's set in the 1950s, 1970s. You can put a lot of different kinds of things in here.


You could say, it's set in the mountains of Nebraska or the flatlands of England. Or you can say a specific city.


It's set in London, England. It's set in Paris, France.


That's very useful for describing your book, because when you describe a book, you want. . . before you get into details, you want to get a top level explanation. So then that's a great time to use this sentence pattern.


Oh, I loved this book. It was set in Paris, France in the 1920s.

哦,我很喜欢这本书。它以 1920 年代的法国巴黎为背景。

And then right away, the listener knows where exactly you are. And that's a great way to help you be understood well.


Okay, so the next one is to cut a long story short, to cut a long story short. Now this is an idiom that we use often in conversation.


And it means that. . . it means exactly what it says. Like a lot of times when we tell a story about what happens to us in our lives, it could be quite a long story.


I mean we could just kind of go on and on and on. So we just kind of, we say this and that tells the listener that we're skipping a bunch of details.


But they're not essential to the plot. They're not essential to the plot.


And we're gonna kind of summarize the. . . the story very very quickly. So I live, you know, I traveled a lot around a lot, and so I could. . . there's a long story about how I got to travel, but I could just say, to cut a long story short, I bought a one-way ticket and left.


Right, that's the way to use that in a sentence. Okay, last sentence pattern.


And this is, couldn't put it down, couldn't put it down. Now this is used to describe a real page-turner.


Right, this is used to describe a riveting book. These are all. . . so a real. . . a real page-turner, a riveting book, these are books that you couldn't put it down.


And any reader, any avid reader out there has had that experience where they know they need to go to bed, but they're just gonna read one more page and then one more page and then one more page, because they couldn't put it down. So this is another example, a great sentence pattern to use for that question about describing a book that you've read and what you liked about it.


You know, you might say, I was reading this book called the Colosseum. It's set in 19. . .1900s, Rome.

你知道,你可能会说,我在看这本叫做《竞技场》的书。它以 1900 年代的罗马为背景。

And the characters are very strong and powerful. But at the same time, they're very human.


They're very human. And I could see myself in the bit. . . in a bit. . . a bit in the character of Romeo, because he's very charming and handsome and he is very funny as well.


I just. . . the book was a real page-turner. I couldn't put it down.


That would be a good way to use that. All right, guys, that's about it for today.


Today's topic was books. We covered vocabulary and sentence patterns to help you describe the books that you've read and to describe your reading habits.


And so I challenge you right now to go to your bookshelf and to take a book and use some of this language that we've discussed today in your own life, to use it to describe a book that you have actually read. And then take one of these sentence patterns and and leave it in the comment below to describe the book that you've read.


If you, if you like this video, if you want to see more content like this, then go to bestmytest. com. We've got all kinds of videos to help you master the IELTS speaking.

如果你喜欢这个视频,如果你想看更多这样的内容,那么请访问 bestmytest。我们有各种帮助你掌握雅思口语的视频。

Thank you and see you guys next time.



