Nike's plus-size mannequins have sparked outrage over the treatment of plus-size women.
The sportswear company recently began featuring plus-size mannequins in its London flagship store. It was a move that was mostly greeted with applause, as people celebrated the choice as empowering and a step in the right direction.
英国《每日电讯报》记者Tanya Gold发文开怼:
However, Tanya Gold, a journalist at The Telegraph, had less positive thoughts on the plus-size mannequin.
"I fear that the war on obesity is lost, or has even, as is fashionable, ceased to exist, for fear of upsetting people into an early grave," Gold wrote in her piece, which was published on June 9th.
"She is immense, gargantuan, vast. She heaves with fat."
“She is, in every measure, obese, and she is not readying herself for a run in her shiny Nike gear. She cannot run. She is, more likely, pre-diabetic and on her way to a hip replacement. What terrible cynicism is this on the part of #Nike?”
Gold said that while traditional images of female beauty are unrealistically skewed, the mannequin encourages fat acceptance — a movement that she believes to be dangerous, as she says it encourages people to deny health risks related to obesity.
Gold's piece has seen extensive backlash online. Many pushed back on her allegation that plus-size women "cannot run" and are intrinsically unhealthy.
“干得好啊《每日电讯报》Tanya Gold的这篇标题党。我和这个大码模特身材差不多,我去年跑过10公里马拉松,跑过全马,半马。今年还要继续跑。如果你认为胖子不能跑步,那你可真是井底之蛙。”
美国演员、模特贾米拉·贾米尔(Jameela Jamil)就在ins上痛批:
英国超模Iskra Lawrence虽然完全不是传统审美中的“好身材”,但她ins帐号坐拥450万粉丝,近年来在时尚圈也可谓风生水起。
(Iskra Lawrence的instagram帐号截图)
Iskra一直热爱时尚行业,从小就有个模特梦,然而她也曾因梨形身材而遭到模特公司解约。不过,Iskra Lawrence并没有气馁,而是通过社交网络聚集人气,并因此获得时尚网站的关注,最终成为了时尚圈内独树一帜的“大码模特”。
成名之后, 她还发起过# EveryBODYisbeautiful!#”运动,鼓励大家崇尚不同的形体美。
(图源:Iskra Lawrence的ins帐号)
Iskra在文中批评《每日电讯报》文章作者堪称“body shaming”(身材歧视),已经不单单是不尊重大码人士,甚至是一种歧视和羞辱:
"This is fatphobia, shaming other people’s bodies and passing judgement on their health is not your business, and excluding diverse bodies is the opposite of progress."Iskra 在文中表示,自己也瘦过,不过后来胖了,现在是所谓的大码模特。但她觉得自己比过去更健康:
"I’ve been the nearer the size of a traditional mannequin (US4/6-UK8/10) and I’m currently nearer the size of the new plus size mannequin."
"News flash - I am more healthy NOW than I was when I was thinner - because being skinny does not equal being healthy."
"I’m nearly 200lbs of 'I will kick your a$$ in a sprint, boxing, jumping and lifting over half my body weight.'"
"Everyone has the right to look after their bodies regardless of the size they wear or where their current fitness level or health is."
"Someone’s health is their greatest gift and shaming and exclusion makes it so much harder for anyone to look after themselves or guess what, have flippin gym clothes to even go and move their bodies."
副标题则“预警”读者:别去读这篇《每日电讯报》的文章,而是读读诸如黑人女性作家罗克珊·盖伊Roxane Gay、演员贾米拉·贾米尔等无数其他人的评论……
在最近的《早安英国》节目中,主持人和嘉宾对耐克大码模特展开辩论,节目嘉宾、健身教练Mandy Platt反对耐克在店铺里使用大码模特。
Personal trainer Mandy Platt believes it is sending the wrong message for those who don't know about health and fitness.
“我只是觉得,当你走进一家耐克店,面对一个大码模特 ,甚至是过度肥胖,不健康的模特,这跟放一个骨瘦如柴的模特没什么区别。这两种都不是健康的形象。”
She said: “I think that when you walk into a Nike store and you are faced with a body image which is a large, in my opinion, overweight, the same way as if you had a skinny stick thin mannequin you’re looking at two images that aren’t healthy.
“For me being a body coach and personal trainer, health has got to come first.”
而节目的另一位嘉宾大码模特Hayley Hasselhoff则支持耐克,认为这让类似身材的女性感到自己没有被排除在外。
Plus-size model Hayley Hasselhoff was firmly in support of the mannequin and said that it made women feel 'their size was included'.
“It’s all about size inclusivity, you want to be able to walk into a store and feel your size is being represented, especially in fitness. ”
“We get so judged walking into a gym, Nike is basically saying we support your fitness journey we support your fitness goals.”
《镜报》资深编辑Piers Morgan也参与了这次讨论。
去年,他曾在节目中公开批评《Cosmopolitan》杂志让美国大码模特 Tess Holliday登上封面。
不过,让人十分惊讶的是,这回Piers Morgan却表示支持耐克用大码模特,他认为这能鼓励任何身材的人群去健身房运动减肥。
Piers Morgan 'surprised' himself as he admitted he was in support of Nike's plus-size mannequin which has divided opinion.
The Good Morning Britain host, 54, debated the appearance of the larger size mannequin alongside model Hayley Hasselhoff and personal trainer Mandy Platt.
He praised the sportswear giant for encouraging women of all sizes to go to go to the gym to 'get fit and lose weight'.
But the outspoken presenter still hit out at size 20 US model Tess Holliday for promoting obesity after she appeared on the front cover of Cosmopolitan last year.
“我主要想说的是,像 Tess Holliday那样的人群应该花更多时间减重并健身,实际上我认为耐克恰恰在鼓励大家这样做。”
“However, my main argument against the likes of Tess Holliday is that you should be spending more time trying to get your weight down and get fit and actually I think Nike are encouraging people to do this.”
Business Insider针对此事的一篇文章写到,虽然体重增加和肥胖的确导致一些健康风险,专家提醒大家:体重并不能作为评判健康的唯一标准。
While weight gain and obesity have been linked to certain health risks, experts caution against using weight as the sole way to evaluate health.
Further, encouraging weight-related stigma — such as by banning plus-size mannequins — has been found to make it more difficult for people to lose weight, according to a 2018 study of university students.
还邀请Paloma Elsesser以及Grace Victory、Danielle Vanier等大码模特为产品打call。
综合来源:《每日电讯报》,《独立报》,《赫芬顿邮报》,Business Insider网,推特,instagram等