











1. 像往常一样,迈克是步行上学的。

________, Mike went to school on foot.

【答案】As usual

【解析】像往常一样as usual。根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填As usual。

2. 历史上的第一个风筝是用木头做的。

The first kite_________ wood in history.

【答案】was made of

【解析】用……做的be made of。the first kite是单数第三人称,系词需用was;根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填was made of。

3. 在公共场合,插队是不礼貌的。

It’s impolite to ____________ before others in public.

【答案】push in

【解析】插队push in。It be adj. for (of) sb to do sth 某人做某事……,是固定句式;根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填push in。

4. 你最好不要熬夜,熬夜有害健康。

You ____________ stay up late. It’s harmful to your health.

【答案】 had better not

【解析】最好had better,后接原形动词,否定式在后面加not。根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填had better not。

5. 每年,成千上万的人聚焦在纽约时代广场庆祝新年的到来。

Every year in New York, ___________ People gather on Times Square to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

【答案】thousands of

【解析】成千上万的thousands of。根据句意结构和中英文提示,可知填thousands of。



1. 他性格外向,喜欢交朋友。

He is outgoing and likes .

【答案】making friends/to make friends 

【解析】like to do/doing sth.喜欢做某事;make friends交朋友。


We can to relax ourselves after school every day.

【答案】go for a walk/take a walk/walk 



When the big earthquake hit Japan,people helped a lot.

【答案】all over/around/throughout the world/from different parts of the world all over the world

【解析】全世界,是固定短语;from different parts of the world来自世界各地。两者均可在此处使用。


He heard the news to the cinema.

【答案】on his/the way 

【解析】on one’s/the way to...在(某人)去……的路上。


It to be one of the greatest American stories.


Every evening, my mother magazines at home.


the local people, it's a special and magical place.


The photos will be on the school website.


Shakespeare's plays also to us today.

【答案】1.is thought.2.looks through.3. According to.4.put up.5.have meaning.

1. 警察到时盗贼已逃之夭夭.

The thief when the policeman arrived.

2. 我们正想着把这些照片公布在学校的网站上.

We're thinking of some photos on the school website.

3. 体育锻炼可以保护身体免遭心脏病.

Physical exercise can______ you______ heart disease.

4. 据天气预报,明天有雨.

the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.

5. 这种鱼一次产卵数千个.

The fish lay eggs at one time.

【答案】1.ran away.2.putting up.3.protect against.4.According to.5.thousands of.


1. 如果人们遇上麻烦,我们应当帮助他们。

If people are ________________, we should help them.

2. 你不在家时,我会照顾孩子们。

While you are not at home, I’ll________ ________ the children.

3. 那家工厂五年前关闭了。

That factory ________ ________ five years ago.

4. 我可以参加这个讨论吗?

May I ________ ________ the discussion?

5. 每周末我都和妈妈出去吃饭?

I ________ ________ for a meal with my mother every weekend?

【答案】1. in trouble 2. look after 3. closed down 4. join in 5. go out


1. 明天请把作业交上来

Please _________ __________ your homework tomorrow.

2. 他说的话不合情理。

His words didn’t ________ _________.

3. 他旁边的那位女士是我的姑姑利兹。

The woman _________ _________ him is my aunt Liz.

4. 电视开着,但是玛丽没注意看。

The TV was on, but Mary wasn’t _______ _________ to it.

5. 我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。

I think we all need to help animals live ________ __________.

【答案】1. hand in 2. make sense 3. next to 4. paying attention 5. in peace


1. 我能看一看你的新手机吗?

May I have a _______________ _______________ your new mobile phone?

2. 托尼,告诉每个人我们不得不终止这次步行活动并回家。

Tony, tell everyone we have to _____________ ____________ the walk and go back home.

3. 我们通常有大约两千部手机,一千个照相机。

We usually have about two thousand ___________ ___________ and one thousand cameras.

4. 国庆节在十月。

______________ _____________ is in October.

5. 人们锻炼不如从前那样多了。

People don’t take as much exercise as they ________________ _______________.

【答案】1. look at; 2.call off; 3.mobile phones; 4.National Day; 5.used to



The Three Bears didn’t notice Goldilocks ________ ________.

2. 事实上我们每个人都需要友谊。

________ ________ we all need friendship.

3. 看!大明正在那边照相呢!

Look! Daming is ________ ________ over there.


________ ________the little boy on the bed and let him have a rest.

5. 玲玲总是把错误记在她的笔记本上。

Lingling always _______ ________ her mistakes in her notebooks.

【答案】1. at first 2, In fact 3. taking photos 4. Lift up 5. writes down


1. 我们昨天四点半回家的。

We at half past four yesterday.

2. 别为我担心,我会没事的。

Don’t me. I’ll be all right.

3. 努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。

Work hard, and your dream will .

4. 这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。

This kind of toy car is in the shop.

5. 这本书讲述了坏人如何为自己的行为付出代价。

The book tells us how bad people their actions.

【答案】1. went home  2. worry about  3. come true  4. on sale  5. pay for



I have to____ _____the bus at the next stop.


Cover him with a coat and _____ ______he is warn


We are _____ ______the days to the end of this tour


He successfully solved the problem_______ _______


In those days, books were produced______ ______.

【答案】1. get off 2. make sure 3. counting down 4. at last 5. by hand

1. 你的父母已经回来了吗?

your parents back ?

2. 我的老板已经去上海出差了。

My boss Shanghai on business.

3. 中国有世界上最多的人口。

China has the in the world.

4. 近几年来我的母校发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes have in my old school in recent years.

5. 随着中国的发展,我们的生活会变得越来越好。

the of China, our life will become better and better.

6. 一旦找到合适的房子,他就把它买下。

he a proper house, he will buy it.

7. 李雷昨天去看电影了。我也去了。

Li Lei went to a cinema yesterday. .

8. 我从没去过西藏。彼得也没去过。

I have been to Tibet. Peter.

9. 幸亏有我的英语老师,我的英语口语已提高很多。

my English teacher, my spoken English has improved a lot.

10. 我们的父母总是尽力为我们提供我们所需要的一切。

Our parents always try to us everything we need.

【答案】1. Have; come; yet 2. has gone to 3. largest population

4. taken place 5. With; development 6. Once; finds

7. So did I 8. never; Neither / Nor has 9. Thanks to

10. provide; with

1. 在阳光下看书对我们的眼睛有害。

Reading in the sun our eyes.

2. 我们应该做我们能做的一切来减少污染。

We should to reduce pollution.

3. 我妈妈总是阻止我看电视。

My mother always me TV.

4. 图书馆里有好多人,但是没有人认识我。

There are lots of people in the library, but them knows me.

5. 在英语演讲中我表现得和小明一样糟糕。

I did Xiaoming in the English speech.

6. 我无法忍受他的错误。

I his mistake.

7. 并非所有人都知道保护环境的重要性。

people know the of protecting environment.

8. 作为学生,我们应该按时完成作业。

As students, we finish our homework on time.

【答案】1. is harmful to / does harm to / is bad for 2. do everything we can

3. prevents / stops / keeps; from watching 4. none of 5. no better than / as badly as

6. can’t stand 7. No all; importance 8. are supposed to


1. 电脑在全世界被广泛地使用。

Computers widely throughout the world.

2. 我迫不及待地想见到你。

I see you.

3. 下星期六我和我的同学们将去郊区野餐。

I to the suburb for a picnic with my classmates next Saturday.

4. 我的姐姐给了我一些关于怎样提高英语的建议。

My sister gave me some advice about English.

5. 我不敢告诉我的老师真相。

I tell my teacher the truth.

6. 只要你每天练习弹钢琴,你就会取得进步。

You’ll make progress you practice playing the piano every day.

7. 与你共进晚餐是我的荣幸。

to have dinner with you.

8. 她在学物理方面有很大的困难。

She learning physics.

9. 这个男孩太小了,不能使他自己被理解。

The boy is too young to .

【答案】1. are; used 2. can’t wait to 3. am going

4. how to improve 5. dare not 6. as long as

7. It’s my/ a honor 8. has great difficulty/ trouble 9. make himself understood


1. 我建议你别吃太多冰淇淋。

I you eat too much ice-cream.

2. 他的话使我意识到学习电脑的重要性。

His words me the importance of learning computer.

3. 纸是由木头做的。

Paper wood.

4. 由于你的错误,你必须被惩罚。

You because of your mistake.

5. 昨天我被邀请参加凯特的生日聚会。

I to Kate’s birthday party yesterday.

6. 毫无疑问,电脑将使我们的生活更便捷。

that computers will make our life easier.

7. 我希望你的梦想将会实现。

I hope your dream will .

I hope you will your dream.

【答案】1. advise; not to 2. make; realize 3. is made from

4. must be punished 5. was invited 6. There is no doubt

7. come true; achieve


1. 这位老人已经找到了多年前丢失的女儿。

The old man has found his daughter many years ago.

2. 我住在黄河边上,它是中国的第二长河。

I live near the Yellow River is the second river in China.

3. 他想要住在这所窗户朝南的房子里。

He wants to live in the house faces south.

4. 她就是我们老师正在找的那个女孩。

She is the girl our teacher is looking for.

5. 她和我都没有去过杭州。

she I have been to Hangzhou.

6. 他在二十多岁时出国了。

He went abroad .

7. 她沉醉在美妙的音乐当中。

She the sweet music.

8. 故宫很值得参观。

The Forbidden City .

9. 王老师被认为是最优秀的老师。

Mr. Wang the most excellent teacher.

【答案】1. who was lost 2. that / which; longest 3. whose window

4. who / whom 5. Neither; nor 6. in his twenties

7. lost herself in 8. is well worth visiting 9. is considered as


1. 我宁愿出去散步也不待在家里。

I go out for a walk stay at home.

2. 你是个幸运儿。

You are a .

3. 电脑对我们有很大的影响。

Computers have on our life.

4. 如果不放弃,你是有可能赢得。

Possible you win if you don’t give up.

5. 我已下决心要努力学好英语。

I have to work hard at English.

6. 有志者事竟成。

Where there is a , there is a .

7. 我的老师们不仅教给我们如何学习而且教我们如何做人

My teachers have taught us not only but also

a man.

8. 小菜一碟。

It’s a .

9. 旅途平安!


【答案】1. would rather; than 2. lucky dog 3. a huge influence on

4. It’s; for; to 5. made up my mind 6. will; way

7. how to study; how to be 8. piece of cake 9. Have a safe


