
身处绿色的开放空间可以帮助人们放松、减压在与自然接触的过程中,人们发现了一种可以帮助治疗心理疾病的特殊疗法——自然生态疗法本期 讨论如何使用生态疗法来帮助改善心理健康,今天小编就来聊一聊关于心理学必看英语讲座?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



身处绿色的开放空间可以帮助人们放松、减压。在与自然接触的过程中,人们发现了一种可以帮助治疗心理疾病的特殊疗法——自然生态疗法。本期 讨论如何使用生态疗法来帮助改善心理健康。

Vocabulary: health 词汇:健康

The great outdoors: it’s the place to head for when you’re in need of peace and quiet, open spaces, beautiful scenery and exercise. Whether a huge mountain range or a local country park, these natural areas are a perfect tonic for our stressed-out lives, and their therapeutic effect is being used more and more to treat mental health.


As an example, in the foothills of the Snowdonia National Park in the UK, specialist therapy sessions are held to help people who suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. Outdoor art-related activities are held for patients, but the setting alone has been credited with improving the mood of patients. Art psychotherapist Pamela Stanley told the BBC that there was a "growing body of evidence" to support eco-therapy.


It’s true that for most of us connecting with the natural world definitely lifts our spirits. But the mental health charity Mind says eco-therapy has been recognised as a formal type of treatment that can sometimes be prescribed to someone by a doctor. It doesn’t involve taking medication, but instead it just develops a person’s relationship with nature. This natural remedy can take on many forms, but can include doing yoga in a forest, gardening or even hugging a tree.


Evidence has shown there are many benefits of this ‘green’ therapy, including improving social contact, social and work skills and coping abilities. It’s what Dr Rachel Bragg from the University of Essex calls ‘psychological restoration’. She told the BBC’s All in the Mind programme that nature-based therapies should be part of a "toolkit" of care for patients.

有证据表明,这种“绿色”疗法有很多好处,包括改善社会接触、社交和工作技能以及应对能力。埃塞克斯大学的雷切尔.布拉格博士称之为“心理恢复”。她在BBC的“All in the Mind”节目中表示,基于自然的治疗应该是对病人护理的“工具箱”的一部分。

One reason why getting back to nature is, well, natural, is something called biophilia, a sort of understanding or empathy with the natural world. According to environmental psychologist Birgitta Gatersleben, “the idea that nature reminds us of life, and if we (are) exposed to the natural elements, then our sort of negative feelings get almost immediately replaced with positive emotions.”

回归自然的一个原因,嗯,是自然的,是一种被称为生物性的东西,是一种对自然世界的理解或共鸣。根据环境心理学家Birgitta Gatersleben 的说法,“自然提醒我们生命的概念,如果我们暴露在自然因素下,那么我们那种消极的感觉几乎会立即被积极的情绪所取代。”

Of course, eco-therapy won’t cure everything, but it is an option for therapists to use. And as we become more aware of the causes and effects of mental health, it’s good to know that help might lie outside our towns and cities, and that nature can give us a helping hand.



tonic 滋补剂;therapeutic 有益健康的;mental health 心理健康;therapy session 心理治疗疗程;depression 抑郁;anxiety 焦虑。stress 压力;patient 病人;mood 心情;psychotherapist 心理治疗医师;eco-therapy 生态疗法;lifts sb’s spirits 提高(某人)的兴致;treatment 治疗;prescribe 为……开药;medication 药物;remedy 疗法;social contact 社会联系,社交往来;cope 应对;psychological restoration 心理恢复;natural 正常的,自然的;biophilia 热爱生命或自然的本性;empathy 设身处地为他人着想;cure 治好;a helping hand 助人一臂之力;


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What can being outside be a good treatment for?

2. What medication do you need to take for eco-therapy?

3. True or false? Eco-therapy is something therapists have to use to help patients with mental health.

4. How might biophilia change our negative emotions into positive ones?

5. Give an example of ‘connecting with nature’, mentioned in the article.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I love gardening. It puts me a good mood and is very _______.

therapeutic therapy therapist therapying

2. The best _______ for a cold is probably drinking lots of hot honey and lemon and having plenty of rest.

empathy eco-therapy cure coping

3. Because of the _______ I’m taking, I am not allowed to operate any heavy machinery.

prescribed tonic medication anxiety

4. My dad has got a bad back so I said I’d give him _______ with the shopping.

a help hand a handing help a helping handle a helping hand

5. My parents grew up in Paris, so for me it seemed the _______ place to live.

natural prescribed coping stressed


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What can being outside be a good treatment for?The therapeutic effect of being outdoors is being used more and more to treat mental health.

2. What medication do you need to take for eco-therapy?Eco-therapy doesn’t involve taking medication, but instead it just develops a person’s relationship with nature.

3. True or false? Eco-therapy is something therapists have to use to help patients with mental health.False. Nature-based therapies should be part of a "toolkit" of care for patients, but won’t cure everything.

4. How might biophilia change our negative emotions into positive ones?Biophilia - a sort of understanding or empathy with the natural world – turns our negative emotions positive when we are exposed to the natural elements.

5. Give an example of ‘connecting with nature’, mentioned in the article.Doing yoga in a forest, gardening or even hugging a tree, are all examples of ‘connecting’ with nature.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I love gardening. It puts me a good mood and is very therapeutic.

2. The best cure for a cold is probably drinking lots of hot honey and lemon and having plenty of rest.

3. Because of the medication I’m taking, I am not allowed to operate any heavy machinery.

4. My dad has got a bad back, so I said I’d give him a helping hand with the shopping.

5. My parents grew up in Paris, so for me it seemed the natural place to live.

