

The largest cruise ship in the world – measuring more than four football pitches in length with a maximum capacity for 6,780 passengers – has docked in Southampton for final preparations before its maiden voyage.世界上最大的游轮比4个足球场还要长,最多可搭载6780名乘客,首航之前停泊在南安普敦做最后的准备。

It will make its maiden voyage on Sunday – a four-day taster cruise to Rotterdam, in the Netherlands – and later this month will relocate to its summer base in Barcelona for tours of the western Mediterranean.这艘游轮周日将进行首航——一次为期4天前往荷兰鹿特丹的试航。为了巡游西地中海,这个月底它将迁移到巴塞罗纳的夏季基地。

Royal Caribbean International’s ship has set new records for length (1,1188ft), gross tonnage (227,000), width (215.5ft).皇家加勒比国际游轮的这艘船在长度(1万1188英尺)、总吨位(22万7000)和宽度(215.5英尺)方面创造了新记录。

With a crew of 2,100 from 77 countries, the floating city boasts seven 'neighbourhoods', a 10-storey slide that is the tallest at sea, 23 swimming pools, 20 dining venues, 52 trees, surf simulators, robot bartenders, a casino and climbing walls.这座浮动的城市有来自77个国家的2100名船员。游轮以拥有7个“邻域”而自豪,分别是10层楼高的海上最高滑梯、23个游泳池、20个用餐场所、52棵树、冲浪模拟器、机器人酒保、一间赌场以及攀岩墙。


The 227,000-ton sea monster: The £800million cruise ship as it set sail from the Saint-Nazaire shipyard in France on Sunday.22万7000吨的海上怪物:这艘8亿英镑的游轮周日从法国圣纳泽尔船坞起航。


There are nearly 3,000 cabins (sorry, staterooms) — for which prices start at around £900 per person for a week’s cruise up to £2,760 for a luxury suite — some with bunk beds for families with children, and most have balconies.游轮上约有3000个客舱(抱歉,特等舱),1个人在游轮上住一周,起价约900英镑,豪华套房则需2760英镑。一些客舱为带孩子的家庭提供了双层床,而且大多数客舱都有阳台。


The auditorium: In the 1,300-seater main theatre, and the indoor ice rink should be a good place to cool off.会堂:大剧院有1300个席位,如果想凉快点,那么室内溜冰场会是个好地方。


The ship also has 16 restaurants, including Jamie’s Italian and swimming pools in all shapes and sizes.这艘游轮还有16家餐厅,包括Jamie’s Italian;此外,它还有各式各样的游泳池。


New York’s Central Park is on board, with more than 10,000 plants and 52 trees, flanked by shops ranging from Kate Spade and Bulgari to Cartier and Hublot.纽约中央公园被复制到游轮上,公园里有1万多种植物和52棵树,公园旁边有各种名品店,从凯特·丝蓓、宝格丽到卡地亚、宇舶。

Harmony of the Seas is essentially a floating city.海洋和谐号本质上就是一座浮动城市。




