


这是 达医晓护的第1481篇文章


俗话说,一场秋雨一场寒,十场秋雨穿上棉。伴随着大雪节气的到来,气温逐渐下降,我国大部分地区正式入冬。冬季也是一些呼吸道传染病的高发节季,比如流感,水痘,手足口病,诺如病毒, 猩红热等。最近的儿科门诊见了不少猩红热的案例,今天就和大家来聊一聊这个儿童期的常见疾病。



猩红热是一种细菌感染引起的导致红色皮疹的传染性疾病。猩红热的皮疹是一种典型的 “砂纸样”皮疹,由略凸起于皮面的密集的红色细小皮疹组成。猩红热最常见发生于5到15岁之间的学龄儿童,传染性很强。一般一年四季都有,但最常见于冬春季节。

What is scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is an bacteria infectious disease that causes a rash. The rash of scarlet fever is typically a fine, "sandpaper-like" rash that consists of small, red bumps. Scarlet fever most commonly occurs in school aged children between 5 and 15 years old. It occurs throughout the year, but common in winter and spring.



What causes scarlet fever?

Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus infection is a common infection that can cause scarlet fever, as well as Streptococcal (strep throat) or impetigo (school sores). Scarlet rash is a result of skin reaction to the erythrogenic toxin that are produced by these bacteria.



How is it passed on?

It is spread from direct contact with a person who is infected, usually through saliva and nasal discharge, such as droplets from cough and sneezes and shaking hands.



  • 发热

  • 咽痛

  • 头痛

  • 呕吐

  • 胃痛

  • 草莓舌:病程初期舌面有白苔,数天后白苔脱落,舌面鲜红,舌乳头突起,状似草莓, 称为草莓舌。

  • 疲乏不适感


What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?

It takes around two to four days to develop symptoms after being infected. A person with scarlet fever has a red rash and usually has strep throat, too. It often starts with a sore throat. The following are the most common initial (before the rash develops) symptoms of scarlet fever. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • Fever

  • Sore throat

  • Headache

  • Vomiting

  • Stomachache

  • Strawberry tongue: white coating on the tongue initially which peels a few days later leaving the tongue looking bright red and swollen with small bumps, like a strawberry.

  • feeling tired and unwell

The rash begins approximately one to two days after the initial symptoms or fever. Scarlet fever rash is a fine pinkish-red rash on the body that feels slightly rough to touch. The rash is itchy and will blanche (turn white) if press on it. This sandpaper-like rash typically is noted on the neck, forehead, and chest and then may spread to the arms and back. The rash doesn’t usually cover the face but the child may have flushed cheeks, while the area around their mouth stays pale. The rash usually begins to fade after two to seven days. The outer layers of the skin may peel (usually on the hands and feet) after one week. This may last for up to two to six weeks after the original rash has faded.




How is scarlet fever diagnosed?

Your child's doctor will make the diagnosis based on a complete medical history and physical exam. The rash of scarlet fever is unique and may be easily recognized by your child's doctor. In addition, your child's doctor may order a throat swab and perform a rapid strep test to confirm the diagnosis of strep throat as the source of the scarlet fever. This may immediately test positive for Group A Streptococcus. However, if it is negative, part of the throat swab may be sent for a throat culture to further identify if there is any Group A Streptococcus present.

Scarlet fever is a notifiable disease. This means your doctor must report each case to the local Centers for Disease Control, so the spread of the disease can be monitored.




重要的是,一定要完成医生给开的抗生素疗程以彻底有效地清除感染。未治疗或未彻底治疗的猩红热可能会引起心脏,关节等严重的并发症, 比如风湿热。所以记住,



  • 保证充足的液体摄入

  • 温盐水漱口缓解咽痛

  • 对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬类药物帮助退烧或缓解咽痛



What is the treatment for scarlet fever?


Treatment for scarlet fever is the same as for strep throat. Your child's doctor will often prescribe an appropriate antibiotic which should improve the infection within a couple of days. Generally, penicillin is the first choice. A cephalosporin or macrolide antibiotic may be used if your child is allergic to penicillin. It is important to complete the entire courses of antibiotics you are prescribed to make sure the infection cleared effectively and thoroughly. Untreated scarlet fever can lead to several serious conditions involving the heart, kidneys, and joints. When the heart is involved, it is called rheumatic fever, so it is very important to finish the full course of antibiotics.

Other treatment options may include:

l Increased fluid intake

l Warm saline mouth gargles to relieve the sore throat

l Acetaminophen or ibuprofen to bring down fever or relieve throat pain.

Separate and contact precautions

According to Shanghai CDC regulation, it is important to not send your child back to school or day care for 10 days from the condition occurred. Also, be sure to notify others who may have been expose.



What’s the outlook?

Complications are rare. Most children recover fully with no lasting effects. Occasionally, scarlet fever can lead to an ear infection, pneumonia, or rheumatic fever which can affect the heart, and kidney disease. Treatment with antibiotics can prevent most of these health problems. One episode of scarlet fever will usually mean the child will be immune from the disease in the future. However, it is occasionally possible for scarlet fever to recur due to different forms of bacteria causing the infection.



Preventing the disease from spreading

There is no such vaccine to prevent scarlet fever. It is especially important for anyone with a sore throat to wash his or her hands often. If the child has scarlet fever, parents should keep them off school and away from other people for 10 days. Keep away from the coughing and sneezing droplets. Wash hands often with warm soapy water. Separate and wash glasses, eating utensils and drinking cups.





