


某件事情的发生可以用by mistake / by accident / by chance:

We hadn’t arranged to meet. We met by chance.

但我们说‘do something on purpose’ (= you mean to do it):

I didn’t do it on purpose. It was an accident.

注意我们说 by chance, by accident etc. (not by the chance / by an accident).

上面的表达中为by 名词,不要带冠词 the 或 a.

我们可以用by 名词表达交通方式:

by car by train by plane by boat by ship by bus by bike 等.

Jess usually goes to work by bus / by bike / by car.

若我们说my car/ the train/a taxi等,我们不用by:

而是用 in my car (not by my car)

不是by train 而是 on the train (not by the train)

They didn’t come in their car. They came in a taxi.

We travelled on the 6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.

此外步行用on foot(not usually by foot):

Did you come here by car or on foot?


send something by post ,pay by card / by cheque do something by hand

Can I pay by credit card?

但我们会说pay cash 或 pay in cash (not usually by cash).


Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

The programme was watched by millions of people.

比较 by 与 with:

The door must have been opened with a key. (not by a key)

(= somebody used a key to open it)

The door must have been opened by somebody with a key.

我们说: a play by Shakespeare, a painting by Rembrandt, a novel by Tolstoy etc.

Have you read any poems by Shakespeare?

‘Who is this painting by? Picasso?’ ‘I have no idea.’

By 也有 ‘next to / beside’的含义:

The light switch is by the door.

Come and sit by me. (= next to me)


Clare’s salary has increased by ten per cent.

(= it’s now ten per cent more than before)

Carl won the race by five metres.

(= he was five metres in front of the other runners)


