牛津译林7a unit1教案(牛津译林版7上Unit4Myday-1教案)

徐州市新城实验学校教师备课设计页,今天小编就来聊一聊关于牛津译林7a unit1教案?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!

牛津译林7a unit1教案(牛津译林版7上Unit4Myday-1教案)

牛津译林7a unit1教案


课 题

七年级上册 Unit 4 My day Comic strip and welcome to the unit

课 型


教 具

Tape-recorder multimedia






working in groups

主 备 人

Zhang Xizhi





1. master the new words and expressions and learn to use them.

2. Introduce the daily study、life and activity.

3.to have a brief description of yourself or others day.


1. Introduce the daily study、life and activity.

2..to have a brief description of yourself or others day.

教 学 活 动 内 容

活 动 组 织 过 程

改 笔

Step 1. Revision.

1.Review the names of subjects.

2.Talk about their favourite subject in pairs.

A:What subjects do you have today?

B: I have…..

A: What’s your favourite subject?

B: I like … best.

3. Answer some questions .

1).Is your home far away from your school?

2).How do you go to school every day?

3).What time do you often get to school every day?

Then the teacher say “What time does your school day begin?” It begins at 8 o’clock. So you need to Wake up very early .

T: write “wake up and start”

4.show some pictures to the Ss. Then show the Ss how to express three meals a day.

For example: I often have breakfast at 6:50 every day.

I usually have lunch at twelve every day.

Millie has dinner at 6:30.

5.Get the Ss to talk about what time do they have breakfast/lunch and dinner.

Step 2.Practice

1. T: Do you know about Hobo well? Hobo wants to know something about you.He would like to ask the questions below.Please answer them.

1).What time do you wake up?

2) Do you often go out to play games/have dinner /have fun?

3).Do you often have breakfast?

4).Where do you have lunch?

5).Do you always have a rest after lunch?

According to the students’ answers, present “seldom”and “never”at the right time.

Step 3 Presentation

T: Do you remember our friend Eddie ? What does he do every day? Can you guess ?


Now let’s listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and check if you are right.

(Teach hill )

T: What does Hobo think of dogs like Eddie ?

Step 4 Practise

Practise the conversation and act it out.

Step 5 Extention

Here’s Hobo’s diary. Please help him complete it.

It is sunny today. I would like to go________. I like sports and I always go walking in the ____________. But my friend Eddie is lazy. He ___________does sports. He _________up very late.And then he wants to have __________. After it, he sleeps again. When he finishes his lunch, he says he ________a good _______ once more.

Oh, my God ! His life is eating and sleeping. I think some dogs ________don’t know how to have____________.

Step 6 Presentation

T: Do you want to be lazy like Eddie? What time do you wake up every morning ? What time do you have breakfast / lunch / dinner /every day ? Why do you get up so early ?

(Teach quarter, past, get up and be late for)

T: Eddie’s life is just eating and sleeping. What about you ?

Show students different time.

T: Look ! What time is it? What do you do at this time every day? What do you do after breakfast?


Encourage the students to give answers and present the new language points at the same time.

(Teach have lessons/have classes. do after-school activities, do homework, go to bed …)

Step 7 Practise

Look at the table of Millie’s day. Please answer my questions.

(1) What time does Millie get up ?

(2) What does Millie do at 7a.m every day ?

(3) I would like to go to school with Millie. What time can I meet her at her gate ?

(4) What does she do at 8 a.m.?

(5) How many hours does Millie have lessons every day ?

(6) Doe she go home at 4p.m? What does she do ?

(7) What does he do after dinner ?

(8) What time does she go to bed ?

Step 8 Practise

Look at the times on the blackboard. Please tell me your activities at these times.

6:30 a.m 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 11:50 a.m

4:30 p.m 6:00 p.m 8:00p.m 9:00 p.m

Make sentences with “I _________________ at_____________.”

Step9. Presentation

Part B

T: Millie is busy every day. Now, she is telling her aunt about her school life. Let’s listen to their conversation and answer my question: Is Millie often late for school ?

S: No. She is never late for school.

T: Millie is a good student. She is never late for school. What about you? Are you often late for

school? Are you never late for school?

(never, seldom, usually)

Step 10 Practise

Read Part B and practice it .

T: Are your daily activities the same as Millie’s ? Now, you can complete the table on the right with your own information.


T: Now time for you. I’d like you to work in groups of four to discuss your own day. You can use Millie and her aunt’s conversation as a model.

Step 11. Homework

1.Memorize the new words and expressions in this period.

2. Learn “Comic strip and Part B”by heart after class.

3. Complete Testing and Evaluation on P.

4. Prepare for “Reading”.

Review the names of subjects.

alk about their favourite subject in pairs.

4. Answer some questions .

Look at the pictures.

talk about what time do they have breakfast/lunch and dinner.

Answer the questions.

listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo.

Practise the conversation and act it out.

Answer some questions.

Look at the table of Millie’s day. Please answer my questions.

Look at the times on the blackboard. Please tell me your activities at these times.

Read Part B and practice it .

Check out the preview.

Revison some names of subjects in unit 3.

Master the language points in the dialogue

between Eddie and Hobo.

Act the conversation between Eddie and Hobo.

Talk about the activity of their day.

Learn the following expressions:

have lessons/have classes. do after-school activities, do homework, go to bed …

Practice Part B in pairs.



1. The third day of the week is T_________.

2. After school we often play football t_________.

3. It’s time f 1 breakfast.

4. you must go to school. Don’t be l .

5. I think you must do your h .

6. I am going to do it after s .

7. I will do it after I wake u .

8. Every morning I do morning e ______at 7.00 at home.

9. We are going to have a class t_______.

10. They often play v________ after school.


七年级上册 Unit 4 My day Comic strip and welcome to the unit

Wake up

have lessons/have classes.

do after-school activities,

do homework,

go to bed …

教 后 反 思




