
[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第28话

28. My Cousin Chloe 我的堂姐克洛伊

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


My Cousin Chloe 我的堂姐克洛伊


Do you still play “Catch”? That's a game for Little children.

Narrator: Peppa and George are playing in the garden. 佩奇和乔治在花园里玩。

Peppa: To me, George! 丢给我吧乔治。

You threw the ball too hard, George! So the rules say, I win! 你的球扔的太用力了乔治,按照规则来说,我赢了。

Now it's my turn. 现在轮到我了。

I win again! 我又赢了。

Mummy Pig: Peppa, George. Today your big cousin, Chloe is coming to visit! 佩奇,乔治。今天堂姐克洛伊要来家里玩。

Peppa: Yippee! Cousin Chloe! 好棒,我喜欢克洛伊。

George, Chloe is a big girl, like me. 乔治,克洛伊跟我一样是个大姑娘了。

So, don't be sad if she finds you too little to play with. 所以如果她觉得你太小了,不和你玩的话你别伤心。

Daddy Pig: I'm sure Chloe will play with both of you. 我想克洛伊会和你们一起玩的。

Peppa: Chloe is here! 克洛伊来了。

Narrator: Aunty Pig has brought Chloe to spend the day at Peppa's house. 猪伯母带着克洛伊来佩奇家里玩了。

Chloe is Peppa and George's cousin. 克洛伊是佩奇和乔治的堂姐。

Chloe is a bit older than Peppa and George. 她比佩奇和乔治大一点儿。

Peppa: Hello, Chloe! 你好啊,克洛伊。

Chloe: Hello, Peppa! Hello, George! 你好啊佩奇,你好啊乔治!

Daddy Pig: See you later! 一会儿见。

Chloe: Do you want to play a game? 你想玩游戏吗?

Peppa: Yes! Let's play “Catch!” 是的,我们来玩“你跑我追”。

Narrator: Peppa loves playing “Catch”. 佩奇最喜欢这个游戏。

Chloe: Do you still play “Catch”? 你还玩“你跑我追”?

That's a game for Little children. 那可是小孩子的游戏。

Peppa: Oh. We only play “Catch” because George likes it. 哦。我们玩“你跑我追”是因为乔治喜欢这个游戏。

Chloe: Okay. Let's play it for George. 好的。那就陪乔治玩吧。

Do you play with the proper rules or the baby rules? 你们是按大人的规则玩,还是按小孩子的规则?

Peppa: Proper rules! 按大人的规则玩。

Chloe: I'll start. Peppa! 准备好了佩奇。

You're “it”. Catch me if you can! 你做追的人,有本事抓住我啊。

Narrator: Peppa is “it”. She has to chase Chloe and George. 佩奇是那个追人的人。她要去追克洛伊和乔治。[chase [tʃeɪs] v. 追赶,追逐,追捕]

Chloe: Can't catch me! 抓不住我吧。

Peppa: George! I'm going to easily catch you! You're so Little! 乔治,要抓住你太简单了,你这么小。


Peppa: That's not fair! You're helping George! 这不公平, 你在帮助乔治。

Chloe: That's because he's little. 那是因为他还小。

Do you want me to help you? 你想我帮你吗?

Peppa: No! I don't need help. 不, 我不需要帮助。

I'm a big girl like you. 我和你一样是大姑娘了。

Chloe: Come on, then, Peppa! 快来吧佩奇。

Try and catch us! 你来追我们呀。

Can't catch us! 抓不住我们。

Can't catch us! 抓不住我们。

Peppa: This is a silly game. 这个游戏不好玩。

Can we play something else? 我们能玩别的游戏吗?

Chloe: Okay, I know a really good game for big children. 好的,我知道个大孩子们玩的有趣游戏。

It's called “Sly Fox”! 叫做“狡猾的狐狸”。[sly [slaɪ] adj. 狡猾的,狡诈的]

Peppa: “Sly Fox”!! 狡猾的狐狸?

I want to play “Sly Fox”!! 我想要玩狡猾的狐狸。

What is it? 怎么玩呢?

Chloe: One person is the “Sly Fox” and the others creep upon them. 一个人来做狡猾的狐狸。其他的人悄悄地走向它。[creep [kriːp] v. 悄悄地缓慢行进; 蹑手蹑脚地移动; ]

Peppa: Me! Me! I want to be the "Sly Fox"! 我玩我玩,我要做狡猾的狐狸。

Narrator: Peppa is the "Sly Fox". 佩奇做狡猾的狐狸。

While her back is turned, the others creep up on her. 她转过去时,其他人慢慢的走向她。

But if Peppa turns and sees someone move, they have to go back to the start! 当佩奇转身时看见谁在动,那他就得回到原位重新开始。

Peppa: George, I saw you move! Back to the start! 乔治我看见你动了,你要回到原位。

Chloe: Got you! I win! 抓住你了,我赢了。

Peppa: You moved before I was ready! 我还没准备好你就动了。

Chloe: The rules say I can move when I like. 规则说我随时都可以动。

Don't they, George? 是不是乔治?

Narrator: Now it's Chloe's turn to be the "Sly Fox". 现在轮到克洛伊来做狡猾的狐狸了。

Peppa and George must stay very still. 佩奇和乔治必须保持不动。

Peppa: Whoaao! 哇哦

Chloe: Peppa! I saw you move! 佩奇,我看到你动了。

Back to the start! 回到原位。

Peppa: It's not fair! 太不公平了。

You looked too long! 你看得太久了。

Chloe: The rules say, I can look as long as I want. Back to the start. 规则说我想看多久就看多久,回到原位。

Narrator: George is the winner! 乔治赢了。

Peppa: Can we play a different game? 我们能玩别的游戏吗?

Chloe: Yes. But as long as it's a grown-up game. 可以,但必须得是大人玩的游戏。

Peppa: I know! Let's play my favorite game! 我知道。我们来玩我最喜欢的游戏。

It's very grown-up! 非常大人。

Chloe: George, do you know what Peppa's favorite game is? 乔治,佩奇最喜欢的游戏是什么?

Narrator: Peppa's favorite game is jumping up and down in muddy puddles! 佩奇最喜欢的游戏就是在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Peppa: George, if you jump in puddles, you must wear your boots! 乔治,如果你想要跳泥坑,你必须得穿上靴子。

I've brought some boots for you too, Chloe! 我也给你带来了一双靴子,克洛伊。

Chloe: I'm too grown-up to jump in muddy puddles. 我已经是大人了不能在泥坑里跳。

Peppa: Oh,so am I. 哦,我也是。

Narrator: George loves jumping in muddy puddles. 乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Secretly, Peppa would love to jump in the puddle. 其实,佩奇也喜欢。

But she wants to look grown-up. 但她想让自己看上去像个大人。

Daddy Pig: I hear there's some puddle jumping going on! 我听说这里有跳泥坑可以玩。

Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig love jumping in muddy puddles! 猪爸爸和猪妈妈,喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Chloe: It does look fun. 看上去很有趣。

Peppa: Yes, it does. 是的,的确很好玩。

Chloe: Maybe there's a rule that says, big girls can jump in muddy puddles. 也许可以增加一条规则,大姑娘也能在泥坑里玩。

Peppa: Yes! That's a good rule! 是的,这是条好规则。

Chloe: Race you! 看谁先到。

Peppa: Race you! 看谁先到。

Narrator: Peppa and Chloe love jumping up and down in muddy puddles! 佩奇和克洛伊喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。

Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles, even grown-up girls! 大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去,大姑娘也喜欢。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第28集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


Okay, I know a really good game for big children. It's called “Sly Fox”!


But if Peppa turns and sees someone move, they have to go back to the start!


1. Threw the ball too hard

Peppa和George在玩丢球的游戏,George把球丢过去,Peppa没有接住。于是说You threw the ball to hard, George. George,你丢球丢得太重了。Threw the ball too hard丢球丢得太重了。

我们在前几集说过把球往空中抛,是throw the ball up in the air,还记得吗?

2. The rules say

Peppa不太光彩的赢了George,却对George说So the rules say, I win! 规则是这么的,我赢了。The rules say规则是这么说的。

我们平时玩游戏,是不是会定下许多规则呢?以后你跟朋友们玩游戏,在澄清规则的时候,就可以说the rules say, blah blah blah.

3. I'm sure

爸爸妈妈对姐弟俩说I’m sure Chole will play with both of you. 我肯定Chloe会跟他们俩一起玩的。I’m sure, 是我肯定什么,我确信什么的意思。

举几个例子吧。比如你跟妈妈说,我肯定狗把饼干吃了I’m sure the dog ate the cookies. 我肯定下次能做得更好I’m sure I can do better next time.

4. spend the day

Aunty Pig has brought Chloe to spend the day at Peppa’s house. 猪婶婶把Chloe带到Peppa家度过一天。


You can spend the day at the library. 你可以在图书馆里待上一天。

You can also spend the day at your friend’s house. 也可以在朋友家里待上一天。

5. Catch me if you can.

三个2000小家伙在玩Catch的游戏,Chole说Catch me if you can. 你来抓我啊,只要你能抓得到。Catch me就是抓住我的意思。

我们在前几集也说过catch的用法,George likes throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air, and catch him when he falls back down。


6. Play something else

Peppa哪里跑得过大姐姐啊,所以说Can we play something else? 我们能玩点别的吗?play something else玩点别的,something else是别的什么东西的意思。

比如你想吃点什么别的东西,就可以问妈妈Can I eat something else, Mummy?

或者,你想买点什么别的东西,也可以问爸爸Can I buy something else, Daddy?

7. Creep up on her

Peppa他们在玩Sly Fox的游戏了,While her back is turned, the others creep up on her.当Peppa转过背去的时候,另外的人悄悄的从后面接近她。

creep有蹑手蹑脚的走的意思,the others creep up on her,另外的人悄悄从后面接近她。

你和小朋友们玩游戏的时候,是不是也经常让当鬼的人转过身去,然后你们悄悄的从后面去摸他啊?creep up on him.

8. Got you

Chloe摸到Peppa了,大声的说Got you! I win! 抓到你了,我赢了。Got you是抓到你了的意思。

比如你和朋友们玩藏猫猫play hide and seek,当鬼的你抓到了藏起来的朋友们,就要大声说Got you!抓到你了哦。

9. Stay very still

Peppa他们在玩英国版的木头人游戏,当鬼的Chloe转过身来,看Peppa和George有没有在动。所以这个时候Peppa and George must stay very still. Peppa和George必须保持不动。

Stay still是静止不动的意思。

你过马路的时候,如果有车从你面前过,爸爸妈妈是不是就会让你stay still,不要动呢?

10. As long as

Chloe转过来一直看着Peppa,Peppa终于坚持不住晃动了起来。Peppa说你怎么能看这么久呢?Chloe说The rules say, I can look as long as I want. 规则说,我想看多久就看多久。

Look as long as I want(as...as...句型),想看多久就多久。

比如,你好喜欢一本书,那就让妈妈买回来,这样你就可以想读多久就读多久了,to read the book as long as you want.

11. So am I

Chloe说我是大人了,才不要玩跳泥坑这种小孩子玩的东西呢。Peppa在旁边附和的说,Oh. So am I .哦,我也是。

比如,朋友们对你说我是小猪佩奇的粉丝,I’m a big fan of Peppa Pig. 那你就可以在旁边同意的说道,So am I. 我也是啊。或者你今天跟爸爸妈妈出去玩了,妈妈很开心的说I am happy today. 我今天很开心。你在旁边也可以同意的说So am I我也是啊。

(So am I和So do I是一个意思,但是前一句如果用的是be动词,后一句就必须用So am I来跟。)

12. Would love to

但其实Peppa可是很想跳泥坑的。Secretly, Peppa would love to jump in the puddle. 悄悄的说,Peppa很想在水坑里跳。

Would love to是想做什么事情的意思。

举几个例子吧,比如你很想坐在妈妈的腿上听故事,就可以说I would love to sit on Mummy’s lap and listen to the stories. 或者,现在天气很热,你很想去游泳,可以说I would love to go to swim.


George, if you jump in puddles, you must wear your boots!


I've brought some boots for you too, Chloe!


1、cousin: 堂兄弟/姐妹;表兄弟/姐妹

2、garden: 花园

例:They are playing in the garden.他们正在花园里玩耍


例:I win again. 我又赢了。


例:Today your big cousin is coming to visit.今天,你的大表姐要来拜访。

5、See you later.: 待会儿见。


例:That's not fair.You're helping George.那不公平,你在帮乔治。


例:I don't need help.I'm a big girl like you.我不需要帮助,我和你一样是个大女孩了。

8、come on:来吧;加油

9、sly fox.狡猾的狐狸

10、creep :爬行; 匍匐; 悄悄地缓慢行进; 蹑手蹑脚地移动;

11、back to the start:回到起点

12、grown-up game: 长大后玩的游戏

13、muddy puddles:泥泞的水坑


例:You must wear your boots.你必须穿上你的靴子。


Secretly, Peppa would love to jump in the puddle. But she wants to look grown-up.


Yes! That's a good rule! Race you!

-The End-


