







Dear schoolmates,

I would write you a letter, in the name of student’s union in this school, asking you to work hard at creating a new civilization that will be brought to our city, enabling the beauty to last long hopefully. With this everyone has to do something by taking care of flowers and trees to help keep environment friendly, pleasant, clean and healthy. This needs to be safeguarded, that remains in the public where each student will become one of friendly-environment and advanced-civilization people who are without spitting and throwing rubbish.

As one of them every student, whose positively-effective action makes your teachers and schoolmates greatly respected, wants to be one of the well-behaved students and/or citizens to prove polite to them and follow the traffic rule within and outside school. These, students are inspired to do in daily life to have well healthy harmonious relationship built up by helping each other happily with the national-civilization city.

Let’s start from ourselves!

Student’s union of the school


Dear schoolmates,

Our city is trying to set up a national civilized city. We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior. So we middle school students can do something for it. To make our city more beautiful, I am supposed to take care of flowers and trees. I must not spit in public or throw rubbish everywhere. It’s very important for me not to break the traffic rules.

As one of the middle school students, I think I should respect our teachers and the old. I should also get on well with each other friendly and be polite to everyone. Bedsides, I must be always ready to help each other. Do you agree with me?

Let’s start from ourselves!


其中使用模板举一例“我认为,人受到鼓舞避免随地丢垃圾是正确的(I think it is right of one to be inspired to avoid throwing rubbish here and there.)”,从中文看,反映出作者的观点是非常鲜明的,没什么问题;从英语来看,有一个非常最最重要的习惯:作者认为最想让读者知道的内容通常置于句子的开头。这个句子it is right of one to be inspired to avoid throwing rubbish here and there.(人受到鼓舞避免随地丢垃圾是正确的)就是最想让读者知道的内容,而不是I think(我认为)。

可以设想:你如是读者,那最想知道这位作者究竟说的实质性的观点肯定是“人受到鼓舞避免随地丢垃圾是正确的”,而不是想知道“我认为…”,所以开头写出I think…(我认为…)就显得“浪费了”读者阅读的宝贵时间了,因为读者肯定认为,这实质性观点就是作者提出来的,这样看来,作者就有“画蛇添足”之嫌疑了。

而中国的英语写作者没有感觉到英文读者有这种浪费阅读时间的想法(即不符合英文惯例的想法),反而觉得这种表达主观词语或解释性词语等,还是越多越好而且非常“好用”而感到“骄傲、自豪”的。因此久而久之对这些主观词语或解释性词语,还总结出来了,于是成为了所谓的“模板式”词语还是非常多的(如:in particular, It is clear that…Bedsides, I think ),这样抢占了主要内容最想表达的“空间或时间”。最后都剩下了一大堆的“废词废句”留在作文里了,基本看不到实质观点,概念、判断、分析和推理等的原因和结果及其措施的论述内容。“骄傲和自豪的模板式”与众相同英语作文难得高分,因为违反了“英语是思维语言不是模板语言”的规则。




