
A very new, young officer was at a railway station, He was going to visit his mother,and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train.He looked in all his pockets,but found that he did not have the coins for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于中考词汇1800词汇表对照表?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1.A Young Officer and an Old Soldier

A very new, young officer was at a railway station, He was going to visit his mother,and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train.He looked in all his pockets,but found that he did not have the coins for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said,“Have you got change for tenpence?”

“Wait a moment,” the old soldier answered,beginning to put his hand in his pocket.“I'll see whether I can help you.”

“Don't you know how to speak to an officer?”the young man said angrily.“Now let's start again .Have you got change for ten pence?”

“No,sir,”the old soldier answered quickly.

2.Are You Going to Thank Her?

Mrs. Green has lived near the park of the city for forty years. She's very rich and has got a lot of money.Bur she never buys something expensive for her family and always does all the housework herself. She sweeps all the rooms every day.

Last morning,when she got up, she felt terrible After breakfast shefelt even worse She found some medicine and took it. But it was useless to her and she had to go to a hospital.

The doctor looked her over and asked her to be in hospital, but she refused and went home on foot. As soon as she got home, the telephone rang.She hurried to answer it. It was the doctor. He told her she had left her purse in the hospital and a nurse had found it.

“Could you tell me her name,please?”asked Mrs. Green.

“Of course, Mrs. Green. Are you going to thank her?”asked the doctor.

“No,no.”She said,“My handbag was lost three years ago.I want to know if she found it.”

3.In the Bar

In England, if you are under the age of eighteen,you're not allowed to drink in a public bar.

Mr. Thompson used to go to a bar near his house, but he nevertook his son,Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.

They drank for half an hour, and then Mr. Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom, I want to teach you a lesson, You must always be careful not to drink too much. And how do you know when you've had enough? Well, I'll tell you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar?When they seem to have become four,you've had enough and should go home.”“But, Dad,”said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”



在英格兰(England),年龄在18岁以下(under the age of eighteen)的人不允许(be not allowed to do)到公众(public)酒吧里喝酒(drink)。

汤普森先生过去经常(used to)到他家附近(near)的一个酒吧喝酒,但他从不带(take)他的儿子(son)汤姆,因为(because)他还太小(too young)。当汤姆过18岁生日(birthday)时,他第一次(for the first time)带儿子去了他经常去的酒吧(his usual bar)。

喝了半个小时(half an hour)后,汤普森对儿子说道,“汤姆,现在我给你上一课(teach you a lesson)。你必须(must)要小心(be careful)决不要喝太多。那怎样才能知道你是否已经喝够了(enough)呢?听着,我告诉你。你看见(see)酒吧尽头的(at the end of)那两盏灯(light)了吗?当它们看起来(seem)已经变成(become)四盏的时候,你就喝足了,应该(should)回家(go home)了。”“可是,爸爸,”汤姆说,“我只(only)看见那儿有一盏灯呀!”

4.Three Black Umbrellas

Sally was a student.It was going to be her mother's birthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive.

A week before her mother's birthday, she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch.When she had been looking for half an hour, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas,and decided to take a black one. Her mother had lost hers the month before.

She thought,“You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of anycolor.”So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school with her until her classes had finished.

On her way home in the train that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car(餐车) for a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

Sally told them her mother’sumbrella was missing and she had to get off at the next station.

After the three other passengers heard the story, they asked her for her mother’s address so that they could send the umbrella to her if somebody had taken it by mistake, and brought it back after Sally had got out ofthe train.

The next week, Sally heard from her mother.It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three similar black umbrellas?”



萨莉是个学生(student),再过几天就是她母亲的生日了,她想给母亲买(buy)一个价格不高,但漂亮、实用的(niceand useful)礼物(present)。



那天晚上(evening).在她乘火车回家的路上(on her way home),因为午餐吃的很少(have such a small lunch).她觉得饿(hungry).于是走进餐车,要了一份三明治(sandwich)和一杯咖啡(a cup of coffee)。

她告诉他们自己为妈妈买的伞不见了,而且下一站(next station)她就得下车了。其他的(other)三位乘客听到(hear)后,都询问她母亲的地址(address),以便(so that)有人知道拿错了(take it by mistake)伞再拿回来(bring back)时,他们可以把伞寄(send)给她母亲。

在接下来的一周,萨莉收到她母亲的来信(hear from her mother),上面写道,“非常感谢你送我的漂亮礼物,但你为什么寄给我三把相似的(similar)黑伞呢?”


Friends are different things to different people.To my little sister,a friend is someone who likes to swim and ride bikes. My mom's idea of a friend is someone like Mrs. Smith who walks and talks with her every morning. My dad's friends are neighbors who help him with the work like building shelves and planting trees.

Steve, our monitor, is my best friend. We go skating, play football, talk about sports, and go to a concert. When I broke my leg, he always came over to play games; in school, he carried my schoolbag for me and got my lunch for me. I know I can always count on him, and he also knows that he can count on me.

Some friends may be in your life for a while. Others will be there for a long time,maybe even forever(永远). I would hate to move,unless I could take my friends with me They are too important to leave behind.



对于不同的人(people),朋友(friend)意味着不同的(different)内容。对于我的小妹妹(little sister)来说,朋友是喜欢(like)游泳和骑自行车(ride bikes)的某个人(someone)。我妈妈的想法(idea)是朋友像(like)史密斯夫人一样可以每天早上陪她散步(walk)并交谈(talk)。我爸爸的朋友是帮他搭建架子(buildshelves)、种树(plant trees)或做其他活的邻居们(neighbors)。

我们的班长(monitor)史蒂夫是我最好的(best)朋友。我们去滑冰(goskating)、踢足球(play football)、谈论体育(talk about sports)、去听音乐会(go to a concert)。我摔断腿(leg)时,他就来我家玩游戏(game);在学校,他替我拿书包(schoolbag),并帮我打午饭。我知道我总能依靠(count on)他,他也知道他能依靠我。

有些(some)朋友可能(may)只在你的一生中停留一会儿(fora while)。另一些(others)则很长一段时间(for a long time)和你做朋友,甚至有可能(maybe)是终生的朋友。我憎恨(hate)搬家(move),除非(unless)我可以把朋友也带走。他们对我来说太重要了(too important),我无法把他们留下(leave behind)。

6.The "Deaf" Wife

A man is talking to the family doctor.“Doctor, I doubt whether my wife's going deaf.”The doctor answers,“Here’s something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some meters away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn't answer, move a little closer and ask again Keep repeating this until she answers. Then you'll be able to tell if she is deaf or not.”

The man goes home and begins to test his wife's hearing. He stands by the wall and says,“My dear,what's for dinner?”He doesn't hear an answer, so he moves closer to her.“My dear, what's for dinner?” still no answer. He repeats this several times, until he's standing just afew feet away from her.

Finally,she answers,“For the eleventh time, I said we're having meat and rice!”



某人对他的家庭医生说,“医生,我怀疑(doubt)我妻子(wife)要聋(deaf)了。”医生回答说,“有个办法可以测试(test)她的听力。你站(stand)在离她几米远(some meters away)的地方,然后问她一个问题(question)。如果她不回答,你再走近点(a little closer),然后再问。如此重复(repeat)直到她听到为止。那时你就可以判断她是否聋了。”

这人回家后便开始测试他妻子的听力。他站在墙的旁边(by the wall)说,“亲爱的(dear),晚饭(dinner)吃什么?”他没听到回答,于是又朝妻子走近了些。“亲爱的,晚饭吃什么?”仍然(still)没有回答。他如此反复了几次(several times).直到他离妻子只有几英尺(a few feet)的地方。



