

Chinese and US players will team up in the mixed doubles competition at the 2021 Houston World Table Tennis Championships, said the International Table Tennis Federation.Chinese player Lin Gaoyuan will partner with US player Lily Zhang, and US player Kanak Jha will partner with Chinese player Wang Manyu.国际乒联宣布,中美选手将跨国配对出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。中国选手林高远将搭档美国选手张安,美国选手卡纳克将搭档中国选手王曼昱。




I’m really happy to be partnering with Lily Zhang for the Mixed Doubles event. She’s the top table tennis player in the US, our goal is to come out on top for this event. The biggest advantage about pairing with her is that she speaks Mandarin. I hope we can get into the groove soon, develop good chemistry and work hard towards a great performance. And I hope fans from both China and the US will cheer on the China-US Mixed Doubles pairs.

很高兴能够与张安配对参加世乒赛的混双比赛,张安是美国队一号, 我们的目标是争第一。我们配合最大的优势是她也会说中文,希望我们能够迅速进入状态,配合默契,通过努力取得好的成绩。希望两支球队的球迷都能为我们这两对混双组合加油。


It’s going to be amazing; it is so cool to be able to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy here in the US where the World championships will be held for the first time. I think it will be a historical moment, and I am really glad that our two countries are able to work together through sport. I am very excited to play with Lin Gaoyuan, it’s so cool to pair with a Chinese national team player. They’re the best in the world, so I will do my best and hopefully we can work well together and get a good result.





Once again, we are all witnessing the unique power of sport and how table tennis can create dialogues and foster mutual understanding. This will inspire us to deliver an extraordinary and historical Championships and to encourage the dreams, hopes and aspirations of not only the entire table tennis community but also the next generation worldwide.



A few days ago, when the Chinese team arrived in Houston, I was deeply moved by the efforts ITTF, USA Table Tennis and Houston Sports Authority put into organizing a sports event during a pandemic. We have been thinking about how we can build on the China-US friendship kickstarted by our predecessors 50 years ago, and further enhance this relationship through sports events, sports activities and community events. On this basis, the CTTA alongside USA Table Tennis proposed to ITTF to have Chinese and American players paired up for Mixed Doubles – so that these athletes, who are friends with each other, can work together in the competition; so that fans from both countries can cheer them on, opening a new chapter of Ping-Pong Diplomacy in this new era.



“乒乓外交”(Ping-Pong Diplomacy)始于1971年在日本名古屋举行的第31届世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)期间美国选手科恩误上了中国队的大巴车,该事件促成了中华人民共和国与美国两国乒乓球队互访的一系列事件(the series of history-making reciprocal visits by the US and Chinese national table tennis teams),从此结束了中美两国20多年来人员交往隔绝的局面。中美两国乒乓球队的友好往来,不仅推动了中美两国关系正常化(normalizing the countries' strained relations)的进程,也加速了新中国走向世界的步伐。


China's Ma Long and Germany's Timo Boll played doubles together at the Qoros 2015 World Table Tennis Championships held in Suzhou, China.中国选手马龙搭档德国选手波尔参加苏州世乒赛的男子双打比赛。



Xu Xin paired with Yang Hae-un of South Korea to win the World Championships mixed doubles title in 2015.许昕和韩国选手梁夏银搭档,拿到了2015年苏州世乒赛的混双冠军。



友谊赛 friendship match

小组赛 group match

半决赛 semi-final

种子选手 seed/seeded player

男子单打 men's singles

女子单打 women's singles

男子双打 men's doubles

女子双打 women's doubles

卫冕冠军 defending champion





