
2024-07-02 19:35:47
  • 划船的英文短语

    划船的英文: paddle a boatn. 船;船型物v. 划船;放于船上;乘船短语hire a boat 租船hoist a boat 把船吊起launch a boat 使船下水load a b...

  • 短语的英文

    Play outside 出去玩Go to summer school 参加暑期学校Go camping 去野营Go swimming 去游泳Do gymnastics 做体育运动Play baseb...

  • 英文唯美心情短语

    There is only one me in this world在这个世界上,我是独一无二的Be sure to have confidenceYou are a landscape, there...

  • 因此的英文短语有哪些?

    therefore 意为“因此,所以”,是副词,可放在句首,句中。一般是推断得到的必然结果。例如:I was ill,and therefore could not come.consequently...

  • 结果的英文短语

    表示结果的英语短语有:at last、turn out to be、lead to、result from、owing to、for the sake of、as a result。短语是由句法、语义...

  • 了解的英文短语

    knowvt. 知道;认识;懂得vi. 了解;熟悉;确信短语know about 了解 ; 知道…的情况 ; 知道有关于 ; 知道。know better 明事理 ; 有头脑 ; 有不止如此的了解 ;...

  • 打的英文短语

    phone sbcall sbring sb upmake a phone calltelephone forgive sb a ring区别telephone,telegram,videophone...

  • 立刻马上的英文短语

    立刻马上的英文短语:immediately、at once、right away、at short notice、in a hurry。immediately,例句:She answered almo...

  • 而不是的英文短语

    而不是的英文翻译是rather than。词汇分析(1)释义:(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…;instead of sb/sth 而不是(2)短语rather than 而不是。better than...

  • 受欢迎的英文短语

    more popular释义:  adj. 受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的;大众的例句:(1)Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters. 巧克力酱总...

  • 深夜说说心情短语英文

    Its the best life to be clean every night, to fall asleep exhausted with peace of mind, to wake up f...

  • 生活英文说说心情短语

    charge you, you spoil me, this is the life I want.我管着你,你惯着我,这就是我想要的生活。All that you have lost can be...

  • 英文短语

    Time flies.时光易逝。Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。Time tries all.时...

  • 短语英文

    a big headache令人头痛的事情a fraction of 一部分a matter of concern 焦点a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是absen...

  • 出版的英文短语

    出版的英文短语:(1)come out。(2)come off the press。come out的造句(1)They would always come out and warm up the a...

  • 好听的英文说说心情短语带翻译

    You can cry,But you can not lose.你可以哭,但你不能输。Always said after the later, to the later, we have no la...

  • 离开的英文短语

    break away: 突然离开、革除(习惯、信仰、思想方式) break away from:脱离……、离开、背叛 break down:破坏、压倒、发生故障、失败、分解(化学反应)break in...

  • 最新英文说说心情短语

    Life is a journey. What we should care about is not where its headed but what we see and how we feel...

  • 英文回忆说说心情短语

    Always remember the past,but never get stuck。铭记过去,但绝不深陷其中。Life,half is memory,half is to continue。生活...

  • 英文孤独心情短语

    适应孤独,就像适应一种残疾。To adapt to the lonely, like to adapt to a disability.这里没有末路,你从不曾孤独。There is no end, y...
