简简单单教你用python写个游戏(python3 pygame实现接小球游戏)
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时间:2021-10-03 01:11:05 简简单单教你用python写个游戏
python3 pygame实现接小球游戏本文实例为大家分享了python3 pygame接小球游戏的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys,pygame,random #导入库 from pygame. locals import * def print_text(font,x,y,text,color = ( 255 , 255 , 255 )): imgtext = font.render(text,true,color) # 创建字体,三个参数是文本.抗锯齿.颜色 screen.blit(imgtext,(x,y)) #built screen 创建文本窗口 pygame.init() #init 初始化 #窗口设置 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(( 600 , 500 )) #screen-size 窗口大小设置 pygame.display.set_caption( 'ballfall' ) #title 窗口标题 font1 = pygame.font.font(none, 24 ) #font,size 字体类型(none为pygame默认字体).字体大小 pygame.mouse.set_visible(false) #mouse-visible 光标可视 #颜色设置 white = 255 , 255 , 255 #rgb red = 220 , 50 , 50 yellow = 230 , 230 , 50 blue = 0 , 0 , 100 #计数设置 lives = 3 #初始生命 score = 0 #初始分数 #初始化设置 game_over = true #游戏结束判断 mouse_x = mouse_y = 0 #光标初始化 pos_x = 300 #挡板位置初始化 pos_y = 460 bomb_x = random.randint( 0 , 500 ) #小球位置随机初始化 bomb_y = - 50 #小球下落高度初始化 vel_y = 0.3 #小球下落速度 while true: for event in pygame.event.get(): #事件判断 if event. type = = quit: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event. type = = mousemotion: #鼠标运动 mouse_x,mouse_y = event.pos elif event. type = = mousebuttonup: #鼠标抬起 if game_over: game_over = false lives = 3 score = 0 keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() #获取键盘 if keys[k_escape]: #键盘右上角esc键 pygame.quit() sys.exit() screen.fill(blue) #背景颜色 if game_over: print_text(font1, 100 , 200 , 'click to play' ) else : #判断小球运行轨迹 bomb_y + = vel_y if bomb_y > 500 : #fallen bomb_x = random.randint( 0 , 500 ) #小球随机出现 bomb_y = - 50 lives - = 1 if lives = = 0 : game_over = true elif bomb_y > pos_y: if bomb_x > pos_x and bomb_x < pos_x + 120 : score + = 1 bomb_x = random.randint( 0 , 500 ) bomb_y = - 50 pygame.draw.circle(screen,yellow,(bomb_x, int (bomb_y)), 30 , 0 ) #绘制圆形 五个参数为屏幕.颜色.位置.实心半径.空心半径 pos_x = mouse_x #挡板位置变化设置 if pos_x < 0 : pos_x = 0 elif pos_x > 500 : pos_x = 500 pygame.draw.rect(screen,red,(pos_x,pos_y, 120 , 40 ), 0 ) #绘制矩形 参数跟圆形一样 print_text(font1, 0 , 0 , 'lives:' + str (lives)) #文字显示 print_text(font1, 500 , 0 , 'score:' + str (score)) pygame.display.update() #更新 |
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