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bootstraptable使用教程(bootstrap Table的使用方法总结)

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bootstrap Table的使用方法总结

本文为大家分享了bootstrap Table的使用方法,供大家参考,具体内容如下



bootstraptable使用教程(bootstrap Table的使用方法总结)



  • <!-- 表格 -->
    <table id="ffServerSystemCheckListTable"
    <%--     <thead>--%>
    <%--     <tr>--%>
    <%--          <th data-field="cityName">ID</th>--%>
    <%--          <th data-field="cityName">Item Name</th>--%>
    <%--          <th data-field="cityName">Item Price</th>--%>
    <%--     </tr>--%>
    <%--     </thead>--%>
  • javascript

  • $(document).ready(function () {
            method: 'post',
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            //showSearch: false,
            showRefresh: false,
            showToggle: false,
            //显示 内容列下拉框
            showColumns: false,
            showExport: false,
            showPaginationSwitch: false,
            minimumCountColumns: 2,
            //striped: true,
            cache: false,
            pagination: true,
            sortOrder: "asc",
            pageNumber: 1,
            pageSize: 10,
            pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
            //这个接口需要处理bootstrap table传递的固定参数,并返回特定格式的json数据
            url: "${ctx}/ff/server/ffServerSystemCheck/data",
            //默认值为 'limit',传给服务端的参数为:limit, offset, search, sort, order Else
            queryParams: function (params) {
                var searchParam = $("#searchForm").serializeJSON();
                searchParam.pageNo = params.limit === undefined ? "1" : params.offset / params.limit + 1;
                searchParam.pageSize = params.limit === undefined ? -1 : params.limit;
                searchParam.orderBy = params.sort === undefined ? "" : params.sort + " " + params.order;
                return searchParam;
            sidePagination: "server",
            // contextMenuTrigger:"right",//pc端 按右键弹出菜单
            // contextMenuTriggerMobile: "press",//手机端 弹出菜单,click:单击, press:长按。
            // contextMenu: '#context-menu',
            onClickRow: function (row, $el) {
                rowId = row.id;
            onShowSearch: function () {
            responseHandler: function (res) {//用于接收其他参数
                return res;
            onPreBody: function (res) {},
            onLoadSuccess: function() {},
            onPostHeader: function () {},
            onAll: function () {},
            columns: [
                        field: 'cityName',
                        title: '城市公司',
                        rowspan: 2,
                        formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                            return value;
                    , {
                    field: 'projectName',
                    title: '项目名称',
                    rowspan: 2
                }, {
                    title: '首页轮播',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '消息',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '海报模板',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '楼盘动态',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '项目卖点',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '项目海报',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                }, {
                    title: '项目视频',
                    colspan: 2,
                    align: 'center'
                    field: 'newsCount',
                    title: '更新次数',
                    , {
                    field: 'newsState',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                        // return jp.getDictLabel(${fns:toJson(fns:getDictList('cooperation_flag'))}, value, "-");
                    , {
                    field: 'msgCount',
                    title: '更新次数'
                    , {
                    field: 'msgState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                    , {
                    field: 'tempCount',
                    title: '更新次数'
                }, {
                    field: 'tempState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                        field: 'houseCount',
                        title: '更新次数'
                    }, {
                    field: 'houseState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                        field: 'sellCount',
                        title: '更新次数'
                    }, {
                    field: 'sellState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                        field: 'postCount',
                        title: '更新次数'
                    }, {
                    field: 'postState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
                }, {
                    field: 'videoCount',
                    title: '更新次数'
                    , {
                    field: 'videoState',
                    title: '-',
                    formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                        if (value=='不合格') {
                            return "<span style=\"color: red;\">不合格<span>";
                        return value;
        if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|Android|ios)/i)) {//如果是移动端
        $('#ffServerSystemCheckListTable').on('check.bs.table uncheck.bs.table load-success.bs.table ' +
            'check-all.bs.table uncheck-all.bs.table', function () {
            $('#remove').prop('disabled', !$('#ffServerSystemCheckListTable').bootstrapTable('getSelections').length);
            $('#batchSet').prop('disabled', !$('#ffServerSystemCheckListTable').bootstrapTable('getSelections').length);
            $('#view,#edit').prop('disabled', $('#ffServerSystemCheckListTable').bootstrapTable('getSelections').length != 1);
        // 绑定查询按扭
        $("#search").click("click", function () {
            // $('#ffServerSystemCheckListTable').bootstrapTable("refreshOptions", {
            //     //url : path + "/api/peopledataInfo/getPeopleInfoList", // 获取数据的地址
            //     columns : [],
            // });
                url: "${ctx}/ff/server/ffServerSystemCheck/checkInfo",
                // type : "POST",
                data: $("#searchForm").serialize(),
                success: function (data) {
                    $(".newsTitle .th-inner").html(data.newsTitle);
                    $(".msgTitle .th-inner").html(data.msgTitle);
                    $(".tempTitle .th-inner").html(data.tempTitle);
                    $(".houseTitle .th-inner").html(data.houseTitle);
                    $(".sellTitle .th-inner").html(data.sellTitle);
                    $(".postTitle .th-inner").html(data.postTitle);
                    $(".videoTitle .th-inner").html(data.videoTitle);
  • Java


  • @ResponseBody
    @RequestMapping(value = "data")
    public Map<String, Object> data(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
            Page<FfServerSystemCheck> page = server.findWebPage(new Page<FfServerSystemCheck>(request, response));
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      map.put("rows", page.getList());
      map.put("total", page.getCount());
            return data;
  • xml:

  • <select id="findWebList" resultType="com.jeeplus.modules.ff.server.entity.FfServerSystemCheck">
            <if test="dateTypeAll == '0'.toString() or dateTypeAll == '1'.toString() or dateTypeAll=='yesterday' or dateTypeAll=='today'">
                '-' newsState,
                '-' msgState,
                '-' tempState,
                '-' houseState,
                '-' sellState,
                '-' postState,
                '-' videoState
            <if test="dateTypeAll == 'weeks' or dateTypeAll == 'month' or dateTypeAll=='halfYear' or dateTypeAll=='years'">
                CASE  WHEN newsCount > #{newsNum} THEN '合格'  ELSE '不合格' END newsState,
                CASE  WHEN msgCount >  #{msgNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END msgState,
                CASE  WHEN tempCount >  #{tempNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END tempState,
                CASE  WHEN houseCount > #{houseNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END houseState,
                CASE  WHEN sellCount > #{sellNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END sellState,
                CASE  WHEN postCount > #{postNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END postState,
                CASE  WHEN videoCount > #{videoNum} THEN '合格' ELSE '不合格' END videoState
            from (
            so.NAME cityName,
            pm.project_name projectName,
            ( SELECT count(*) FROM ff_server_news_manage WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) newsCount,
            ( SELECT count(*) FROM ff_server_message_manage WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) msgCount,
            ( SELECT count(*) FROM ff_tuoke_poster_template WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) tempCount,
            ( SELECT count(*) FROM ff_server_houses_dynamic WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) houseCount,
            ( SELECT count( CASE WHEN type = 0 THEN 1 END ) FROM ff_server_talk_tool WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) sellCount,
            ( SELECT count( CASE WHEN type = 1 THEN 1 END ) FROM ff_server_talk_tool WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) postCount,
            ( SELECT count( CASE WHEN type = 2 THEN 1 END ) FROM ff_server_talk_tool WHERE project_id = pm.id
            <if test="startDate != null and startDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[>=]]>  #{startDate}
            <if test="endDate != null and endDate != ''">
        AND DATE_FORMAT(pm.create_date,'%Y-%m-%d') <![CDATA[<=]]>  #{endDate}
            ) videoCount
            sys_office so
            INNER JOIN ff_server_project_manage pm ON pm.city_company = so.id
                <if test="cityCompanyId != null and cityCompanyId != ''">
        AND so.id = #{cityCompanyId}
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY pm.create_date DESC
            ) as a
  • Page对象

  • /**
     * Copyright &copy; 2015-2020 <a href="http://www.jeeplus.org/" rel="external nofollow" >JeePlus</a> All rights reserved.
    package com.jeeplus.core.persistence;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
    import com.jeeplus.common.config.Global;
    import com.jeeplus.common.utils.CookieUtils;
     * 分页类
     * @author jeeplus
     * @version 2016-7-2
     * @param <T>
    public class Page<T> {
     protected int pageNo = 1; // 当前页码
     protected int pageSize = Integer.valueOf(Global.getConfig("page.pageSize")); // 页面大小,设置为“-1”表示不进行分页(分页无效)
     protected long count;// 总记录数,设置为“-1”表示不查询总数
     protected int first;// 首页索引
     protected int last;// 尾页索引
     protected int prev;// 上一页索引
     protected int next;// 下一页索引
     private boolean firstPage;//是否是第一页
     private boolean lastPage;//是否是最后一页
     protected int length = 8;// 显示页面长度
     protected int slider = 1;// 前后显示页面长度
     private List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
     private String orderBy = ""; // 标准查询有效, 实例: updatedate desc, name asc
     protected String funcName = "page"; // 设置点击页码调用的js函数名称,默认为page,在一页有多个分页对象时使用。
     protected String funcParam = ""; // 函数的附加参数,第三个参数值。
     private String message = ""; // 设置提示消息,显示在“共n条”之后
     public Page() {
      this.pageSize = -1;
      * 构造方法
      * @param request 传递 repage 参数,来记住页码
      * @param response 用于设置 Cookie,记住页码
     public Page(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
      this(request, response, -2);
      * 构造方法
      * @param request 传递 repage 参数,来记住页码
      * @param response 用于设置 Cookie,记住页码
      * @param defaultPageSize 默认分页大小,如果传递 -1 则为不分页,返回所有数据
     public Page(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int defaultPageSize){
      // 设置页码参数(传递repage参数,来记住页码)
      String no = request.getParameter("pageNo");
      if (StringUtils.isNumeric(no)){
       CookieUtils.setCookie(response, "pageNo", no);
      }else if (request.getParameter("repage")!=null){
       no = CookieUtils.getCookie(request, "pageNo");
       if (StringUtils.isNumeric(no)){
      // 设置页面大小参数(传递repage参数,来记住页码大小)
      String size = request.getParameter("pageSize");
      if (StringUtils.isNumeric(size)){
       CookieUtils.setCookie(response, "pageSize", size);
      }else if (request.getParameter("repage")!=null){
       no = CookieUtils.getCookie(request, "pageSize");
       if (StringUtils.isNumeric(size)){
      }else if (defaultPageSize != -2){
       this.pageSize = defaultPageSize;
      }else if ("-1".equals(size)){
       this.pageSize = -1;
      // 设置排序参数
      String orderBy = request.getParameter("orderBy");
      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderBy)){
      * 构造方法
      * @param pageNo 当前页码
      * @param pageSize 分页大小
     public Page(int pageNo, int pageSize) {
      this(pageNo, pageSize, 0);
      * 构造方法
      * @param pageNo 当前页码
      * @param pageSize 分页大小
      * @param count 数据条数
     public Page(int pageNo, int pageSize, long count) {
      this(pageNo, pageSize, count, new ArrayList<T>());
      * 构造方法
      * @param pageNo 当前页码
      * @param pageSize 分页大小
      * @param count 数据条数
      * @param list 本页数据对象列表
     public Page(int pageNo, int pageSize, long count, List<T> list) {
      this.pageSize = pageSize;
      this.list = list;
      * 初始化参数
     public void initialize(){
      this.first = 1;
      this.last = (int)(count / (this.pageSize < 1 ? 20 : this.pageSize) + first - 1);
      if (this.count % this.pageSize != 0 || this.last == 0) {
      if (this.last < this.first) {
       this.last = this.first;
      if (this.pageNo <= 1) {
       this.pageNo = this.first;
      if (this.pageNo >= this.last) {
       this.pageNo = this.last;
      if (this.pageNo < this.last - 1) {
       this.next = this.pageNo + 1;
      } else {
       this.next = this.last;
      if (this.pageNo > 1) {
       this.prev = this.pageNo - 1;
      } else {
       this.prev = this.first;
      if (this.pageNo < this.first) {// 如果当前页小于首页
       this.pageNo = this.first;
      if (this.pageNo > this.last) {// 如果当前页大于尾页
       this.pageNo = this.last;
      * 默认输出当前分页标签 
      * <li class="page">${page}</li>
     public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append("<li class=\"fixed-table-pagination\" style=\"display: block;\">");
    //  sb.append("<li class=\"dataTables_info\">");
    //  sb.append("<li class=\"disabled controls\"><a href=\"javascript:\">当前 ");
    //  sb.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\""+pageNo+"\" onkeypress=\"var e=window.event||this;var c=e.keyCode||e.which;if(c==13)");
    //  sb.append(funcName+"(this.value,"+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\" onclick=\"this.select();\"/> / ");
    //  sb.append("<input type=\"text\" value=\""+pageSize+"\" onkeypress=\"var e=window.event||this;var c=e.keyCode||e.which;if(c==13)");
    //  sb.append(funcName+"("+pageNo+",this.value,'"+funcParam+"');\" onclick=\"this.select();\"/> 条,");
    //  sb.append("共 " + count + " 条"+(message!=null?message:"")+"</a></li>\n");
    //  sb.append("</li>");
      long startIndex = (pageNo-1)*pageSize + 1;
      long endIndex = pageNo*pageSize <=count? pageNo*pageSize:count;
      sb.append("<li class=\"pull-left pagination-detail\">");
      sb.append("<span class=\"pagination-info\">显示第 "+startIndex+" 到第 "+ endIndex +" 条记录,总共 "+count+" 条记录</span>");
      sb.append("<span class=\"page-list\">每页显示 <span class=\"btn-group dropup\">");
      sb.append("<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default  btn-outline dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" aria-expanded=\"false\">");
      sb.append("<span class=\"page-size\">"+pageSize+"</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span>");
      sb.append("<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">");
      sb.append("<li class=\""+getSelected(pageSize,10)+ "\"><a href=\"javascript:"+funcName+"("+pageNo+",10,'"+funcParam+"');\">10</a></li>");
      sb.append("<li class=\""+getSelected(pageSize,25)+ "\"><a href=\"javascript:"+funcName+"("+pageNo+",25,'"+funcParam+"');\">25</a></li>");
      sb.append("<li class=\""+getSelected(pageSize,50)+ "\"><a href=\"javascript:"+funcName+"("+pageNo+",50,'"+funcParam+"');\">50</a></li>");
      sb.append("<li class=\""+getSelected(pageSize,100)+ "\"><a href=\"javascript:"+funcName+"("+pageNo+",100,'"+funcParam+"');\">100</a></li>");
      sb.append("</span> 条记录</span>");
    //  sb.append("<p>每页 <select onChange=\""+funcName+"("+pageNo+",this.value,'"+funcParam+"');\"" +"style=\"display:display  !important;\" class=\"form-control m-b input-sm\">" +
    //          "<option value=\"10\" "+getSelected(pageSize,10)+ ">10</option>" +
    //    "<option value=\"25\" "+getSelected(pageSize,25)+ ">25</option>" +
    //    "<option value=\"50\" "+getSelected(pageSize,50)+ ">50</option>" +
    //    "<option value=\"100\" "+getSelected(pageSize,100)+ ">100</option>" +
    //    "</select> 条记录,显示 " +startIndex+ " 到 "+ endIndex +" 条,共 "+count+" 条</p>");
    //  sb.append("</li>");
    //  sb.append("</li>");
      sb.append("<li class=\"pull-right pagination-roll\">");
      sb.append("<ul class=\"pagination pagination-outline\">");
      if (pageNo == first) {// 如果是首页
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button previous disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-double-left\"></i></a></li>\n");
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button previous disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-left\"></i></a></li>\n");
      } else {
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button previous\"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+first+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-double-left\"></i></a></li>\n");
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button previous\"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+prev+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-left\"></i></a></li>\n");
      int begin = pageNo - (length / 2);
      if (begin < first) {
       begin = first;
      int end = begin + length - 1;
      if (end >= last) {
       end = last;
       begin = end - length + 1;
       if (begin < first) {
        begin = first;
      if (begin > first) {
       int i = 0;
       for (i = first; i < first + slider && i < begin; i++) {
        sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button \"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+i+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\">"
          + (i + 1 - first) + "</a></li>\n");
       if (i < begin) {
        sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\">...</a></li>\n");
      for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
       if (i == pageNo) {
        sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button active\"><a href=\"javascript:\">" + (i + 1 - first)
          + "</a></li>\n");
       } else {
        sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button \"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+i+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\">"
          + (i + 1 - first) + "</a></li>\n");
      if (last - end > slider) {
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\">...</a></li>\n");
       end = last - slider;
      for (int i = end + 1; i <= last; i++) {
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button \"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+i+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\">"
         + (i + 1 - first) + "</a></li>\n");
      if (pageNo == last) {
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button next disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-right\"></i></a></li>\n");
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button next disabled\"><a href=\"javascript:\"><i class=\"fa fa-angle-double-right\"></i></a></li>\n");
      } else {
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button next\"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+next+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\">"
         + "<i class=\"fa fa-angle-right\"></i></a></li>\n");
       sb.append("<li class=\"paginate_button next\"><a href=\"javascript:\" onclick=\""+funcName+"("+last+","+pageSize+",'"+funcParam+"');\">"
         + "<i class=\"fa fa-angle-double-right\"></i></a></li>\n");
    //  sb.insert(0,"<ul>\n").append("</ul>\n");
    //  sb.append("<li style=\"clear:both;\"></li>");
    //  sb.insert(0,"<li class=\"page\">\n").append("</li>\n");
      return sb.toString();
     protected String getSelected(int pageNo, int selectedPageNo){
      if(pageNo == selectedPageNo){
       //return "selected";
       return "active";
       return "";
      * 获取分页HTML代码
      * @return
     public String getHtml(){
      return toString();
    // public static void main(String[] args) {
    //  Page<String> p = new Page<String>(3, 3);
    //  System.out.println(p);
    //  System.out.println("首页:"+p.getFirst());
    //  System.out.println("尾页:"+p.getLast());
    //  System.out.println("上页:"+p.getPrev());
    //  System.out.println("下页:"+p.getNext());
    // }
      * 获取设置总数
      * @return
     public long getCount() {
      return count;
      * 设置数据总数
      * @param count
     public void setCount(long count) {
      this.count = count;
      if (pageSize >= count){
       pageNo = 1;
      * 获取当前页码
      * @return
     public int getPageNo() {
      return pageNo;
      * 设置当前页码
      * @param pageNo
     public void setPageNo(int pageNo) {
      this.pageNo = pageNo;
      * 获取页面大小
      * @return
     public int getPageSize() {
      return pageSize;
      * 设置页面大小(最大500)
      * @param pageSize
     public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
      this.pageSize = pageSize <= 0 ? 10 : pageSize;// > 500 ? 500 : pageSize;
      * 首页索引
      * @return
     public int getFirst() {
      return first;
      * 尾页索引
      * @return
     public int getLast() {
      return last;
      * 获取页面总数
      * @return getLast();
     public int getTotalPage() {
      return getLast();
      * 是否为第一页
      * @return
     public boolean isFirstPage() {
      return firstPage;
      * 是否为最后一页
      * @return
     public boolean isLastPage() {
      return lastPage;
      * 上一页索引值
      * @return
     public int getPrev() {
      if (isFirstPage()) {
       return pageNo;
      } else {
       return pageNo - 1;
      * 下一页索引值
      * @return
     public int getNext() {
      if (isLastPage()) {
       return pageNo;
      } else {
       return pageNo + 1;
      * 获取本页数据对象列表
      * @return List<T>
     public List<T> getList() {
      return list;
      * 设置本页数据对象列表
      * @param list
     public Page<T> setList(List<T> list) {
      this.list = list;
      return this;
      * 获取查询排序字符串
      * @return
     public String getOrderBy() {
      // SQL过滤,防止注入 
      String reg = "(?:')|(?:--)|(/\\*(?:.|[\\n\\r])*?\\*/)|"
         + "(\\b(select|update|and|or|delete|insert|trancate|char|into|substr|ascii|declare|exec|count|master|into|drop|execute)\\b)";
      Pattern sqlPattern = Pattern.compile(reg, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
      if (sqlPattern.matcher(orderBy).find()) {
       return "";
      return orderBy;
      * 设置查询排序,标准查询有效, 实例: updatedate desc, name asc
     public void setOrderBy(String orderBy) {
      this.orderBy = orderBy;
      * 获取点击页码调用的js函数名称
      * function ${page.funcName}(pageNo){location="${ctx}/list-${category.id}${urlSuffix}?pageNo="+i;}
      * @return
     public String getFuncName() {
      return funcName;
      * 设置点击页码调用的js函数名称,默认为page,在一页有多个分页对象时使用。
      * @param funcName 默认为page
     public void setFuncName(String funcName) {
      this.funcName = funcName;
      * 获取分页函数的附加参数
      * @return
     public String getFuncParam() {
      return funcParam;
      * 设置分页函数的附加参数
      * @return
     public void setFuncParam(String funcParam) {
      this.funcParam = funcParam;
      * 设置提示消息,显示在“共n条”之后
      * @param message
     public void setMessage(String message) {
      this.message = message;
      * 分页是否有效
      * @return this.pageSize==-1
     public boolean isDisabled() {
      return this.pageSize==-1;
      * 是否进行总数统计
      * @return this.count==-1
     public boolean isNotCount() {
      return this.count==-1;
      * 获取 Hibernate FirstResult
     public int getFirstResult(){
      int firstResult = (getPageNo() - 1) * getPageSize();
      if (firstResult >= getCount() || firstResult<0) {
       firstResult = 0;
      return firstResult;
      * 获取 Hibernate MaxResults
     public int getMaxResults(){
      return getPageSize();
    // /**
    //  * 获取 Spring data JPA 分页对象
    //  */
    // public Pageable getSpringPage(){
    //  List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
    //  if (orderBy!=null){
    //   for (String order : StringUtils.split(orderBy, ",")){
    //    String[] o = StringUtils.split(order, " ");
    //    if (o.length==1){
    //     orders.add(new Order(Direction.ASC, o[0]));
    //    }else if (o.length==2){
    //     if ("DESC".equals(o[1].toUpperCase())){
    //      orders.add(new Order(Direction.DESC, o[0]));
    //     }else{
    //      orders.add(new Order(Direction.ASC, o[0]));
    //     }
    //    }
    //   }
    //  }
    //  return new PageRequest(this.pageNo - 1, this.pageSize, new Sort(orders));
    // }
    // /**
    //  * 设置 Spring data JPA 分页对象,转换为本系统分页对象
    //  */
    // public void setSpringPage(org.springframework.data.domain.Page<T> page){
    //  this.pageNo = page.getNumber();
    //  this.pageSize = page.getSize();
    //  this.count = page.getTotalElements();
    //  this.list = page.getContent();
    // }
  • 以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持开心学习网。

    标签:bootstrap table