
2024-06-30 18:56:50
  • 情侣纹身英文短句素材

    Love never dies.爱情永不死。The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。Sometimes the right person f...

  • 2022纹身伤感英文短句

    The first step is as good as half over.第一步是最关键的一步。Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即。Believe that god is...

  • 适合纹身爱情英文短句

    Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。经典语录You remember my moment, my life I miss you.君记我一瞬,我念君半生...

  • 适合纹身的英文短句

    世上无难事,只要人肯试。Nothing is difficult to a man if he tries.一息若存,希望不灭。If there is one breath, hope will ne...

  • 励志英文短句纹身

    Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。Be slow to promise and quick to perform.不轻诺,诺必果。Bette...

  • 英文有意义的纹身短句

    Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!Never forget to say “thanks”.永远不要忘了说“谢谢”!Keep on go...

  • 纹身英文短句素材

    ALL OR NOTHING.孤注一掷Constant dripping wears away the stone.锲而不舍,金石可镂.Follow your own course,and let p...

  • 寓意好的英文短句纹身

    Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!Never forget to say “thanks”.永远不要忘了说“谢谢”!Keep on go...

  • 纹身有意义的短句

    一息若存,希望不灭。 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 没有什么不可能! 不费力气,一无所得。 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天...

  • 英文签名短句

    Love fight , get treasure , Miss forget ,life is actually so simple.(喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单)If...

  • 适合发朋友圈的经典英文爱情短句

    When theres no expectation,losing wont bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised. 不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜...

  • 女生个性签名英文短句

    有些事,有些人,一转身就一辈子。Some things, some people, turn around for a lifetime.用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。With a willin...

  • 英文纹身有意义的句子

    Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。Be just to all, but trust not all.要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人...

  • 最浪漫的法语纹身短句

    Je taime pas parce que vous êtes une sorte de gens, mais parce que jaime ce sentiment avec vous.(我爱你...

  • 英文字母纹身带含义

    英文字母纹身带含义:Freedom自由,Hope to the end坚持到底,Someday you will be loved终有一天会被爱,Whatever will be,will be随遇而...

  • 关于爱情简短英文纹身

    Love never dies。爱情永不死。The darkness is no darkness with thee。有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。Distance makes the hearts gr...

  • 英语励志语录经典短句

    与其降低你的开支,不如去尝试增加你的收入,这就是努力的理由。Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. Thats...

  • 有寓意的纹身字母短

    Paradise天堂Epoch历史或生命中的一段时刻Eternity永恒Somnambulist梦游症患者Fantastic 美妙的Ineffable形容美到难以言喻Destiny 命运Hiraeth...

  • 纹身句子有意义的短句


  • 适合纹身的一句话

