
1 stick at sth.=work hard=continue constantly at 继续; 坚持,接下来我们就来聊聊关于雅思口语虚拟语气?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



1 stick at sth.=work hard=continue constantly at 继续; 坚持

He will stick at it until he succeeds. 他将坚持干下去,直到成功。

I shall stick at the job until I've finished it. 这项工作我要坚持到做完为止。

How long did you stick at your first job?你的第一份工作干了多久?

2 stick by sb.= support sb. 支持

We must stick by our friends. 我们必须忠于我们的朋友。

We stick by our team, no matter what. 不管怎样,我们忠于自己的球队。

I am going to stick by my decisions. 我坚持我的想法,没有改变。

3 break sth. down=explain sth. 解释

Yes, here we go, break it down. 好的,我们开始啦,听我仔细道来。

I don't understand this idea at all, you have to break it down for me. 这个主意我根本没有明白,你给我详细解释一下。

4 turn sth. around=make sth. better 救活了,好转(经济状况,公司前景)

He turned the business around. 他把公司救活了。

Things will turn around for you. 事情都会好转的。

5 turn against sb. =start to dislike sb. 开始讨厌某人

My dog turned against me. 我的狗开始讨厌我。

6 turn up=appear 出现

We might need more food, depending on how many people turn up. 我们可能需要更多的食物,这取决于有多少人到来。

I don't know when or where or if it would ever turn up, but it didn't really matter. 我不知道瓶子会在何时何地出现,甚至不知道它是否会出现,但这真的不重要。

The book you have lost will turn up someday. 你丢失的那本书总有一天会找到的。


