




I open my car door and throw my briefcase in the back seat, and get comfortable for my drive. I put my coffee mug into the cup holder, put the keys in the ignition, find the gas pedal, and start the car. My wife drove the car last night, so I have to re-adjust the rear view mirror and the side mirrors. I turn on the radio to listen to the drive time traffic report. I take the transmission out of park and into reverse, back out into the driveway into the street, close the garage door, and put the car into drive. I used to drive a stick shift, but as I get older, I like my automatic transmission more and more.

I usually take the freeway to the office, so I get on the onramp for the freeway and drive to where I have to get off. My office is only a few miles from the exit. I pull into the parking garage, swiping my key card to get in. I park, grab my briefcase and coffee, and head toward the elevator. And that only took 40 minutes


back seat : the rear (second row) seats in a car, where passengers (not the driver) sit(后座)

cup holder : a round hole on the inside of a car for holding cups or cans of soda(杯座)

ignition : a small opening near a steering wheel into which one puts a key to start the car(点火开关)

gas pedal : a piece of metal that a driver pushes with his or her foot to give the car more gas and to make it go faster(油门)

rearview mirror : a rectangular mirror near the driver’s head that allows the driver to see behind the car(后视镜)

side mirror : a small mirror outside the car near the front windows that allows the driver to see the side of the car and behind the car(侧镜)

drive-time traffic report : a radio announcement during rush hour (times of heavy traffic) that tells drivers where there are accidents and slow traffic (车辆高峰交通之声)

transmission : the system that passes energy from the car’s engine to its wheels(变速器)

out of park : to take the car out of an unmoving position into a moving position(把车从一个不移动的位置换到一个移动的位置)

reverse : backward motion; going back(倒退)

driveway : a short length of road leading from the main road to the entrance or garage of a house or office building(私家车道)

stick shift : manual transmission; a car in which the driver uses a lever to put the car in gears 1 through 5 or in reverse(手排挡)

automatic transmission : a car in which gears 1 through 5 change automatically without the driver needing to do anything(自动挡)

onramp : a short road for cars to speed up and enter a highway or freeway(斜坡弯道)

exit : a short road for cars to leave a highway or freeway and connect to other roads(出口)

parking garage : a large building with many floors for cars to park(停车场)

to swipe : to quickly pass a card through a machine that reads it (刷卡)

key card : a plastic card that tells a machine whether a person has permission to enter a building(电子开门卡)


