



How与 what像一对感情亲密的兄弟,时常可用来表达相同的句义。但它们毕竟是词性词义各异的两个词,故又有不可相互替代的独自用法。现将how与 what的可互换与不可互换的情况归纳如下。

一. How与 what的可换归纳

1. 今天天气怎样? What is the weather like today?=How’s the weather today?

2. 你认为这部电影怎样?What do you think about the film?=How do you like the film?

3. 你多大了? What’s your age?=How old are you?

4. 这朵花真美! What a beautiful flower it is !=How beautiful a flower it is!

5. 你们学校有多少学生?What’s the number of the students in your school?

=How many students are there in your school?

6. 这顶帽子多少钱? What’s the price of the hat?=How much is the hat?

7. 你怎么样? What about you=How about you?

二. How与 what的不可换归纳

1. 你穿多大尺码的鞋子?

How big size of shoes do you wear?( 误)

What size shoes do you wear?(正 )

2. 你们市有多少人口?

How many population are there in your city?( 误)

What’s the population of your city?(正)

3. 这个箱子有多重?

How heavy is the box? ( 误)

What’s the weight of the box?(正)

4. 你打算如何处置这些旧书?

How are you going to do with these old books? ( 误)

What are you going to do with these old books? (正)

5. 你的意见如何?

How’s your opinion?( 误)

What’s your opinion? (正)





