
爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat”

你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 2高频话题的高分语料。


1,雅思口语Part 2高分语料



- IELTS Speaking Part 2 -


Describe a place in a village that you visited. You should say:

  • Where it is
  • When you visited this place
  • What you did there
  • And how you feel about this place


There’s this village that I visited a few years back. The reason why this trip is still distinct in my memory is that it’s one of those old villages that was disappearing in the urbanization process.

This village sat in an area adjoining a semi-suburban district of Guangzhou. It’s nestled between a hill and a super large modern gated community, I remember there was a main street, countless alleyways, low residential houses, eateries, barbers, dollar stores, a couple of family temples, ancient trees, ponds, a primary school, a bank, and a sizeable Buddhist temple.

The main street was always filled with pedestrians and scooters. It was full of vibrancy.

The last time I went there though, all looked different.

Buildings were coming down, exposing iron rebars, or in some cases, mud walls. Stray cats were wandering in the ruins, looking for shelters. The hustle-and-bustle wet market was gone.

Only a few shops were still open on the main street where I used to go shopping at a knick-knack store, selling all their items at bargain prices, though I could barely see anybody walking on the street.

I knew this would be my last trip there, so I walked across the main street and some major alleyways, having a good look everywhere, and took photos for posterity's sake.

Later that village was gone and brand-new high-rises sprang up like mushrooms. I heard that the only building that survived was the Buddhist temple.


Standard phrases:

  • There's this village that I visited

Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分地道词汇和短语

  • distinct in my memory 记忆犹新
  • urbanization process 城市化进程
  • adjoining 毗邻
  • semi-suburban 半郊区
  • district 区
  • nestled 坐落在
  • countless alleyways 数不清的小巷子
  • sizeable 相当大的
  • pedestrians 行人
  • scooter 电瓶车
  • vibrancy 活力
  • rebars 钢筋
  • stray cats 流浪猫
  • hustle-and-bustle 熙熙攘攘的
  • wet market 菜市场
  • knick-knack store 两元店
  • bargain prices 廉价
  • posterity 子孙后代
  • high-rises 高楼
  • sprang up 冒起来;拔地而起

Coherence 展示“流利性与连贯性”的词汇和短语:

  • the reason why...is that
  • it's one of those
  • this
  • it's
  • it
  • the last time
  • though
  • this
  • so
  • later





