be busy接什么(最近在忙啥)

be busy接什么(最近在忙啥)(1)



What are you busy doing lately?


一个很简单的词,up,什么?竟然是这个单词?.......Of course!

1.What are you up to?

这句简单的英语包含了四种意思,第一,相当于What's up?或者What have you been up (recently/lately)? 你最近在忙什么? 第二,相当于What are you doing? 你在做什么? 第三,相当于What are you going to do? 你打算做什么? 例如,What are you up to tonight? 今晚你打算做什么? 第四, 当说话者语气不同的时候,表达一种不满的情绪,What are you up to? 相当于说“你搞什么鬼?”

be busy接什么(最近在忙啥)(2)

2. 当别人问你What have you been up to lately?你该怎么回答呢?

——Oh, nothing much really. 哦,没啥事

——I have been studying English. 我一直忙着学英语呢。(现在完成进行时)

3.What have you been doing lately?同样也是表达“你最近在忙什么?”回答同2

be busy接什么(最近在忙啥)(3)

扩展:up to 你知多少?

up to sb. 由.......决定;与....相比

It's up to you! 这取决于你

Monica is not up to her brother in the eyes of their parents. 在父母眼里,Monica不能与她哥哥相比。

up to 时间 直到......时

Up to now he has been quiet. 他直到现在还保持沉默。

His clothes are very up to date. 他的衣服非常时髦。

She brought him up to date with what had happened.她让他知道最新的情况。

up to 数字 多达

She had read up to fifty books for one year.她一年读了多达五十本书。

up to 某个职业 可胜任的,有某种能力的

  • Joe is up to the part of Othello. Joe可以胜任奥赛罗这个角色。

be busy接什么(最近在忙啥)(4)

OK, 今天就到此,up to用法多多,加油,keep practising, you can make it.


