英文 写作课程(英文写作如何写出高分套路)

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英文 写作课程(英文写作如何写出高分套路)(1)

一、 两句首尾套话——书信标志

1. 开头句:I’m writing to (ask about…)

这句话开门见山表明写这封信的目的。例如to ask about用于询问信息;to give some advice用于提出建议;to express my humble opinions用于提出自己的看法。

2. 结尾句:I’m looking forward to your reply.

这句话用于结尾处,表示期待对方的回复。注意to是一个介词。所以后面只能接名词或动名词。比如I’m looking forward to seeing you soon(我期待早日见到您)。


1. 接名词:I would like to know about …

I would like to learn some information about the time and …

2. 接句子:I also want to learnwhat/how/where/when…

I also want to learn what activities there will be. (注意用陈述语序)

3. 接动词:I wonder if I could…(“是否能…”)

I wonder if I could talk with foreign teachers in English

英文 写作课程(英文写作如何写出高分套路)(2)


1. 动词做主语,变成动名词

【误】Have a healthy diet is also important.

【正】Having a healthydiet is also important.

2. 主谓要完整

【误】You will happy.

【正】You will be/feel happy.

3. 两句之间有连词

【误】You should take more exercise,you can eat more vegetables.

【正】You should take more exercise, and you can eat more vegetables.

【误】You’d better not eat too much fried food, it is bad for your health.

【正】You’d better not eat too muchfried food, becauseit is bad for your health.

4. 上下时态呼应

【误】We will drive to the hotel first and then had a picnic in the garden.

【正】We will drive to the hotel first and then have a picnic in the garden.

英文 写作课程(英文写作如何写出高分套路)(3)


如何防止通篇一种开头的句式?例如:提建议全都是“You should…”,方法有很多,例如:

I’d like you to…;

It is important for you to…;

Doing…is helpful.;

Why not…?


1. 说“事”不说“人”

I like playing basketball. ——

Basketball is my favorite sport.

2. 套用It和Therebe句型

We will have a picnic in the garden next weekend.——

There will be a picnic in the garden next weekend.

You should also keep our air clean.——

It is also important to keep our air clean.

3. 用不同动词,主宾换位

I usually spend half an hour riding to school.——

It usually takes me half an hour to ride to school.

4. 恰当使用被动句

We must protect our oceans and soil.——

Our oceans and soil must be protected.

5. 使用非谓语动词(分词或不定式)

You should write down the words on a piece of paper, because it is helpful.——

Writing down the words on a piece of paper is helpful.或

It is helpful to write down the words on a piece of paper.

英文 写作课程(英文写作如何写出高分套路)(4)





