
1.【2019凉山州】He was ______ because he missed his plane.

  A.unhappy B.happy C.glad D.relaxed

  2.【2019湖北省宜昌市】—He hardly had friends because he used to be mean.

  —But now he has changed a lot. He treats others ______ and is popular.

  A.nicely B.carelessly

  C.rudely D.heavily

  3.【2019襄阳市】— It's a good way to study English with a group.

  —That's true. I find it ______ to improve our pronunciation.

  A.thankful B.harmful

  C.helpful D.careful

  4.【2019襄阳市】— The sun shines ______ .

  — We'd better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned.

  A. softly B. hardly

  C. fast D. brightly

5. 【2019云南省昆明市】The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace. As a Chinese, I am __________ it.

  A. responsible for B. proud of

  C. full of D. known for

  6.【2019江苏省南京市】Seeing the new changes in her hometown,Nanjing,Sandy could ______believe her eyes.

  A.properly B.highly C.nearly D.hardly

  7.【2019广西北部湾经济区】—Why is Mike so popular in your class?

  —Because he always tells jokes. He is ________.

  A.humorous B.polite C.honest D.friendly

  8.【2019贵州省毕节市】We should not go outside,________ in such a terrible storm.

  A.probably B.especially

  C.immediately D.exactly

9. 【2019大庆市】Many tourists visit Longfeng Wetland (湿地) all year round.____ in summer.

A.hardly B.nearly C.especially D.really

10.【2019广西河池市】Tina, close the door____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.

  A.clearly B.easily C.widely D.quietly

11.【2019南通市】—I hear people can pay for almost everything by ZHI FU BAO in China.

  —Actually, it's __________ that people often go shopping without taking any paper money.

  A.important B.impossible

  C.surprising D.necessary

  12.【2019黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市】Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower, the girl moved _______ to have a look at it.

  A.quietly B.easily C.politely

  13.【2019江苏省无锡市】—You haven't said a ___________word since last Friday. What's wrong?

  —Nothing. Just leave me alone.

  A.simple B.single C.similar D.silent

  14.【2019镇江市】A black young man named Sheku Kanneh-Mason is _________ enough to show that people of colour can take on any challenge of classical music.

  A. modest B. humorous

  C.confident D. curious

  15.【2019广西贵港市】—Why was Jim late for work this morning?

  —He _________ got up late.

  A.nearly B.gradually C.hardly D.probably

  16.【2019广西贵港市】—What do you think of the TV program The Reader?

  —Excellent.Many people are _________ about it. They never miss it.

  A.nervous B.worried C.crazy D.angry

  17.【2019广西河池市】Tina, close the door _____________. Your brother is studying for the exam.

  A.clearly B.easily C.widely D.quietly

  18.【2019贵州黔南州、黔西南、黔东南】We should not go outside, ________ in such a terrible storm.

  A.Probably B.especially

  C.immediately D.exactly

  19.【2019海南省】Mr. Black's speech is______.It helps us have a better understanding of life.

  A.silly B.awful C.excellent

  20.【2019海南省】As students,we should go over lessons and do our homework______.

  A.carefully B.finally C.slowly

  21.【2019辽宁省本溪市】The Greens like the quietness in the countryside.The city is too ______ for them.

  A.comfortable B.dangerous C.noisy D.perfect

  22.【2019辽宁省本溪市】Mr. Liu _________ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.

  A.often B.seldom C.always D.usually

  23.【2019内蒙古呼和浩特市】Frederick _______entered the final competition last month. His hobby has brought him _______.

  A. successful; success B. successful; successfully

  C. successfully; success D. successfully; successful

  24.【2019四川省达州市】—As we know, it's very difficult to live in a foreign country like the UK, the US and so on.

  —I agree._____ if you don't understand the local language.

  A.Especially B.Generally

  C.Naturally D.Exactly

  25.【2019四川省遂宁市】I live next to a supermarket.It's ______ for me to do some shopping.

  A.crowded B.valuable

  C.convenient D.awful




  1.A【解析】"他不高兴,因为他错过了飞机"。A.不高兴的;B.高兴的;C.高兴的;D.放松的。根据because he missed his plane可知,发生了不好的事情,故选A。

  2. A【解析】——他几乎没有朋友,因为他过去很小气。——但是现在他改变了很多。他对别人很好,很受欢迎。考查副词辨析。A. 友好地;B. 不小心地;C. 粗暴地;D. 严重地。根据下文and is popular可知他对别人很友好,故选A。

  3.C【解析】——这是和一群人一起学习英语的好方法。——那是真的,我发现它对提高我们的发音有帮助。考查形容词辨析。A. thankful感谢的;B. harmful有害的;C. helpful有帮助的;D. careful仔细的。根据上文It's a good way to study English with a group.既然是学习英语的好方法,可推知应是对提高我们的发音有帮助,故答案选C。

  4.D【解析】——阳光明亮地照耀着。——我们最好戴上太阳镜以免被太阳晒伤。考查副词辨析。A. softly温柔地;B. hardly几乎不;C. fast迅速地;D. brightly明亮地、闪亮地。根据下文We'd better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned. 我们最好戴上太阳镜以免被太阳晒伤。可推知应是太阳光强烈,所以brightly符合题意,故答案选D。

  5.B【解答】responsible for为……负责;proud of为……自豪;full of充满;known for以……出名;根据句意"作为一个中国人,我对此感到自豪"可知,要填"为……自豪"。


  7.A【解析】——为什么迈克在你们班上这么受欢迎?——因为他总是讲笑话。他是幽默。考查形容词辨析。A. humorous幽默的、诙谐的;B. polite有礼貌的;C. honest诚实的;D. friendly友好的;根据Because he always tells jokes.他总是讲笑话,可推知他应是幽默的;结合选项可知A选项符合题意,其它选项均与句意不符,故答案选A。


  9.C【解析】许多游客常年游览龙凤湿地,尤其是在夏季。A. hardly几乎不;B. nearly几乎;C. especially特别;D. really真正地。此处用especially表示强调,故答案为C。

  10.D【解析】Tina,安静地关上门,你的哥哥正在为考试而复习。clearly清楚地;easily容易地;widely广泛地;quietly安静地。根据句意Your brother is studying for the exam可知,"你的哥哥在复习",所以应该安静地关门。故选D。

10. C——我听说在中国,人们几乎可以用支付宝支付一切费用。——实际上,令人惊讶的是,人们经常不带纸币去购物。A. important重要的;B. impossible不可能的;C. surprising惊讶的;D. necessary有必要的。根据下文people often go shopping without taking any paper money.可知这里是说吃惊的。根据题意,故选C。

12.A【解析】看见一只漂亮的蝴蝶在一朵花上休息,那个女孩安静地移动去看它。A. quietly安静地;B. easily容易地;C. politely礼貌地。这里是副词修饰动词。根据Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower,可知,这里是安静地移动。根据题意,故选A。

  13.B【解析】——从上周五起你就一句话也没说。怎么了?——没什么。别管我。A. simple 简单的;B. single仅有一个的;C. similar相像的;D. silent沉默的。根据What's wrong?怎么了?可以推知,应该是一句话也没说。才有了这一关心的问候。a single word"一句话"的意思;语境是:从上周五起你就一句话也没说。怎么了?故选B。

  14.C【解析】一个叫Sheku Kanneh-Mason的黑人足够自信地表明有色人种可以接受任何古典音乐的挑战。modest谦虚的;humorous幽默的;confident自信的;curious好奇的。根据句意people of colour can take on any challenge of classical music.可见这个黑人非常的自信。故应选C。


  16.C【解析】nervous 紧张的;worried 焦虑的,担心的;crazy 疯狂的,喜爱的;angry 生气的;根据They never miss it,他们从来不错过可知对节目的喜爱程度是很深的,可以用crazy进行表达,be crazy about对……着迷,其他选项意思不符合。故选:C。



  19.C【解析】silly 愚蠢的;awful 可怕的;excellent 极好的,优秀的;通过句子It helps us have a better understanding of life,它帮助了我们更好地理解了生活可知,演讲是对我们有帮助的,极好的,所以选excellent,其他两个不符合题意,故选:C。



  22.B【解析】A表示经常;B表示很少;C表示总是;D表示通常。根据题干中He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.可知刘先生认为看电视是浪费时间,由此可知他是很少看电视,故选:B。



  25.C【解析】A表示拥挤的;B表示贵重的;C表示方便的;D表示糟糕的。根据题干I live next to a supermarket.可知我住在超市旁边,所以购物对我来说很方便,故选:C。



