


martinet 英 /ˌmɑːtɪˈnet/ 美 /ˌmɑːrtnˈet/ n. 严格执行纪律的人

考点1: n.纪律严明之人: a strict disciplinarian

e.g. He's a retired lieutenant and a bit of a martinet. 他是一个退役的中尉,并且是一个有点纪律严明的人

: disciplinarian, purist, stickler

: reprobate放纵的人

peck 英 /pek/ 美 /pek/ vi. 啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵 vt. 啄食;扔 n. 许多;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);啄痕;快速轻吻

考点1: n.大量: a considerable amount

e.g. Now you're in a peck of trouble.现在你有一堆麻烦了

: abundance, bunch, bundle, dozen, mass, mountain, much, multiplicity, myriad, pile, plenitude, profusion, ton, volume, wealth

: bit, glimmer, handful, hint, little, mite, nip, ounce, peanuts, pittance, spot, sprinkle, trace少量

考点2: v.(不情愿地)小口咬: to eat reluctantly and in small bites

e.g. Fashion models never really eat: they just peck at small meals in expensive restaurants. 时装模特们几乎不吃东西——他们只是随便咬一口昂贵餐厅里的食物

: bite, nibble, sip, tipple

: devour, gobble, gorge, guzzle, quaff, swill 贪婪地吃喝,大口吃喝

contort 英 /kənˈtɔːt/ 美 /kənˈtɔːrt/ vt. 扭曲;曲解 vi. 扭曲

考点1: vt.扭曲: to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape

e.g. a contorted version of the truth 被歪曲的真相

: deform, distort, warp, misshape

【派】contortion n 扭曲

pinpoint 英 /ˈpɪnpɔɪnt/ 美 /ˈpɪnpɔɪnt/ vt. 查明;精确地找到;准确描述 adj. 精确的;详尽的 n. 针尖;精确位置;极小之物

考点1: adj.非常精确的: located, fixed, or directed with extreme precision

e.g. The commander demanded the pinpoint location of artillery fire.指挥官需要火炮攻击的精确位置。

: accurate, close, delicate, exact, fine, hairline, mathematical, precise, refined, rigorous

: coarse, cursory, rough 粗略的;imprecise, inaccurate, inexact 不准确的

考点2: v.精确定位或确认: to locate, fix, determine, or identify with precision

e.g. pinpoint the target by tracking calls from his cellphone 通过跟踪手机信号精确定位了目标 pinpoint the cause of failure 准确找出失败的原因

: determine, distinguish, locate, identify, recognize, spot

: estimate估计

philanthropic 英 /ˌfɪlənˈθrɒpɪk/ 美 /ˌfɪlənˈθrɑːpɪk/ adj. 博爱的;仁慈的

考点1: adj.博爱的,为他人着想的: having or showing a concern for the welfare of others

e.g. the philanthropic aims of the organization这个机构的博爱、利他的目标

: altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, eleemosynary, good, humanitarian

: misanthropic反人类的;selfish自私的

: philanthropist n.博爱的人


