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评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:听海的礁石 转载请注明出处YouTube网友评论:Norris HohnOne of the most beautiful things to see in this world is. Father and Son together, living in love and harmony. Yes, do more of this. I love Shanghai and I will be visiting there soon as well. God bless China and its'' People.这是世界上最美的画面之一。父亲和儿子一起旅游,生活在爱与和谐之中。是的,拍更多这样的视频吧。我爱上海,不久之后我也会去那里。上帝保佑中国,也保佑它的人民。anonym intheworldyou’re very welcome to China, please take care , everything will be fine ! God bless you!非常欢迎你们到中国来,请保重身体,一切都会变好的!上帝保佑你们!New SomethingBless you too brother!兄弟,也祝福你!Ye LanWelcome to Shanghai欢迎来到上海


Chandler BingDo you know the movie “Her”? Some scenes was shooting at the place where you were in the beginning of your video.你知道电影《她》吗?有些场景,就是在你视频开头的地方拍的。yinkythis is the literally best time for travelling......other time....those scenery spots just packed with people实际上,现在是旅游的最佳时间……其他时间……那些景点都挤满了人Marie RoseWow as a westerner I love china and I know the western media don''t want people to see reality .哇哦,作为一个西方人,我喜欢中国,我也知道西方媒体不想让人们看到中国真实的一面。Fafa DadaPls kindly spread the truth to all of yr friends!请温和地把中国的真相告诉你所有的朋友吧!Norris HohnYes, we know about the western media and their thinking. Their blood boils when they see positive things about China.是的,我们知道西方媒体的德行和想法。他们看到中国积极的东西,血液都会气得沸腾起来。Paul SchneiderThe “Barrett Boys” is my favorite channel now. Love Dad and son“巴雷特男孩”这个频道,是我现在最喜欢的频道。喜欢这对父与子。Norris HohnYes, I love them, they are my brothers.是的,我喜欢他们,他们是我的兄弟。William KwanWelcome to shanghai, seems dad is cooler, lol欢迎到上海来,父亲看起来更酷一点,哈哈哈Gostislav NedorostkovObviously, any video about China''s facts will be limited or blocked很显然,任何关于中国真实一面的视频,都会被限流或屏蔽TsunamiFPSAnd when YouTube does tolerate pro China videos, "regular people" in the western world would say YT wants Chinese money or something like that...YouTube何时会容忍赞美中国的视频啊?西方世界的普通人,一旦看到赞美中国的视频,就会说YouTube想要中国的钱或中国的其他东西……Norris HohnI share them everywhere that I can find.我到处分享他们的视频。勿謂言之不預Jealous, as a Chinese I’m and never been to Shanghai有些嫉妒,作为一个中国人,我还从未去过上海Norris HohnGo! My next trip to China , Shanghai is on y list of places to visit there.走!我的下趟中国之旅,上海在我的行程之中。R zThank you for all you have done for China. I am your most loyal audience.对于你宣传中国所做的一切,非常感谢。我是你最忠实的观众。Online Regi am from canada. the worst time in China has passed. chinese ppl and chinese gov’t have done a great job in stopping the virus being spread. now literally speaking china is one of the safest places in the world. now canada and US are taking the toll of gov’t failures我来自加拿大,中国最艰难的时间已经过去了。在遏制病毒传播方面,中国人民和中国政府做得非常好。毫不夸张地说,中国现在是世界上最安全的地方之一。现在,加拿大和美国正在为政府的失败付出代价。


David MillerIts already in my area I''m self isolating病毒已经到我们这里了,我正在自我隔离勿謂言之不預Honestly, I love to travel to place with lot of people, unlike now no people anywhere老实说,我喜欢到人多的地方旅游,不像现在,到处都没什么人Elena XI live in Shanghai and the day before yesterday was the sixth time I went out my house in the last two months and I realized that there were more people on the street and in the mall near my home than a week ago(everybody were still wearing masks and obeying the strict rules to protect themselves and others). China is really getting back to normal recently.我住在上海,前天是我这两个月来第六次出门,我发现我家附近的街道和购物中心,跟一周之前相比,人越来越多,但是每个人都戴着口罩,严格遵守保护自己和他人的要求。中国最近真的恢复正常了。Alex SalGreat look at Chinese situation getting slowly back to normal. UK is slowly reacting too albeit a tad latish!! But US of A is shameful chaos city slow walking towards tragedy. Shameful president Frump is babbling on about his own backside still!! What an idiot. Good on China.看到中国的局势渐渐回归正常,好消息啊。英国应对疫情,尽管有些迟钝,但也在慢慢做出反应!但是美国实在是太丢人了,混乱的城市渐渐走向悲剧。丢人的操朗普总统,总是喋喋不休地谈论着他自己的屁股!真是白痴啊。还是中国表现的好。Lesley ChanThank you, friend! Wearing mask and often wash hands is really important!!!(And if it’s possible plz go out as less as possible!) Hope you guys safe!谢谢你啊,朋友!要戴口罩,经常洗手,真的很重要!如果可能的话,请尽量减少外出!希望你们平安!Tourdo opsFrump whins all the time操朗普,一直都在赢anonym intheworldDon''t worry too much, it will get better. It may take a little time. Remember not to go out as much as possible, wash your hands more, supplement vitamin C, sleep well, drink more water, eat more nutrition, keep a good mood, God bless you!别太担心,一切都会好起来的,可能还需要一点时间。记住,尽量不要外出,多洗手,补充维生素C,睡好觉,多喝水,多补充营养,保持好的心态。上帝保佑你们!MIKE BOHangzhou is also a beautiful city, which has more typical Chinese traditional culture there,with Lots of stories and histories, and only 40 mins fast train from Shanghai. I strongly recommend !!! I love Hangzhou more than SH personally.杭州也是一座美丽的城市,那儿有更多典型的中国传统文化,也有着许多的历史和故事,从上海坐快车到杭州,只要四十分钟。我强烈推荐这座城市!个人来讲,我爱杭州甚于上海。vincent kaedeWestlake and lingyin Temple西湖和灵隐寺JamaicafunkVisit Joe’s Pizza. My favorite. I’ll meet you there.去Joe的披萨店转转吧,我的最爱,在那儿等你们。Shell XuAmazing, you guys were walking exactly downstairs of my office. I could have seen you there if I noticed this live stream earlier.太让人惊讶了,你们正好走在我办公室的楼下。这条直播要是能早点看到的话,我就可以看到你们了。BarrettWow you obviously work in a pretty cool building哇哦,很显然你在非常酷的大楼里工作。Kevin Xieshanghai is absolutely beautiful. not only you can see the modern part of it. there are alot of buildings from like the 20s or 30s. i would definitely go back and visit again some other day.上海绝对是非常漂亮的。在那儿,你不仅可以看到它现代的一面,你也可以看到很多二三十年代的建筑。有时间的话,我肯定会再去趟上海,好好转转。Brandt LaiLujiazui is not the only area where the scenery is amazing.中国令人惊叹的地方太多了,陆家嘴不是唯一的地方。Super_Romeo_OGThanks for loving China and telling all the truths, much respect to you guys!感谢你们热爱中国,讲出所有的真相,对你们这些家伙表示敬意!


胡世檩Thank u for your guys to show the real China!!!感谢你们展示真实的中国!MoAna RI watch vour videos from Germany and life has come not to a complete standstill, but our City of around 600.000 people is very quiet. I think the dramatic pictures on TV from Italy had an impact on Germans. We can only hope for the best. Thank you for your videos !!!我在德国看你的视频,我们这儿的生活并没有完全停顿下来,但我们六十来万人口的城市,显得非常的安静。我觉得电视上播放的关于意大利疫情的辣眼图片,对德国人产生了影响。我们只能保持最好的希望了。谢谢你的视频!solerhongkongThe blxing signboard is great.闪烁的招牌,看起来很棒啊。Eugene OngHi thank you guys for all the hard works. Take care & God Bless.嗨,感谢你们俩的辛勤报道。保重身体,上帝保佑你们。kuku88Aww, I do miss Shanghai! Will definitely look forward to seeing you guys explore the city. ^^啊啊,我好想念上海啊!我当然期待看着你们俩探索这座城市啦。^^Hanman CAOIt makes me homesick. Love China. My motherland.这视频让我想家了。我爱中国。我的祖国。Teong Beng AngThanks Barrett, I hope the self-righteous China haters can enjoy your videos as much as I do.谢谢你,巴雷特,希望那些反对中国的自以为是的人,能像我一样享受你的视频。Ankh Maat HotepGreat team! Father and son...绝佳组合啊!父与子……mango catChina is so modern, so clean, so advance, so safe. Now I know why the western media is so bias.中国太现代了,这么的干净、这么的先进,这么的安全。现在我知道为什么西方媒体会对中国如此的偏见了。Nickson Redfieldwhy your son is much prettier than you?为什么你的儿子要比你好看啊?DawnCrystal tonyThe US administration " We condemn the method of extreme quarantine since it violates human rights blah blah word-salad" Also the US "Oh, we are going to copy and paste that to save our stock market" uhMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????????? So, Is money and votes>human rights Trump?美国政府:我们谴责极端隔离的方式,因为它侵犯了人权,吧啦吧啦,一通胡说。也是美国:哦,我们要复制粘贴这种方式,拯救我们的股票市场呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃????所以,川普,金钱和选票要大于人权?Lu XiHi there, looking good!嗨,看起来不错哦!Xiaoye LuNow I am homesick..... Looking forward to see more trip videos from you in other places as well.现在,我想家了……期待看到更多你到其他地方旅游的视频。jie situSo glad to find your channel. I am a shanghainese currently in London.很高兴发现你的频道。我是上海人,现在在伦敦。


Jin Vivian Zhanghome my sweet home~家乡啊,我甜蜜的家乡~EYI love SH, been there last xmas...n really want to go again after the end the epidemic!!我爱上海,上个圣诞节就在那里过的……这场疫情过后,我真的很想再回趟上海!Jose EcheagarayThank you guy for your information. You guys when thru the storm of this virus and never stop providing us with upxes. Very brave guys. Be safe.感谢你提供的讯息。在这场病毒风暴中,你们俩不停歇地为我们提供最新的消息。非常勇敢。确保自己的安全啊。DemistTheLiesWelcome to my hometown!欢迎来到我的家乡!TheMiguelwhy the hell are there still loads of people out and about?i know compared to the normal shanghai crowd thats nothing, but still..该死的,为什么还有这么多人在外走动啊?我知道,这点人跟上海平常熙熙攘攘的人群比起来不算什么,但还是……ZYLBYGDFNWish I could visit Shanghai when there are not a lot of people like this.当上海没那么多人的时候,我也希望能挑这个时候去上海。J Thope you can post these videos in Weibo ~ that will be great !希望你能把这些视频发在微博上,那样就好极了!Fafa DadaBoth of u are smart to choose to stay inside China during these months !这几个月时间,你们都是待在中国,真是太明智了!QuanBo (David) LuThank you for presenting what is actually happening in China to the World!!!!感谢你们像世界呈现中国实际发生的事情!!Lin Henrywelcome to my hometown Shanghai!欢迎来到我的家乡上海!Thatie GI miss these streets of Shanghai...I’m in Shanghai but been locked up on campus for over 2 months now lol我想念上海的这些街道……我在上海,但是被关在在大学校园已经超过两个月了,哈哈哈Smith MikeI subscribe you without any doubt! Thanks a lot for the videos you make to show the real China not fake made by western press.我毫不犹豫地就订阅了你!感谢你制作了这么多的视频,去展现真实的中国,而不是西方媒体渲染的虚假中国。YinYang Music FestivalWelcome to Shanghai, you have our great support here.欢迎来到上海,我们大力支持你们。Tati EstopCay you add english subtitle? Greetings from Italy.你能加上英文字幕吗?来自意大利的问候。人心向善Welcom to Hangzhou.lt''s the most beautiful season in Hangzhou.欢迎来杭州。现在是杭州最美的季节。ge garyMany of the recovered people in Wuhan have antibodies, I am suggesting they organize and volunteer to help the world. We need 10,000 volunteers to go to all the countries in dire need, 50 to 100 people per country. I am sure many people in Wuhan would love to help. They just need to be mobilized.Please use your influence to call for help. Thanks!武汉很多的康复者,他们身上是有抗体的,我建议他们组成志愿者去帮助世界。我们急需一万名志愿者前往世界各个国家,大概每个国家分到50至100人。我确信,武汉的很多人是乐意提供帮助的,只是他们需要被动员起来。请博主利用自身的影响力,号召他们提供帮助吧。谢谢!Olive SueSpring is here. You may actually go check out a few scenery spots in China. E.G., Sakura flowers in Wuhan University; Rape flowers in Yunnan & Jiangxi provinces; Peach flowers in Tibet; & Pear flowers in Xinjiang.春天来了,你们可以去中国的几个景点去看看。例如,武汉大学的樱花,云南和江西的油菜花,西藏的桃花,新疆的梨花。Bigmac AndrewThank you for filming my beautiful hometown and sharing it on youtube! Hope you guys have fun and enjoy the city!感谢你拍了我美丽的家乡、还分享在了YouTube上!希望你们俩玩得开心、好好欣赏这座城市!NOONEPLACEIs that a Powercom KN90 mask? I''m using exactl the same mask...''你们戴的KN95口罩是保为康的吗?我也在用同款的口罩……Yueying GongThe night view is more beautiful. We wanna see it.上海的夜景更美。我们想看。James CaoI was there when i was in shanghai last,, really great views and location上次我在上海的时候,我到过陆家嘴,真是好景色、好位置。Violet WangMiss my hometown想念我的家乡了


Juve ZhangThe Bund you are walking now.seems few people.你们现在走的是外滩,看起来没多少人啊Miss JackxThank you for these videos! I love Shanghai, can''t wait to get back there. Look forward to the next videos感谢你制作这些视频!我爱上海,迫不及待想要回那里了。期待你后面的视频C FLove your guys'' content! <3喜欢你们俩的视频内容!<3TramyWelcome to my Hometown!!! Enjoy your time in Shanghai!欢迎来到我的家乡!祝你们在上海玩的愉快!li monmonhave good time玩得开心哦aliceinwonder chenMANY THANKS!太感谢了!Lesley ChanPlease take care and stay safe!请保重身体、保证自己安全!Zyroxyz ZeroI thought all people from outside Shanghai are subject to quarantine even from other cities of China?我以为所有上海以外的人(包括中国其他城市的人),去上海后都会被隔离的。tom hanksCan you add Chinese subtitles? Because my spoken English is not very good你能加上中文字幕吗?因为我的英语口语不太好Andy GongYang''s dumplings classy!小杨生煎超级棒!Fred WIf you go shanghai again you shall visit cities of jiangsu and zhejiang by trains. Cities like suzhou hangzhou nanjing are worth it如果你们再次去上海的话,游览江苏和浙江的城市,你们应该坐火车去,例如苏州、杭州、南京,都值得一去。Seekthe TruthYou guys look great. Shanghai was slowed down a bit in the past 2 months, but it will become vivid very soon...你们俩看起来很不错啊。过去两个月间,上海的病例渐渐少下来了,它很快就会变得生龙活虎的了……MarcBarrett I''m very worried that you may be called CCP 5 mao on Youtube cause you know how Youtube works on topics about China and how western people learn fause things on it. Hope that there will be no rubbish comments here in your videos. Have another great day in Shanghai!巴雷特,我很担心你在YouTube上面被叫做五毛,因为你知道YouTube是如何展示有关中国的视频的,也知道西方人是如何获得这些错误的讯息的。希望在你的视频之下,不会出现垃圾评论。希望你们在上海度过美好的一天!Napert LeeWish you guys safe and healthy希望你们俩安全和健康。Chen UyThank God you are there in china感谢上帝,你们是在中国Angus KeerioI didn''t know that you both are father son.我还不知道你们是父子呢。Steven WangGreat job to tell truth of China to the world.将中国的真相告诉世界,干得好。ke ren huangThank you so much太感谢了Maria das SantosMore city,more food,more CHINA.拍更多的城市,更多的美食,更多关于中国的内容吧Holly HaoHow lovely!太可爱了!


mi tsanggood luck take care,好运,保重。jcy wongHi Barrett , is he you father ? Hi Papa ?嗨,巴雷特,他是你的父亲?嗨,爸爸?Damian RicciU guys are awesome你们俩太了不起了楚雨荨good father,good son好父亲,好儿子EdwardRC CarHeloo哈喽zeos onesChina is safe中国是安全的地方WorldPeaceLife is not all about money.生活,不都全是关于金钱。


