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* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;* 推荐的阅读的方法是:先原文,适当看解析阅读,还有疑惑再看双语对照。* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary所用的音标体系》一文。* 本篇文章难度系数5.4,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。

How does long division work?【译】长除法到底是什么意思?【单词】division [dih-'vizh-uhn][dɪ'vɪʒn] n. 划分;除法

Can someone give me a real life example of division in practice??【译】有人能给我一个真实的例子吗??

How does that work?【译】它究竟是怎么回事?

If you have eight oranges and three people and were to divide them evenly amongst those people, how many whole oranges would each person get?【译】如果你有八个橘子和三个人,把他们平均分配给这些人,每人能得到多少个完整的橘子?【单词】oranges 原型:orange ['awr-inj, 'or-]['ɒrɪndʒ] n. 橙子,橘子【单词】divide [dih-'vahyd][dɪ'vaɪd] vt. 划分;隔开;分割;[数]除【单词】evenly ['ee-vuhn]['iːvnli] adv. 平衡地;平坦地;平等地【单词】amongst [uh-'muhngst][ə'mʌŋst] prep. 在 ... 之中; 在 ... 之间(=among)

Each person would get two oranges and there would be two oranges off to the side.【译】每个人都会得到两个橘子,而还会有两个橘子剩下来。

Now what if you wanted to use up all the oranges and have none left over?【译】如果你想把所有的橘子都用完,一个也不剩呢?【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。【单词】none [nuhn][nʌn] pron. 没有人;没有任何东西,一个也没有,毫无

Then what you could do is take those two spare oranges and slice them each into thirds.【译】把那三分之二的橘子切成三分之二。【单词】spare [spair][speə] adj. 备用的;多余的;闲置的【单词】slice [slahys][slaɪs] v. 切成薄片;割;切开

One third of each orange to each person.【译】每人能分到每个橘子的三分之一。

【解析】one third表示三分之一,注意英语中分数的表示方法,前面是数词表示分子,后面是序数词表示分母

So now each person has two and two-thirds oranges.【译】所以现在每个人都有三分之二的橘子。【单词】two-thirds 三分之二,注意英语中分数的表示方法,前面是数词表示分子,后面是序数词表示分母

Long division is just taking the divisor and multiplying it so it is at most as big as the dividend.【译】长除法就是把除数成倍放大,所以最后除数最多和被除数一样大。【用法】as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as adj/adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。 【单词】divisor [dih-'vahy-zer][dɪ'vaɪzə] n. 除数【单词】multiplying 原型:multiply ['muhl-tuh-plahy]['mʌltɪplaɪ] vt. 乘;增加【单词】dividend ['div-i-dend]['dɪvɪdend] n. 被除数

Then you subtract and repeat the process until you are left with a number smaller than your divisor.【译】然后从(被除数)减去(除数)并重复这个过程,直到你得到一个比除数小的数字。【语法】smaller than 形容词或副词比较级 than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。【单词】subtract [suhb-'trakt][səb'trækt] vt. 减去 vi. 减少【单词】repeat [ri-'peet][rɪ'piːt] v. 重复;复述

You do it all the time without thinking about it.【译】你总是不假思索地这么做。

Think about how you know how many of each coin you need when calculating exact change.【译】想一想,当你计算精确的零钱时,你是如何知道你需要多少硬币的。【单词】coin [koin][kɔɪn] n. 硬币;金钱【单词】calculating 原型:calculate ['kal-kyuh-leyt]['kælkjuleɪt] v. 计算;估计;考虑;推测【单词】exact [ig-'zakt][ɪɡ'zækt] adj. 精密严谨的;确切的

If you want to divide 70000 by 6, it helps to break down the 70000 into parts that you can divide by 6 using mental math alone.【译】如果你想计算7万除以6的结果,(长除法)可以帮助你把7万分解成很多小部分,到可以用心算解决的程度。【短语】break down 将……分成若干部分,分解【单词】mental ['men-tl]['mentl] adj. 思想的;心理的;精神的;脑力的【单词】math [math][mæθ] n. 数学

It's easy to verify that 70000 = 60000 6000 3600 360 36 4.【译】很容易验证70000=60000 6000 3600 360 36 4。【单词】verify ['ver-uh-fahy]['verɪfaɪ] vt. 核实;证明

And it's easy to compute that (60000 6000 3600 360 36)/6 = 10000 1000 600 60 6.【译】很容易计算出(60000 6000 3600 360 36)/6=10000 1000 600 60 6。【单词】compute [kuhm-'pyoot][kəm'pjuːt] v. (用计算机或计数器)计算;估计

So 70000/6 = 11666 with a remainder of 4 that couldn't be divided by 6.【译】所以70000/6=11666,剩下的余数4不能被6整除开。【单词】remainder [ri-'meyn-der][rɪ'meɪndə] n. 剩余物;[数]余数

Long division is the technique we use to break the number apart for easier division.【译】长除法是我们用来将数字分开以便于进行除法的技术。【短语】used to ... 过去一向,过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们以前要上仪态课的。【单词】technique [tek-'neek][tek'niːk] n. 技术;技巧;技能【单词】apart [uh-'pahrt][ə'pɑːt] adv. 相距;分开地;分别地

