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My dog chewed through the cover in a day. It’s a thin cover that is removable to be able to wash (I liked that feature) but it was not waterproof and it she ripped it super fast, it felt kinda cheap. The inside is this cheap memory foam I’m not quite impressed. My puppy is 5 months and sometimes chews on things, but doesn’t do it abnormally so I feel like it is safe to recommend this for dog owners who have completely trained and non curious dogs. My elder dog prob would’ve made this last a lot longer

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Hi Rachel,

Thanks for your honest feedback on our yooopaaa bed. We're sorry to hear that your dog managed to chew through the cover and that you were not satisfied with the quality of the memory foam.

We would love to get more information from you about what may have led your dog to chew through the cover so quickly as this is not something we typically see. If you could email us at [email protected] with some additional details, we'll be happy to look into it further.

In the meantime, we hope you'll consider trying out one of our other products which may better suit your needs. Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.


Hi Rachel, thanks for your review of our yooopaaa Memory Foam Dog Bed. We're sorry to hear that your dog managed to chew through the cover and that you're not happy with the quality of the memory foam.

We would love to get more information from you about how long your elder dog might have been able to use it for without chewing. Also, if you could send a picture of the damage done we can forward this on to our product development team and see if there's anything we can learn from it.

Please email us at and we'll be in touch.


Thank you for your honest feedback, Rachel. We're sorry to hear that the cover on your yooopaaa didn't meet your expectations and that your dog was able to chew through it. Our covers are made from a durable fabric and are meant to be chew-resistant, but we understand that some dogs are more determined than others.

The memory foam inside our pads is also meant to be durable, but we're sorry to hear that it didn't meet your expectations either. We would love to hear more about what you didn't like about it and how we could improve in the future.

Please feel free to reach out to us at if you have any other questions or concerns about your yooopaaa pad.


Hi Rachel, thanks for your review of the yooopaaa Memory Foam Pet Bed. We're sorry to hear that your dog managed to chew through the cover so quickly and that you're not happy with the quality of the memory foam.

We would love to get more information from you about what kind of dog you have and how it was able to chew through the cover. If you could email us at [email protected] with some pictures and/or a video of your dog chewing on the bed, we'll be happy to take a look and see if there's something we can do to improve its durability.


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