
  • 中韩泡菜口水战的起因是中国主导下ISO制定了泡菜的国际标准。
  • Earlier this month the ISO published new rules for the development, transportation and storage of pao cai. ……The Global Times newspaper reported it was an “international standard for the kimchi industry led by China”.本月早些时候,国际标准化组织公布了泡菜开发、运输和储存的新规定。……据《环球时报》报道,这是“以中国主导制定的泡菜行业国际标准”。
  • 国际标准制定是好事呀,为什么韩国要和中国争。先别急,先了解下背景知识。什么是泡菜呢?Kimchi, made with fermented vegetables, is a highly popular dish in South Korea
  • 泡菜是用发酵蔬菜做成的,在韩国是一道非常受欢迎的菜。f
  • erment:(使)发酵。例句:Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long. 果汁存放过久就会发酵。
  • There are many types of kimchi, a spicy pickle dish normally made using cabbage. Kimchi is often served in China under the name pao cai, but China has its own variant of the dish which it also calls pao cai.
  • 泡菜有很多种,一种通常用卷心菜做的辛辣泡菜泡菜在中国常被称为泡菜,但中国有自己的泡菜变种,也叫泡菜。
  • pickle :泡菜;腌菜。习语,in a pickle(informal)处于困境;处境窘迫。
  • Kimchi belongs to an international family of pickled food that includes paocai, tsukemono (from Japan) and sauerkraut(from Germany), said Cho Jung-eun, a director at the World Institute of Kimchi.
  • 世界泡菜研究所所长赵荣恩说,泡菜属于一个国际腌菜大家庭,还包括泡菜、日本泡菜和德国泡菜









  • 因为使用Kimichi这个词,韩国政府,媒体和网友像是被踩了尾巴一样跳起来了。看媒体如何使用不同词汇表达这种意思的。
  • It touched a nerve in South Korea它触动了韩国的神经。
  • hit/strike/touch a nerve.: to make someone feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.Something she said to him must have hit/struck/touched a nerve.她对他说的一些话一定让他生气了。


hit/strike/touch a nerve

  • The very mention of the word kimchi triggered angry accusations among South Koreans that China was attempting to claim kimchi as its own因为提到泡菜这个词,韩国人就愤怒地指责中国试图宣称泡菜是自己的。


  • It prompted ripostes from South Korean officials and newspapers, along with a slew of barbed social media comments about the finer points of pickled cabbage.
  • 这引发了韩国官员和报纸的反击,同时社交媒体也就泡菜的微妙细节发表了大量尖刻的评论
  • riposte:机敏地回答,反击。'It's tough at the top,' he said. 'It's tougher at the bottom,' riposted the billionaire.“身居高位很辛苦,”他说。“在底层更辛苦,”这个亿万富翁机敏地回答道。


  • slew:(informal, especially NAmE)大量;许多。There have been a whole slew of shooting incidents...发生过大量枪击案。
  • barbed :(of a remark or comment 说话) 挖苦的;伤人的;带刺的
  • Even South Korea’s agriculture ministry was moved to comment on the latest cultural clash。就连韩国农业部也对最近的文化冲突发表了评论。
  • Social media users in China and South Korea are embroiled in another row。中国和韩国的社交媒体用户卷入了另一场争论。
  • embroil:使卷入(纠纷);使陷入(困境);使纠缠于。例句
  • He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours.
  • 他与邻居们发生了争执。
  • 韩国不仅要和中国争泡菜,也要和日本争
  • The dish has served as a focal point for diplomatic clashes in recent years. The international codification of kimchi's recipe in 2001 came after a dispute with another pickle-loving neighbor, Japan.这道菜近年来一直是外交冲突的焦点。2001年,在与另一个爱吃泡菜的邻国日本发生争执后,国际上才开始编纂泡菜食谱。


  • 当然中韩文化之争由来依旧,汉服韩服之争,BTS的不当言论,BlankPink带妆空手摸熊猫。
    • The kimchi contretemps is the latest online spat between social media users in China and South Korea.这起泡菜事件是中国和韩国社交媒体用户最近一次的网络口水战。
    • contretemps:(from French, formal or humorous)令人尴尬的小争吵;口角。He was briefly arrested in Rome after a contretemps with Italian police.他曾因和意大利警方发生争执而在罗马被短暂拘留。
    • spat:(informal)小争吵;小别扭;口角。a spat between America and Germany over interest rates and currencies.美国与德国在利率与货币方面的争端。比如下面的Lover's Spat。


    • Online debate was sparked weeks ago over costumes used in a Chinese period drama, Royal Feast.几周前,中国古代戏剧《尚食》中的服装在网上引发讨论。
    • BTS faced a barrage of criticism in ChinaBTS在中国遭到一连串批评。
    • barrage :[sing.]~ (of sth)接二连三的一大堆(质问或指责等)。
    • 举例:a barrage of questions/criticisms/complaints 连珠炮似的问题 / 批评 / 抱怨
    • 其他国家也有过类似争吵。Indonesia had a similar quarrel with Malaysia over batik, the textile-dyeing process.印尼和马来西亚在蜡染(一种纺织品染色工艺)上也有类似的争吵。



    • Some Chinese users have been striking a conciliatory note, But others are not letting go.一些中国用户对此表示和解,但其他人并没有放手。
    • conciliatory :ADJ-GRADED 愿意和解的; 调停的;安抚的


    关于生气还有两个习语:drive sb up the wall 和a short fuse,具体是什么意思,大家可以自行查证一下。想要学习更多关于美国文化和美式英语,欢迎关注我,带你了解世界眼中的中国和中国眼中的世界。


