

Health experts have stressed the need to implement the 20 recently adjusted COVID-19 control measures in a scientific and precise manner, as well as the need to resolutely rectify the imposition of extra restrictions.



The measures state that a crackdown on the extra restrictions and the “one-size-fits-all” approach to fighting COVID-19 will be strengthened. Malpractices such as arbitrarily closing schools, halting production, blocking roads, shuttering hospitals and deploying prolonged lockdowns are strictly prohibited.




Who has the power to implement lockdowns?


Local governments at and above the county level can enforce lockdowns, according to China’s Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases.


The law stipulates that governments at the county level and above should organize resources to cut the transmission of contagious diseases when an outbreak occurs. If necessary, they should report to upper-level authorities to determine the rollout of a series of emergency measures, such as suspending markets, art performances and other gatherings, halting production and closing schools and venues that might cause further spread of the virus.


The Regulations on Emergency Response to Acute Public Health Eventsalso requires health departments of governments at and above the county level to lead in the management of health emergencies and the provision of treatment.



Where should lockdown measures be applied during a COVID-19 outbreak?


High-risk areas, mostly confined to residential units or buildings, can be locked down according to a protocol released by the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on Nov 19.


The protocol on COVID-19 risk categorization and management said that areas where infected people live and where the probability of virus transmission is high due to frequent visits paid by those people can be categorized as high risk. The scope of high-risk areas can be expanded moderately when transmission chains are unclear.


It said high-risk areas should be locked down, and round-the-clock patrol or electric door seals can be deployed to prevent population movement. Meanwhile, designated vehicles and personnel should be arranged to transport residents who need medical treatment.


When can lockdown measures be lifted?


A high-risk area can be downgraded to a low-risk area when no new infections are found for five consecutive days and all residents test negative on the fifth day. When these requirements are met, lockdown measures should be lifted promptly, according to the protocol.

高风险区所在县 (市、区、旗) 的其他地区划定为低风险区。实行“个人防护、避免聚集”,离开所在城市持48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。

A low-risk area refers to all remaining areas in a county-level region where a high-risk area is located. Residents there are required to take precautions, avoid gathering and present negative test results taken within 48 hours before leaving.



Can fire exits at residential complexes and buildings be shut?


It is strictly forbidden to block or seal off safety exits or block access for fire brigade vehicles for virus control reasons.


According to the Law on Fire Protection, no institutions or individuals may damage, misappropriate, dismantle or deactivate firefighting equipment without authorization. Evacuation passages, safety exits and fire truck access shall not be occupied, blocked or closed off. Doors and windows in crowded places shall not be equipped with barriers that could affect escape and firefighting rescue efforts.


How can COVID-19 control malpractices be curbed?


The 20 adjusted measures said that to curb the one-size-fits-all approach and casual adoption of extra COVID-19 restrictions, public reports and exposure of such policies will be highlighted, and violators whose actions result in serious consequences will be held accountable. In addition, task forces committed to urging rectification have been set up across different government levels.


来源:人民日报健康客户端 央视网 新华社 国家卫生健康委

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