
1、Could you walk me through your resume?/Tell me about yourself. (自我介绍,这个问题我是分教育经历、工作经历、其他觉得有必要告诉面试官的),我来为大家讲解一下关于出国留学面试技巧和注意事项?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



1、Could you walk me through your resume?/Tell me about yourself. (自我介绍,这个问题我是分教育经历、工作经历、其他觉得有必要告诉面试官的)

(教育)ok , allow me to start with my education background. From *** to ***, I was taking a three-year period education in school of ***, *** University, majoring in ***. During the study, I gained not only the knowledge of ***, but also the knowledge of ***. (对学习经历大概介绍后,主要介绍学到的知识,并总结大学生活给你带来的正面影响)

(工作)Something about my work experience. I am now a general partner&marketing executive in **** company. I am in charge of the European department. Recently, my main responsibilities including***(对工作职责进行介绍,并告诉面试官这份工作给你带来的积极方面的影响)

(个人)Finally, there is some other information I would like to tell you about me. MBTI test shows that I am with a type of INTJ personality. People with this kind of personality tend to exhibit perfectionist personalities, strong pioneering spirit and communication skills. I approve of this results exactly,,especially communication skills. People use to describe me as Independent, sensitive and perfectionist. (加举例)

2、Why MBA?/ Why do the MBA now?/Why do you think you would enjoy your chosen area of study?/What are you looking for in our program?(为什么选择这个专业)

Sometimes, I feel like i am standing in a forest, I can see some trees, but couldn’t see the whole forest. I am like a bird, with wings but don’t know where to fly. Only the dumbest birds can be like this.I know I need to improve myself. Compare with communicate skills and human resource management, international outlook and strategic thinking would be the most thing which I need. MBA will match my needs.(主要是告诉面试官你目前遇到的问题,以及通过该专业的学习会在哪些方面可以帮助到你)

3、What can you contribute to your class and school?(你能为学校/你的同学带来什么帮助)

At school, I wish I will be a qualified member of the class. I will participate actively in different discusses, and I hope my work experience and knowledge will be beneficial to my classmates.

After graduation, I hope I will have a great future in my desirable area, at the same time I can win glory for my university.(这个问题我同样是分两部分来回答的,一是在学校学习时,另一方面是毕业之后)

4、what clubs are you considering joining?(你会参加哪些俱乐部)

I am a good runner and I like reading very much. So book club and running club will be the most one I would like to join in. (这个问题的答案很广泛)

5、 Why our school?

***University with a world top 100 MBA. And students can apply what they have learned in practice with a range of organizations. So besides gaining an international outlook , I can also build valuable connections, which can help me become a global leader.(到该校的官网上找各个学校自我介绍,如果用他们自己的答案来回答,面试官会认为你是认真的了解过他们学校的,这点很重要,我个人觉得,当时我自己这样回答后,对面的老头儿可来劲了,巴拉巴拉说了好多他们学校的好话~~)

6、 What are your short term/long term post-MBA career goals?(你学习某某课程的短长期目标)

My short term of learning MBA is to gain key qualities of business administration, like strategic thinking, and international outlook. My long term career goal is to set up a investment company. I hope it will be successful with my knowledge and work experience.(这个问题的答案也是很广泛的,大家可以根据实际情况来回答)

7、 What are your 3 greatest strengths?(你的3个长处)

I have confidence in my interpersonal skills. Some resigned people are keeping in touch with me.

My checklist-making skills are good too. I can deal with more than 20 things at the same time.

My time management skills are not bad too. I set myself a minimum work time, it might be 40 minutes or an hour, then I will have a 20 minutes rest. By doing this, I can work efficiently for a long time.

8、 What are your 2 greatest weaknesses?(你的2个不足之处)

I wish I could be as brave as what I want to be. So that I could put some of my thinking into practice.

And I hope i will be able to control my diet. When I am under lots pressure or stay up late. I tend to eat a lot. So although I like running, but still get fatter and fatter.(这是一个陷阱问题,千万不要傻乎乎的把短处都开诚布公出来啊~)

9、 What do you think will be the biggest concern of the Admissions Committee in evaluating your application?(你认为校委会在评估你的申请时更关心哪些点)

Maybe the work experience and education background I suppose. MBA courses integrate business and management theory with practice, which need students have enough work experience and theoretical basis. Without these students will not be able to catch the courses.(这个问题也是直接到该校的官网上找,学校在自我评估时,会对自己的专业有定位,这就可以用来回答这个问题)

10、 Do you have any questions for me?

Could you pls tell me in order to catch the courses, are there any books I need to learn in advance? Which books?(我只问了这一个问题,老师回答完之后问有没有其他问题,我不好意思的说我确实想多了解一些,但是我的英语口语确实不太给力,然后对面的老头儿哈哈大笑,后来中介的老师说我不该这么说,不过我还是顺利的通过那次面试拿到了奖学金,所以仁者见仁吧)


