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Hello Hello , 最近亚马逊雨林的大火刷屏了朋友圈,你知道相关的英文怎么说吗?


The lungs of the Earth 地球之肺。Amazon rainforest [ˈæməzən ˈreɪnfɒrɪst] 亚马逊雨林 。 (这是一个固定搭配,用到的是雨林,而不是森林)。 所以不能说成 Amazon forest 。Ravage [ˈrævɪdʒ] 摧毁 (to damage sth very badly )Amazon Basin [ˈbeɪsn] 亚马逊盆地
  • Flames are ravaging the Amazon Basin. 大火正在摧毁亚马逊盆地。
Catalyze ['kætəˌlaɪz] 催化 。 催化剂就是 catalyzer .Devastating [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ] 破坏性极强的/毁灭性的Set fire 纵火 (固定搭配)


Arson [ˈɑːsn] 纵火(最)Arsonist [ˈɑːsənɪst] 纵火犯Arsenal [ˈɑːsənl] 兵工厂,军火库。 这个单词很多球迷应该知道,英超阿森纳队的队名就是这个单词。Inferno [ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ] 熊熊大火 (无法控制,造成极大的损失的)。 新闻报道经常使用这个单词。Blaze [bleɪz] 大火(大的难以控制);作动词就是熊熊燃烧的意思。
  • Though climate change has catalyzed many devastating blazes in recent years, these recent fires, experts say, were intentionally set by farmers who, responding to calls from Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to develop the region, wanted to clear their land so it could be used for agriculture. 尽快近年来的气候变化引起了多次(森林)大火,但是亚马逊此次的大火完全是因为人为原因造成的;当地的农民为了响应巴西总统Jair Bolsonaro开发该地区的号召而点燃了该片地区以便进行农业耕作。
Contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] to 带来,促成,导致Climate crisis 气候危机Carbon [ˈkɑːbən] 碳 , carbon dioxide [daɪˈɒksaɪd] 二氧化碳
  • It's on fire, and as it burns, the Amazon drastically contributes to the climate crisis ---- both from the carbon released by the forest fires and from the loss of trees' ability to absorb carbon in the future. 随着亚马逊雨林的燃烧,这也将导致严重气候危机-- 燃烧会产生很多的碳排放,同时又会降低雨林对于碳吸收的能力。
Indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs] people 土著
  • The indigenous people of the Amazon have been calling attention to the consequences of failing to protect the rainforest for years. 当地土著一直以来号召公众号关注因为保护不当给雨林带来的灾难性后果。


Deforestation [ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn] 森林采伐
  • Since Bolsonaro gained power, there has been rapid deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. 自从Bolsonaro 执政以来,森林采伐在巴西亚马逊变得日益频繁。


Greenhouse gas emissions [iˈmɪʃn] 温室气体排放
  • The daily global greenhouse gas emissions during the crisis exceeded that of the entire US economy. 全球温室气体排放每天造成的损失已经超过了美国全国的经济。


