



(注意: 这段时间采用的音频主要是有主题,系统性的听力,这个是前期的准备,系统听力之后,进入多口音的训练,打通你的耳朵,提升你的听力,所以学习的资料很重要,跟着一起来吧。)

第一遍: 大概听音频,理解听力中大概描述的故事情节;

第二遍: 认真听音频,不看文本,尽量全部听懂,不懂的做个记号,看文本,也可以听下面的音频,从讲解中获取新的知识点,理解文中所有提到的内容意思,根据每个人的喜好自行选择;


On a weekday, I usually get up around 6:30 a.m., but I set my alarm to go off at 6:20 so that I can hit the snooze button to sleep another 10 minutes. My roommate thinks I’m crazy, but doing this in the mornings actually helps me wake up. I’m a night owl, not an early bird like she is, so I need an extra few minutes

to get going in the morning.

One reason it’s so hard to get up is because my bedroom and my bed are so comfortable. I splurged and bought a bed with a very soft, thick mattress. I also have matching sheets and pillowcases, and a comforter that is made of goose down. Even my nightstand matches my sheets and the rest of my bedroom. I decorated it so that it would be restful after a busy day at work.

When I get up, the first thing I do is put on my robe. It’s always so cold in the apartment in the mornings, no matter what time of year it is. Then, I usually make my bed. I hated making my bed when I was little, but now it’s become a routine. Sometimes, though, I’m so tired that I sleep in for just a little too long and then, the bed definitely doesn’t get made. On those days, I wish I could sleep in all day!


to get up – to get out of bed; to leave one’s bed (起床)

alarm (also alarm clock) – a small machine usually with a clock that makes a sound to wake one up at a specific time(闹钟)

to go off – to make a loud noise very suddenly(突发巨响)


