
全国各地都有很多人成为网红,有些是博眼球走红的,有些是正能量走红的,有些是给骂走红,等等,这位老太太就是天津水上公园跳舞给骂走红的。There are a lot of people all over the country become net red, some are eye-catching, some are positive energy, some are to scold popular, and so on, the old lady is Tianjin Tianjin water park dance to scold popular。


看看这位老太太如痴如醉跳舞,这舞跳的,多有“感情”啊,每回看她跳舞都那么陶醉,大庭广众之下也不影响她跟男舞伴跳舞!那么多人都在看着拍着,也不会影响她“陶醉”的发挥,我是看半天没看出这老太太舞姿在哪里。Look at the old lady infatuated dance, this dance, how "feelings" ah, every time to see her dance are so intoxicated, in public also does not affect her with male partner dance! So many people are watching the clap, also will not affect her "intoxicated" play, I was watching for a long time did not see where the old lady dancing。


网络上很多这个老太太的视频,每次男舞伴都不一样,有外国老头,有头发花白的大爷,有身强力壮的帅气大叔,不仅舞伴不一样,舞步也是花样百出。There are many videos of this old lady on the Internet, every time the male dancers are different, there are foreign old men, gray men, and strong handsome uncle. They are not only different, but also have a variety of dance steps。


这位老太太每次跳舞都表情“陶醉”,每次跳完都和男舞伴拥抱,有时还会亲吻,身体接触的位置让人看了尴尬。The old lady looked "intoxicated" after dancing, hugging her male partner, sometimes kissing, and being physically awkward。



这位老太太的退休生活让很多人羡慕,但她的舞蹈也引起很多人质疑。The old lady's retirement life makes many people envy, but her dance has also caused many people's doubts。


据说花姐的舞蹈视频已经传到国外,让很多网友更加气愤,认为舞蹈传到国外肯定会影响外国人对天津的看法。不知道这看法是好还是坏,你们觉得呢?It is said that the video of her dance has been posted abroad, making many netizens even more angry, believing that the dance spread abroad will definitely affect foreigners' views on Tianjin. I wonder if this view is good or bad, what do you think?


好了[比心],这期内容先说到这[玫瑰],关注小月[送心],带你看人间百态[玫瑰],品百味人生[玫瑰],我们下篇文章见[比心]。拜拜!Well, this issue of content first to say this, pay attention to xiao yue, take you to see the world, the taste of life, we see the next article,bye-bye.



