
* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;* 推荐的阅读的方法是:先原文,适当看解析阅读,还有疑惑再看双语对照* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文* 本篇文章难度系数7.3,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分What is a bonsai tree?【译】什么是盆景树?【单词】bonsai [bon-'sahy]['bɒnsaɪ] n. 盆栽;盆景艺术【单词】tree [tree][triː] n. 树;树状物,下面我们就来说一说关于榕树盆景种植?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



* 用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,《英读廊》是《满庭说英语》中的拓展阅读系列,这一系列的文章力求帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;* 推荐的阅读的方法是:先原文,适当看解析阅读,还有疑惑再看双语对照。* 解析中英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文。* 本篇文章难度系数7.3,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。

What is a bonsai tree?【译】什么是盆景树?【单词】bonsai [bon-'sahy]['bɒnsaɪ] n. 盆栽;盆景艺术【单词】tree [tree][triː] n. 树;树状物

How do they work?【译】它们是如何形成的?

Almost any tree can be a bonsai tree.【译】几乎任何一棵树都可以是盆景树。

It's a way of growing trees rather than a type of tree.【译】这更多是指一种培养树的方式,而不是指某一种类型的树。【短语】rather than ... 而不是...【单词】growing 原型:grow [groh][ɡrəʊ] v. 种植

You keep the tree planted in shallow soil, occasionally trim the roots, and train the branches to grow in interesting ways using wire.【译】你把树种在浅层土壤里,偶尔修剪树根,用铁丝捆绑树枝来培育,可以让它以有趣的方式生长。【单词】planted 原型:plant [plant, plahnt][plɑːnt] v. 种植;设立;建立;安插;栽赃【单词】shallow ['shal-oh]['ʃæləʊ] adj. 浅的;薄的【单词】soil [soil][sɔɪl] n. 土地;土壤【单词】occasionally [uh-'key-zhuh-nl-ee][ə'keɪʒnəli] adv. 偶尔地【单词】trim [trim][trɪm] v. 修剪;削减;装饰

【单词】roots 原型:root [root, roo t][ruːt] n. 根;根源;根本【单词】train [treyn][treɪn] vt. 训练;培训【单词】branches 原型:branch [branch, brahnch][brɑːntʃ] n. 分支;树枝【单词】wire [wahyuh r]['waɪə] n. 金属丝;电线

To add: Almost is the key word.【译】补充一下:(上面说的)几乎是最关键的。【单词】add [ad][æd] v. 加;增加;补充

A lot of people think "all" trees can be bonsai (pronounced bohn-sigh) but that would be incorrect.【译】很多人认为“所有的”树都可以做盆栽(发音为bohn-sigh),但这是不正确的。【单词】pronounced 原型:pronounce [pruh-'nouns][prə'naʊns] vt. 发音【单词】incorrect [in-kuh-'rekt][ˌɪnkə'rekt] adj. 不正确的;错误的

The term bonsai simply means "tree in pot," so by those standards, yes the "all trees" statement is true.【译】盆景这个词只是指“盆里的树”,所以如果按照这些标准,“所有树”的说法是正确的。【单词】pot [pot][pɒt] n. 罐;壶,盆

Good bonsai are trees that in miniature form, can show a sense of age and scale.【译】好的盆景是树的缩影,可以表现出年龄感和规模感。【单词】miniature ['min-ee-uh-cher]['mɪnətʃə] adj. 小型的;小规模的 n. 缩图;小画像;小模型【单词】scale [skeyl][skeɪl] n. 刻度;等级,规模;量程,鳞片状

To do this, they rely on creating characteristics like large trunks with wide radial roots (nebari) and a nice taper and movement going up the tree.【译】要做到这一点,他们依赖于创造出像较大的树干和辐射状(齿状)的根(称为nebari)和一个很好的锥度和向上生长的特点。【单词】rely [ri-'lahy][rɪ'laɪ] vi. 依靠;信任【单词】creating 原型:create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;造成 【单词】characteristics 原型:characteristic [kar-ik-tuh-'ris-tik][ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk] n. 特点;特性;特色【单词】trunks 原型:trunk [truhngk][trʌŋk] n. 树干【单词】radial ['rey-dee-uhl]['reɪdiəl] adj. 光线的;光线状的;放射状的【单词】taper ['tey-per]['teɪpə] n. 尖锥形;渐弱;逐渐变小;逐渐消失

Foliage is also developed to be tight and manicured in a way that shows the tree off the best of it's intended style (formal upright, informal upright, cascade, etc.).【译】树叶也被弄成紧密的和修剪显示出树木的最佳风格(正式直立,非正式直立,瀑布式等)。【短语】in a way表示“在某种程度上;一点;”。如:(1)The work is well done in a way. 从某种程度上说,这工作做得不错。(2)It made things very unpleasant in a way. 这把事情弄得有点不大愉快。【单词】Foliage 原型:foliage ['foh-lee-ij]['fəʊliɪdʒ] n. 叶子(总称);簇叶【单词】developed 原型:develop [dih-'vel-uh p][dɪ'veləp] v. 发展;发育;开发【单词】tight [tahyt][taɪt] adj. 紧的;紧身的;密集的【单词】manicured 原型:manicure ['man-i-kyoor]['mænɪkjʊə] vt. 修剪【单词】intended 原型:intend [in-'tend][ɪn'tend] vt. 想要;打算;意指【单词】formal ['fawr-muhl]['fɔːml] adj. 正式的;正规的;形式的【单词】upright ['uhp-rahyt]['ʌpraɪt] adj. 直立的;垂直的;正直的 adv. 垂直地【单词】informal [in-'fawr-muhl][ɪn'fɔːml] adj. 非正式的;不拘形式的【单词】cascade [kas-'keyd][kæ'skeɪd] n. 瀑布 v. 瀑布似地落下【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

The problem with the statement that any tree can be bonsai, is that not all leaves can reduce size with training.【译】任何一棵树都可以成为盆景的说法的问题在于,并不是所有的叶子都可以通过培育而变小。【单词】leaves 原型:leaf [leef][liːf] n. 叶

【单词】reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][rɪ'djuːs] v. 减少;缩小

With those species, you may have a trunk and branch structure that look OK in miniature form, yet their leaves will be far larger than they should be if in scale with the wood.【译】对于这些品种,你可能有一个看起来在微型方面还算OK的树干和树枝结构,但他们的叶子将远远大于它们应该的大小比例(与木质部分相比较)。【单词】species ['spee-sheez, -seez]['spiːʃiːz] n. 种类【单词】wood [woo d][wʊd] n. 木材;木头

This would not be GOOD bonsai.【译】这样可不是什么好盆景。

Not sure if 100% correct.【译】不确定是否100%正确。【单词】correct [kuh-'rekt][kə'rekt] adj. 正确的;得体的

But I did hear that the ancient form of bonsai was not only to make a small tree in a pot, but to actually shape and form a tree in a pot to resemble another tree.【译】但我确实听说古代盆景的形式不仅是在盆里造一棵小树,而且实际上是把一棵树塑造成一棵类似另一棵树的形状。【单词】ancient ['eyn-shuhnt]['eɪnʃənt] adj. 古老的;古代的

【单词】shape [sheyp][ʃeɪp] vt. 塑造;定形;使 ... 成形【单词】resemble [ri-'zem-buhl][rɪ'zembl] v. 与…相似;像

Say the one you used to play around at the park, or one on the families property, or even one found out in the wild you wish to mimic.【译】比如你以前在公园里转悠过的那棵树,或者是在家里种的,或者是在野外发现的一个你想模仿的(树)。【短语】used to ... 过去一向,过去时常,过去曾(而现在不再)做某事; 例句:Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女们以前要上仪态课的。【单词】wild [wahyld][waɪld] adj. 野生的;野蛮的;未开发的【单词】mimic ['mim-ik]['mɪmɪk] vt. 模仿;模拟

This to me anyway, takes the art form to the next level.【译】不管怎样,对我来说,这将艺术形式提升到了一个新的层次。【单词】anyway ['en-ee-wey]['eniweɪ] adv. 不管怎样;无论如何

Being able to imitate nature yourself, something very soothing about the idea of that.【译】能够自己模仿大自然,这一想法让人很安心。【单词】imitate ['im-i-teyt]['ɪmɪteɪt] vt. 仿效;仿制;模仿【单词】soothing 原型:soothe [sooth][suːð] v. 缓和;使安静;安慰

Might just be me.【译】可能只是我个人的想法。

Japanese bonsai is typically trying to make a tree appear to always be perfectly sculpted young tree with a very specific set of rules where a branch can or cannot be etc.【译】日本盆景通常是试图使一棵树看起来是完美雕刻的幼树,并有一套非常具体的规则,在这些规则中,树枝可以在哪里有或不能有等等。【单词】Japanese 原型:japanese [jap-uh-'neez, -'nees][ˌdʒæpə'niːz] adj. 日本的;日本人的【单词】typically ['tip-i-kuhl]['tɪpɪkli] adv. 典型地;代表性地;通常,一般【单词】perfectly ['pur-fikt-lee]['pɜːfɪktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地;完整地;完美地;圆满地【单词】sculpted 原型:sculpt [skuhlpt][skʌlpt] v. 雕刻【单词】rules 原型:rule [rool][ruːl] n. 规则;条例;习惯

The more modern western bonsai is more about making a natural looking tree.【译】更现代的西方盆景更多的是制作一棵看起来很自然的树。【单词】western ['wes-tern]['westən] adj. 西方的;西洋的;西部的

You imagine the snow weight in winter and what it will cause branches to do, or cold winds from one constant direction then try to turn that into miniature.【译】你想象一下冬天的雪量,以及它会导致树枝怎么样,或者从一个恒定方向吹来的冷风,然后试着把这想法变成微型(盆栽)。【单词】imagine [ih-'maj-in][ɪ'mædʒɪn] vt. 想像;设想【单词】snow [snoh][snəʊ] n. 雪;积雪;下雪【单词】weight [weyt][weɪt] n. 重量;体重【单词】winter ['win-ter]['wɪntə] n. 冬季;冬天【单词】winds 原型:wind [wind][wɪnd] n. 风

【单词】constant ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstənt] adj. 不变的;经常的【单词】direction [dih-'rek-shuh n, 'dahy-][də'rekʃn] n. 方向

I personally prefer the modern style.【译】我个人更喜欢现代风格。【单词】personally ['pur-suh-nl-ee]['pɜːsənəli] adv. 就个人而言;个别地;作为个人【单词】prefer [pri-'fur][prɪ'fɜː] vt. 宁可;较喜欢

Less rules, less "sculptures", more "that awesome tree I saw".【译】更少的规则,更少的“雕塑”,更多的是“我看到的美丽”。【单词】sculptures 原型:sculpture ['skuhlp-cher]['skʌlptʃə] n. 雕塑;雕刻【单词】awesome ['aw-suh m]['ɔːsəm] adj. 可怕的;表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的,绝妙的

If you Google some pictures the difference is pretty noticeable.【译】如果你用谷歌搜索一些图片,这种差异是非常明显的。【单词】pretty ['prit-ee]['prɪti] adv. 相当地【单词】noticeable ['noh-ti-suh-buhl]['nəʊtɪsəbl] adj. 显而易见的;显著的;值得注意的【专有名词】Google 组织机构 ['goo-guhl]['ɡuːɡl] n. 谷歌(搜索引擎名) v. (利用谷歌)搜索

