
1. 简介这里定义的一级动词包括:go、get、do、have、take等,是英语口语中使用最多的单词和词组;这几个词类似中文里的:干、搞等词这类词往往一词多义,有的甚至有几十种意思,还不包括词组;比如go这个单词,查看英文词典发现单词 词组总共多达几十种意思,日常生活中频繁出现的也不少,所以应该重点掌握,下面我们就来说一说关于初来乍到第一季英语学习?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



1. 简介

这里定义的一级动词包括:go、get、do、have、take等,是英语口语中使用最多的单词和词组;这几个词类似中文里的:干、搞等词。这类词往往一词多义,有的甚至有几十种意思,还不包括词组;比如go这个单词,查看英文词典发现单词 词组总共多达几十种意思,日常生活中频繁出现的也不少,所以应该重点掌握。


2. 台词脚本

[32][1:41 ~ 1:44][VerbL1A][getting respect][FOTBS01E01] But it’s hard getting respect when you’re 11.

[205][9:4 ~ 9:6][VerbL1A][go well][FOTBS01E01] Oh, it didn’t go well?

[228][10:1 ~ 10:4][VerbL1A][take time, get used to][FOTBS01E01] It just… it just take time to get used to something different.

[286][12:4 ~ 12:6][VerbL1A][get used to][FOTBS01E01] The kids at school will get used to it!

[349][14:35 ~ 14:38][VerbL1A][get separated][FOTBS01E01] If we get separated, try and join a white family.

[445][19:5 ~ 19:10][VerbL1A][make waves, be mad at you][FOTBS01E01] You do your best not to make waves, but I will never be mad at you for standing up for yourself.

[10][0:23 ~ 0:27][VerbL1A][make you aware, closely, authorities][FOTBS01E02] We are working closely with local authorities, but we also wanted to make you aware

[44][2:5 ~ 2:8][VerbL1A][get on the same page][FOTBS01E02] Look, if you’re gonna help with the restaurant, we need to get on the same page,

[218][10:6 ~ 10:11][VerbL1A][to not have you there][FOTBS01E02] It is so hard to not have you there. But this is best for the boys.

[89][3:44 ~ 3:46][VerbL1A][take time][FOTBS01E03] You’ll make new friends. It just take time.

[367][15:57 ~ 16:1][VerbL1A][everything goes, in slow motion][FOTBS01E03] It’s like everything goes in slow motion and you feel this pain in your heart.

[45][1:42 ~ 1:48][VerbL1A][get along][FOTBS01E06] Me and the kids at school didn’t always get along, but the things we could agree on were hoops, hip-hop, and Nintendo.

[63][2:18 ~ 2:19][VerbL1A][going through][FOTBS01E06] I think they’re going through some stuff.

[70][2:31 ~ 2:35][VerbL1A][making up][FOTBS01E06] Yeah, she’s making up for my dad forgetting me at a Walmart.

[131][5:8 ~ 5:11][VerbL1A][runs the house, pull me into that][FOTBS01E06] That’s your mother’s thing. She runs the house. Don’t pull me into that.

[247][10:11 ~ 10:15][VerbL1A][getting distracted][FOTBS01E06] I keep getting distracted by the misfortunes of Cathy.

[423][17:42 ~ 17:49][VerbL1A][make an offer][FOTBS01E06] Actually, I am showing the house to these two best friends. Lovers, and we love it. We’d like to make an offer.

[108][4:20 ~ 4:24][VerbL1A][get into fights][FOTBS01E07] Wow, you usually get into fights at the grocery store. I know!

[120][4:53 ~ 4:58][VerbL1A][You’ll get us all killed][FOTBS01E07] Tess is not with Nicole today. This is my chance to sit next to her.Shut up. You’ll get us all killed.

[181][8:3 ~ 8:7][VerbL1A][we don’t have Nicole yet][FOTBS01E07] - Okay, get in. Let’s go. - But we don’t have Nicole yet! Oh, she’s not coming.

[188][8:17 ~ 8:19][VerbL1A][have our eyes closed][FOTBS01E07] You don’t recognize me because we always have our eyes closed,

[380][14:29 ~ 14:32][VerbL1A][go along with my lie, proposition][FOTBS01E08] Why did you go along with my lie about the Beastie Boys concert? Because I have a proposition for you.

[31][1:9 ~ 1:10][VerbL1A][getting away][FOTBS01E09] She’s getting away!

[167][7:18 ~ 7:23][VerbL1A][get thrown into detention][FOTBS01E09] That’s how I’m gonna spend time with her. I got to get thrown into detention.

[469][20:0 ~ 20:8][VerbL1A][done being grounded, lame, I’d be down][FOTBS01E09] And after I’m done being grounded, if you want to do something that’s not lame,like watch basketball or whatever, I’d be down.

[85][3:5 ~ 3:8][VerbL1A][have him stay, spilled][FOTBS01E10] I would have him stay on the sofa bed, but Eddie spilled oyster sauce on it

[460][19:58 ~ 20:1][VerbL1A][going through][FOTBS01E10] Okay. Bev and I are going through a rough patch.

[2][0:4 ~ 0:10][VerbL1A][get paid][FOTBS01E11] and on Fridays, we do happy hour after work. Do we get paid for that? - No!

[490][20:10 ~ 20:15][VerbL1A][make us buy, mugs, ceremony, even][FOTBS01E11] Why’d you make us buy all those garfield mugs for the ceremony? You didn’t even use them.

[494][20:22 ~ 20:24][VerbL1A][got through][FOTBS01E11] Well, I’m glad we all got through that as a family.

[225][10:11 ~ 10:14][VerbL1A][he gets it][FOTBS01E12] But I don’t think he gets it.

[22][1:6 ~ 1:10][VerbL1A][got invited][FOTBS01E13] So when she got invited to join the North Orlando Country Club, she was like…

[166][7:54 ~ 8:0][VerbL1A][make sacrifices, heritage][FOTBS01E13] It’s important we don’t forget our heritage. We all have to make sacrifices.

[388][18:49 ~ 18:52][VerbL1A][get involved, Stay out of it][FOTBS01E13] Should we get involved? Stay out of it. Just stay out of it.

3. 释义

  1. get(类似被动语态,口语中用得非常多):to reach a particular state or condition; to make sb/sth/yourself reach a particular state or condition
  2. get along:to have a friendly relationship with sb
  3. go through:to experience or suffer(to experience sth unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss) sth
  4. make waves:to be very active in a way that makes people notice you, and that may sometimes cause problems
  5. gets it:to understand sb/sth
  6. make up:to to do sth for sb or give them sth because you have caused them trouble, suffering or disappointment and wish to show that you are sorry
  7. run:to be in charge of a business, etc
  8. go along:go along with sb/sth to agree with sb/sth
  9. got through: to manage to do or complete sth

