

China will continue to strengthen its juvenile justice system, classify juvenile delinquencies on different levels and form a joint force with society to better protect the underage and prevent juvenile crimes, said Tong Jianming, deputy procurator-general, on Tuesday. 最高人民检察院副检察长童建明12日表示,最高检将继续加强对未成年人司法规律的探索,推动建立罪错未成年人分级处遇、临界预防等制度。要动员社会各方面力量,形成保护未成年人的合力。


Tong Jianming, deputy procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, receives an interview after the third plenary meeting of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 12, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]


Chinese prosecutors will clarify offense levels in crimes committed by juveniles to properly align punishments with the severity of the criminal acts, the nation's top prosecuting authority said on Tuesday. 最高人民检察院2月12日表示,将明确罪错未成年人处分分级,使惩罚措施与犯罪行为的严重程度相匹配。

The work plan of the Supreme People's Procuratorate for 2018-22, which it posted on its website, also vowed to take innovative steps to prevent such crimes. 最高人民检察院在其网站上发布的《2018-2022年检察改革工作规划》也承诺要采取创新举措防止此类犯罪。


The plan said the levels of offenses by juveniles will be classified, and offenders will be punished in line with the prescribed levels. 规划称,未成年人的犯罪程度将被分类,违法者将按照规定的等级受到相应惩罚。

童建明表示,中国有3亿多未成年人,加强对未成年人的司法保护工作,关乎亿万家庭幸福。过去一年,检察机关把未成年人司法保护工作摆到了更加突出位置(have made juvenile protection a priority)。

In October, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a proposal to the Ministry of Education, suggesting the ministry reinforce the management of school safety and formulate more concrete measures to prevent sexual assault against students. 去年10月,最高检向教育部发出了一份检察建议,建议教育部加强对学校安全的管理,加强预防性侵儿童和中小学生的工作。


"For their judicial protection, we should focus on educating them first with punishment as a supporting approach," he said, adding that they should be tolerated but not spoilt, strictly disciplined but treated with deep love. 对未成年人的司法保护,中国秉持的是“教育为主、惩罚为辅”原则,对他们“严管又厚爱,宽容不纵容”。


英语中关于“青少年犯罪”有一个固定的说法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile指“未成年、青少年”,也可以形容某人“孩子气的、幼稚的”。Delinquency这个词指“违法行为”,尤指青少年的违法行为,实施违法行为的青少年就可以称为delinquent。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)



