defi 添加流动性有什么好处(defer推迟延缓)

Word of the Day: September 22, 2022defer,下面我们就来说一说关于defi 添加流动性有什么好处?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

defi 添加流动性有什么好处(defer推迟延缓)

defi 添加流动性有什么好处

Word of the Day: September 22, 2022



verb /dih-FER/ [dɪˈfɜr]

What It Means

Defer means “to choose to do (something) at a later time.”

Defer 意思是“在以后做(某事)”。

DEFER in Context

“... lack of access to regular mortgage lending forces our clients to turn to predatory alternative lending and rent-to-own schemes or defer making needed repairs to their aging homes.” — Rachel Labush and Michael Froehlich, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 29 Aug. 2022


She deferred her master’s program for a year so that she could travel the world.


Did You Know?

There are two distinct words spelled defer in English, each with its own history and meaning. The defer having to do with allowing someone else to decide or choose something, or with agreeing to follow someone else’s decision, tradition, etc., (as in “He deferred to his parents’ wishes”) comes from the Latin verb dēferre, meaning “to bring down, convey, transfer, submit.” The defer synonymous with delay comes from Latin differre, which itself has several meanings, including two that resound in its English descendant: “to postpone” and “to delay.” Another meaning of differre is “to be unlike or distinct,” which makes apparent another of its descendants: differ, meaning “to be different.”

英语中有两个不同 defer,每个都有自己的历史和含义。 推迟与别人决定或选择的某事,或遵循别人的决定等有关(如“他顺从了父母的意愿”)来自拉丁动词 dēferre,意思是 “to bring down[减少],convey[表达],transfer[转移],submit[顺从]。” defer 与同义词 delay 来自拉丁语 differre,它本身有多种含义,其中两个英语后代中就有:“to postpone[推迟]”和“to delay[延迟]”。 diferre 的另一个含义是“to be unlike or postpone[不同]”,这使得它的另一个后代 differ,意思是“to be different[不同]”。


Fill in the blanks to complete a word that means "to put off intentionally and habitually": _ _ _ cra _ _ _ n _ te.



