

Let me make it up to you. 让我来补偿你吧。

1 Make up for 补偿

但在这不是make it up for you而是make it up to you , make up for后跟需要补偿的事情,在这make it up to you相当于make up for it to you

--You are late, again! 你又迟到了!

--Sorry, honey, let me make it up to you.对不起,亲爱的,我来补偿你吧。


let me=lemme

make it=makit

it up(t 的发音称为 flap t或soft d)

2 make up 化妆

She doesn't make up a lot.她不经常化妆

makeup 化妆品(名词短语或名词复合词,重音一般在第一个音节)

--You look beautiful today.你今天好漂亮啊!

--I'm wearing makeup.我化妆了

3 make up 编造(故事、借口等)

Each one of you need to make up a story and tell it in front of the whole class.你们每个人要编一个故事,然后在全班同学面前讲给大家听

It's not true, He made that up.那不是真的,他瞎编的。

4 make up 组成,构成,占比

The book is made up of 20 chapters.这本书由20个章节组成。

The girls only make up 30% of the whole class.女孩只占全班的30%。

5 make up one's mind.下决心,做决定

Say no more, I've made up my mind.不要再说了,我已经决定了。

6 make up 和好

They made up after a big fight.他们大吵了一架以后又和好了

7 make up the bed 铺床

She made up a bed for her friend in the guest room.她在客房给她朋友铺了床。


