

An Emirates airline pilot did a 'dangerous' high speed, low altitude fly-by over Dubai before the cockpit voice recorder was mysteriously 'overwritten,' investigators acknowledged Thursday.


The long-haul Emirates flight that could carry up to 380 passengers was heading to Washington in December when it failed to properly climb and flew incredibly low and fast over the city-state before later gaining altitude over the sea.


No one was injured in the December 19 flight, but such low altitudes and high speeds can cause damage to an aircraft and increases the risk of striking a building.


Tracking data suggests Flight No. EK231 was just 200 feet off the ground at points as it flew over Dubai's Deira neighborhood before reaching the Persian Gulf.



The initial report by the General Civil Aviation Authority said the pilot flying the Boeing 777 for the nighttime departure had put the plane's altitude selector to 4,000 feet, which is standard.


The pilot also said she followed the instructions of the plane's onboard computer, the report said.


However, the plane flew low and fast. Investigators say they recovered data from the plane, but the cockpit voice recorder had been 'overwritten,' without elaborating.


Investigators say their final report will focus on 'the root cause of the shallow climb of the aircraft and the crew performance.'

周四的时候,这家位于迪拜的国有航空公司-阿联酋航空拒绝发表评论。Air Current是一家关注航空行业的网站,首次报道了这次事故。

Emirates, a state-owned airline in Dubai, declined to comment Thursday. The Air Current, a website focused on the aviation industry, first reported on the incident.


阿联酋航空EK231如上,很明显在起飞时跑的过长并且在迪拜机场和城市的边界起飞。Emirates flight EK231, above, apparently overran the runway on departure and became airborne right at the limit of Dubai's airport and the city



Aside from the obvious dangers of flying so low and fast over buildings, events like this, known in the aviation industry as a 'flap overspeed event', can put dangerous stress on the aircraft, as it's flying too fast for the flap setting.


Upon its arrival in Washington, the plane was inspected before making the return journey to Dubai, where it reportedly underwent a four-day safety inspection.


Several people who were on the flight, or knew someone who was on it, took to aviation websites to comment after the incident.

在一篇关于此次事故的God Save The Points文章下的评论区,一位旅客写道:“我当时在这架飞机上,让我来说,那是我从未经历过的最恐怖的事。”

'I was on that flight and let me say that was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced,' one passenger wrote in the comments section of a God Save The Points story about the incident.

Richard Guest, 在onemileatatime.com发表评论,说道:“我是阿联酋航空的常旅客但不是那种飞行紧张的旅客。在凌晨2:30,不是特别情形,因为飞机上的大多数人都是转机的。”

Richard Guest, commenting on onemileatatime.com, said: 'I am a very frequent flyer with Emirates and not at all a nervous flyer. At 2:30am, you're not really wide awake since most of us on this flight also came via a connection.


'I did notice that we just didn't seem to be gaining altitude like normal. It did 'freak me out' a bit, but I kept thinking, well, it's because it's so heavy with fuel for the 14-hour flight. I know the Dubai USA flights are always heavy at take-off.


'None of the flight attendants ever said a word to me (I was in First) about this, and I didn't really think to ask in the latter half of the flight.'

另外一个人写道:“我的丈夫在这个航班上,他还有他过道对面的兄弟(the guy across the aisle)起飞时被吓坏了。我丈夫认为发动机坏了,不过他还说起飞后一切感觉都正常。”

Another wrote: 'My husband was on the flight, and he and the guy across the aisle from him were terrified during take-off. My husband thought the engine was damaged, although he said everything felt normal after take-off.'


该起事件发生于2021年12月20日,777客机加速至至少216节(248英里/小时 :399公里/小时) - 远超正常的起飞速度(正常起飞最高不超过289公里/小时)-在离开地面之前。

The incident took place on December 20, 2021, with the 777 accelerating to at least 216 knots (248mph) – far beyond a normal take-off velocity – before leaving the ground (stock image of a 777 cockpit)

一位有着飞行波音747s以及Dreamliners客机经验的机长本月匿名向Mailonline Travel说道:“这起事故非常的危险,极容易导致飞机撞击大楼或地面。”

A Boeing captain, who has experience flying 747s and Dreamliners and who spoke to MailOnline Travel anonymously earlier this month, said: 'This incident was very dangerous and could easily have led to the aircraft hitting a building or indeed the ground.


'It appears that the aircraft had both a tyre and flap overspeed event, going too fast on the ground for the tyres and too fast in the air for the wing flaps they had selected.

“在那种情况下,返航迪拜可能更加的合适,而不是继续飞行。在飞回迪拜之前对飞机检查了四天的事实表示阿联酋航空觉得确实在再起飞之前需要做一个大范围的工程检查。所以在检查完成之前,本不应该运营迪拜-华盛顿-迪拜(单程14小时)的航班。【should not have done - 本不应该,不该这么做(实际上做了)】”

'On that basis returning to Dubai would have been a more appropriate course of action than continuing the flight. The fact that the aircraft didn't fly for four days after returning to Dubai indicates that Emirates felt it needed an extensive engineering check before being fit to fly. So it should not have operated Dubai-Washington-Dubai [14 hours each way] before the checks were completed.'


Emirates had previously offered no explanation for the incident and no cockpit recording has been released.

这也就意味着让航空圈(Aviation community)去猜测可能的原因,尽管没有任何潜在的线索和提示。

This means that the aviation community has been left to speculate about the possible causes, though there is one potential clue.


