

  • 《千与千寻》的英文名如何翻译?
  • “(影片)叫好又叫座”,如何翻译?
  • “获得多少票房收入”,动词该如何选择?
  • hit their shores是什么 意思?


Spirited Away Is Finally Getting Released In China《千与千寻》终在中国上映


A version of the game for Mac computers will be released in February. 这个游戏的苹果电脑版将于2月份发行。

Spirited Away is one of Studio Ghibli's most popular, breathtaking masterpieces which follows a young girl entering a magic world in order to save her parents who have been changed into pigs.《千与千寻》是吉卜力工作室最受欢迎、最令人惊叹的杰作之一。影片讲述的是一位少女的故事,她为了拯救被变成猪的父母,闯入了一个魔法世界。

千与千寻,英文名这样翻译:Spirited Away, spirit away是一个词组,表示秘密地把…迅速带走,比如:After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door. 杰克逊一演讲完就被偷偷地从后门接走了。



The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking. 我卧室窗外的景色美得令人窒息。


an act of breathtaking arrogance 令人咋舌的傲慢举动


The film spotlights Chihiro as she works in a mystical bath house and encounters magical beings in the forms of witches and ethereal giants, to name a few.镜头以少女千寻为焦点,她在一间神秘的浴场打工,遇到女巫和超凡巨人等等神奇生物。

spotlight作及物动词时,意思是使显眼,使突出,使受注意,同义词highlight,比如The article spotlights the problems of the homeless. 文章专门探讨了无家可归者的种种问题。

the film spotlights sb.意思就是聚焦某人,主角是某人。


ethereal beauty 超凡的美丽

His music is ethereal. 他的音乐超凡脱俗。

to name a few表示列举时的结尾,意思是“以(上述几个)为例”。有时候会在a few前面加上but,to name but a few,表示“略举几例”,a few也可以用别的数量词替代,比如a handful, three等等。


It’s reported that China will be dropping the film into their theaters on June 21st, promising Chinese audiences their first look into this unique world on the big screen.据报道,中国将于6月21日引进该片至各大院线,让中国观众得以首次在大荧幕上窥见这个奇异的世界。


Spirited Away has received both critical and box office success during its time in both theaters and home video, even receiving an Academy Award for best picture in 2003.无论是在电影院还是家庭放映中,《千与千寻》都叫好又叫座,2003年更荣获奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。

某部影片叫好又叫座,口碑票房双丰收要怎么表达?这段话提供了一个案例:receive both critical and box office success


On top of the Oscar win, the movie itself was the highest grossing movie in Japan’s history.除了奥斯卡奖之外,该片本身也是日本历史上票房最高的电影。

on top of sth.可以表示除了……之外,另外。后面的win是名词,胜利、赢得。

gross作动词,意思是:获得…的总利润[毛利,税前收入],经常用来表达票房收入达多少钱,比如:The movie has already grossed over $10 million. 这部电影票房总收入已经超过1,000万美元。


With this amazing showing, the movie managed to blow away big time contenders with Japanese audiences such as James Cameron’s Titanic and the animated blockbuster, Your Name.凭借着强劲的票房表现,该片成功击败了詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《泰坦尼克号》和动画大片《你的名字》等强劲对手,赢得了日本观众的青睐。

blow away可以表示defeat soundly大败某人。

big time可以表示“第一流的,最高级别的”,比如He took a long time to settle in to big-time football. 他花了很长时间才在第一流的足球运动中立足。

我们中文里常说,“感觉人生已经到达了巅峰”,这个“巅峰”也可以用big time表示,搭配动词hit:

He hit the big time with films such as Ghost and Dirty Dancing. 他因《人鬼情未了》和《热舞》两部影片而到达了顶峰。


Last December saw the Ghibli film, My Neighbor Totoro, as the first ever movie from the studio managing to garner a Chinese release.去年12月,吉卜力作品《龙猫》成为了该工作室第一部在中国内地上映的影片。


This year has seen a big increase in road accidents. 今年道路交通事故大增。

The city has seen plenty of violence over the years. 这些年来本市暴力事件频发。


garner及物动词,意为得到、收集,宾语通常是信息或支持。比如:赢得广泛支持garner extensive support。


For all films entering the country, approval must be given by the country’s government and with an easing of tensions between the two countries over time, more Japanese movies, both animated and otherwise, are hitting their shores.想要进入中国院线的所有影片都必须先获得中国官方的准许;随着中日两国的紧张关系渐趋缓和,越来越多来自日本的动画和其他类型电影正涌向中国内地。

这段话关注最后一个词组hit the shores,把它拆成hit their shores两个部分来看。

先看their shores. 这个词组表示他们的国家,their可以用these, our, British等国籍形容词替换,表示这些国家、我们的国家、英国等,专门指沿海国家。


Millions of immigrants flocked to these shores in the 19th century.无数移民在 19 世纪蜂拥到这个国家。

growing fears that English football players will be lured away to foreign shores 对英国足球运动员被吸引到外国去的与日俱增的担心


