

L妈妈,大学英语6级,工作与英文无关,为了2岁的儿子,撰文After-Work Bonding下班后的亲子时光,看看我们如何为她修改“英语作文”。


After-Work Bonding 下班后的亲子时光

1. 妈妈下班了,宝宝今天乖不乖,来,让妈妈抱抱。爷爷都带你去哪儿玩了,公园还是游乐场?和其他小朋友一起玩了吗?(宝宝有点内向, 儿保医生建议要让他多和同龄孩子接触,玩耍。)

修改后(无标记):Sweetheart, Mummy is home from work. Come here, and let Mummy give you a hug. Were you a good boy today? Where did you hang out with Grandpa? Was it the park or the playground? Did you get to play with your buddies?

Note (1):这里可以加上get to,相当于“有机会”,即Did you get to play with your buddies?

Note (2):中文里,我们用“小朋友”来指代小伙伴。翻译成英文时,不要直译成little friend,地道的说法是buddy。注意,buddy不限于用在男孩子之间,女孩子之间也可以。比如迪斯尼影片《冰雪奇缘》中,妹妹Anna就对姐姐Elsa说“We used to be best buddies”。


2. 嗯,好好吃饭。只有多吃菜多吃饭,你才能长得又高又壮,才能开挖掘机啊。(宝宝最喜欢挖掘机,我告诉他挖掘机那么大,那么高,只有长得壮的小朋友才能爬上去,才能开得动。)

修改前:OK, having your meal properly. You need to eat more vegetables and rice then you can grow taller and stronger. At that time, you can be a excavator driver.


修改后(无标记):OK now, have your meal properly. You need to eat more vegetables and rice to grow taller and stronger, in order to become a digger operator.

Note (1):更为常用的说法是:eat your food properly。


3. 好了,吃完饭了,先自己玩一会吧,看看书,玩玩你的乐高汽车,等妈妈洗完碗咱们就一起出去散步,好吗?

修改前:Great! You finished your dinner. You could read books or play Lego alone. After Mummy washing the bowls and cleaning up the kitchen, we will go outside, OK?


修改后(无标记):Great! You are done with your dinner. Why don’t you read some books or play Lego cars by yourself, while Mummy washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen? As soon as Mummy is ready, we can go for a walk. How does that sound?

Note (1):You finished your dinner这种说法没有错,但是不够口语化。

Note (2):Alone有孤独的含义,所以不适合用在这里;“自己玩”还可以用play on your own。

Note (3):中文里,我们说“刷碗”,其实是碗和盘子都刷了的,在英文里,dish包括碗和盘子,而刷碗是clean the dishes, wash the dishes或者do the dishes。

Note (4):“散步”更准确和地道的说法是go for a stroll,指很闲逸的走走。

4. 宝宝听话,你这样缠着妈妈,妈妈怎么洗碗啊。你想不想出去玩,你想的话就先让妈妈干活,干完活才能带你出去啊。

修改前:Be a good boy. You are always around Mummy that Mummy can not wash the dishes. Do you want to go outside? If you do, let Mummy do the house work first.


修改后(无标记):Be a good boy. If you keep pestering Mummy, how can Mummy wash the dishes? Do you want to go outside? If you do, you have to let Mummy finish the housework first.

5. 好了,咱们走吧。这条路车多,让妈妈抱你,等到了人行道你再下来自己走。

修改前:OK, let’s go. There are so many cars. Mummy will carry you. You can walk by yourself when we reach the sidewalk.


修改后(无标记):OK, let’s go. There are so many cars on the road. Let Mummy carry you. You can walk by yourself when we reach the sidewalk.


6. 好了,你可以下来了。你看见爸爸了吗?爸爸在前面呢,我们去追爸爸。哇,真棒,追上爸爸了。你和爸爸比一比,谁跑得快。

修改前:OK, you can get down. Did you see daddy? Daddy is ahead. Let’s chase him. Well down, Tony is coming up with Daddy. Compete with Daddy, who can run faster.


修改后(无标记):OK, you can get down now. Do you see Daddy? Daddy is in front of us. Let’s catch up to him. Well done, you caught up to Daddy. Why don’t you race against Daddy? Let’s see who runs faster.

Note (1):Sb. is ahead of sb. 指比赛中位置居前,处于领跑地位。而在这里,一开始Tony还没有和爸爸赛跑。

Note (2):Chase指追赶的过程,如The policeman is chasing the thief,而catch up to和catch up with指追上。

7. 我们去校园里走一走吧,如果有车来了,宝宝要靠边哦。

修改前:Let’s walk in the campus. If a car is coming, Tony should move to the side of the road.


修改后(无标记):Let’s walk around the school campus. If you see a car coming, move to the side of the road.

8. 哇,那边有好几只小狗,他们也在散步呢。Tony愿意去跟小狗打声招呼吗?(小狗汪汪叫)不怕,宝宝,那是小狗也在跟你打招呼呢。

修改前:Wow, there are a few puppies. They are walking too. Tony, do you want to say hello to the puppies? Don’t be afraid. Puppies just say hello to you.


修改后(无标记):Wow, there are some puppies over there going for a walk. Tony, do you want to say hello to the puppies? Don’t be afraid. The puppies are saying hello to you too.

Note (1):缺少冠词a, an, the是大家常犯的错误。请注意,特指某个名词的时候一定要有冠词the。

9. 时间不早了,再玩5分钟,咱们回家吧。(不想走,还想玩)你看天都黑了,月亮和星星都出来了,我们一起去找找它们吧,好吗?

修改前:It’s getting late. You can stay 5 more minutes and we have to go back home. You see? It’s dark already. Both the moon and stars come out. Let’s find them, OK?


修改后(无标记):It’s getting late. Let’s stay for 5 more minutes and then go home. You see? It’s getting dark. Both the moon and the stars are out. Let’s go find them, OK?

10. 宝宝你看,路上好多公交车还有小汽车。哇,刚刚过去一辆警车,顶灯还在不停地闪。又来辆双层巴士,还有你最喜欢的渣土车。

修改前:Tony, you see? There are so many buses and cars on the road. Wow, a police car! Its toplight is twinkling. A double-decker bus and the dump car, your favorite!


修改后(无标记):Tony, look! There are so many buses and cars on the road. Wow, a police car just passed us with its police light flashing. Here comes a double-decker bus and your favorite, a dump truck!

Note (1):中文里各式各样的车都叫“车”,但是在英文中小汽车、卡车、巴士都有自己的名字。垃圾车属于卡车,所以它叫dump truck,不叫dump car。

11. 你是大宝宝了,自己走吧。来,妈妈牵着你。走到红绿灯那,爸爸再抱你。

修改前:You are a big kid now. You can walk all by yourself. Hold my hands. When you walk to the traffic light, Daddy will carry you.


修改后(无标记):You are a big kid now. You can walk all by yourself. Hold my hand. When you get to the traffic lights, Daddy will carry you.

Note (1):Hold my hand和hold onto my hand都可以。

Note (2):因为每个红绿灯有三个灯,所以light用复数。


parents_english 你和宝宝说英语


