



一、合口双元音 5个合口双元音发音位置参见下图。


1. 合口双元音/ ei / 发音要领:双唇稍扁,牙床从半开到合,由 / e / 向 / i / 滑动。元音字母a在重读开音节中读/ ei /, 有的a, e字母组合读 / ei / 。

1) May Day

May Day is Labour Day,

We are happy and gay.

It reminds us not to be lazy,

Remember: “No pains, no gains.”

2) Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day.

Rain, rain, go away,

May and Jane want to play.

3) I'm afraid you are late. It's half past eight, and they'll close the gate.

4) Today is pay day and great changes have taken place since the day.

2. 合口双元音/ ai / 发音要领: 双唇中开,由 /a/ 向 / i / 滑动,开口程度由大到小。元音字母 i (y) 在重读开音节中读 / ai /, 有时 i 组合读/ ai /。

1) There Is a Fly

There is a fly,

Wearing a tie,

Holding a pie,

And waving good-bye.

2) Season Sight

Spring is green and light,

Summer is red and bright,

Autumn is golden and high,

Winter is white and quiet.

3) Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.

4) Kite tried five times to get the writing prize.


3. 合口双元音/ au / 发音要领: 由 / a / 向 /u/ 滑动,滑动时双唇拢圆,牙床从半开到合。

au读/ au / : about, around, blouse, cloud, count, doubt, ground, house, loud, mouse;

ow读/ au / : allow, anyhow, brown, cow, down, flower, how, downstairs, however, now;

our读/ au 倒反e /: hour, our, ours, ourselves.

4 .合口双元音/ 反c i / 发音要领: 由 / 反c / 向 /i / 滑动,滑动时双唇拢圆,牙床从半开到合。

oi: coin, join, noise, noisy, point, toilet, voice, boil, disappoint, poison, soil;

oy: enjoy, toy, destroy, voyage, annoy, employ, enjoyable, royal, boycott;

5. 合口双元音/ 倒反e u / 发音要领: 由 / 倒反e / 向 / u / 滑动,滑动时双唇拢圆,牙床从半开到合。元音字母 o 在重读开音节中读 / 倒反e u /, 有时 o 组合读/ 倒反e u /。

1) Snow

Snow, snow, white and cold.

Snow, snow, come and go.

---Oh, snow! Where do you go ?

---I don't know where I go.


2) A Goat

A goat,

Sitting in a boat,

Wearing a coat,

And writing a note.

3) I know you know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know.

4) I don't know why Joan showed a yellow coat to the old goat.




1. 第1个集中双元音(字符输入不便,请参见附图二) ,由第1个单元音滑向第2个双元音,双唇合拢。一些e组合通常发第1个集中双元音。

1) ere: here, atmosphere, severe, mere, merely, sincerely;

2) ear : clear, dear, ear, fear, hear, near, nearby, year, nuclear, beard, tear, hearing;

3) engineer, pioneer, volunteer, cheerful, beer, deer, cheers;。

2. 第2个集中双元音 ,由第1个单元音滑向第2个双元音,双唇合拢。一些a组合通常发第2个集中双元音。

1) air: air, airport, chair, fair, hair, pair, repair, upstairs, affair, armchair, unfair;

2) are: care, careful, careless, compare, prepare, share, square, fare, aware, software;

3) aire: questionnaire, millionaire;

4) ear: bear, pear, wear, unbearable, swear;

5) eir: their, theirs;

6) ere: everywhere, there, where, nowhere, therefore, wherever。

3. 第3个集中双元音 ,由第1个单元音滑向第2个双元音,双唇合拢。一些u组合通常发第2个集中双元音。

1) ure: sure, surely, secure, mature, brochure, cure.







