一份中英对照劳务合同范本 国际劳务派遣合同

国际劳务派遣合同(中英文对照),我来为大家科普一下关于一份中英对照劳务合同范本 国际劳务派遣合同?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!

一份中英对照劳务合同范本 国际劳务派遣合同

一份中英对照劳务合同范本 国际劳务派遣合同




第一条 合同目的

Article 1. Contract Purpose

第二条 人员派遣

Article 2 Dispatch of personnel

第三条 准备金

Article 3, Reserve sum

第四条 派遣人员的工资

Article 4 Wages of the dispatched personnel

第五条 工作时间及加班

Article 5 Working hours and overtime work

第六条 伙食 Article 6 Meals

第七条 节日和休假

Article 7 Holidays and Vacations

第八条 旅费及交通

Article 8 Travel expenses and transportation

第九条 税金 Article 9 Taxes

第十条 社会保险

Article 10. Social insurance

第十一条 医疗

Article 11. Medical treatment

第十二条 劳保用品

Article 12 Labor protection articles

第十三条 支付办法

Article 13. Payment method

第十四条 人员替换

Article 14. Personnel replacement

第十五条 不可抗力

Article 15: Force majeure

第十六条 争议及仲裁

Article 16 Disputes and arbitration

第十八条 合同有效期及其他

Article 18 Validity of the Contract and other terms


Article 2 Dispatch of personnel

1. 乙方应按双方商定的计划派遣人员。甲方所需派遣的人员应提前2个月用书面正式通知乙方。乙方应当在派出前一个月向甲方提交派遣人员一览表,包括姓名、出生年月日、工种、护照号码及 ____ 国申请入境所需要的资料。

1. Party B shall dispatch the personnel in accordance with the plan agreed by the parties. Party A shall, prior two months, notify in writing to Party B of the personnel to be dispatched. Party B shall, one month prior to dispatch, submit to Party A the schedule of the dispatched personnel, including name, date of birth, type of work, passport number and the information required to apply for entry into the country of ____ .

2. 乙方负责办理乙方人员(从其居住国)的出境手续,并承担与此有关的各项费用。在 ____ 国的入境和居住手续由甲方办理,并负担与此有关的各项费用。

2. Party B shall be responsible for the departure of its personnel (from their residence country), in addition to bear all expenses associated therewith. The entry and residence procedures in the ____ country will be handled by Party A which bear all expenses associated therewith.

3. 根据工程计划的需要,派遣人员可随时增加或减少。

3. The number of staff to be dispatched may be increased or decreased at any time pursuant to the needs of the works schedule.

第四条 派遣人员的工资

Article 4 Wages of the dispatched personnel

1. 派遣人员的工资应按附件中所商定的工资表支付。工资的计算应从派遣人员离开乙方所在国_____ 机场之日起到离开工程所在国 _____ 机场之日止。乙方尽可能安排最合理的路线,以减少旅途时间。

1. The dispatcher’s wages will be paid in accordance with the salary sheet provided in the Annex. Wages shall be calculated from the date of the dispatcher's departure from the airport at _____ in Party B’s country to the date of departure from the airport at _____ in the country where the works at. Party B shall arrange the most reasonable route possible to reduce travel time.

2. 派遣人员的基本工资详见附件1。

2. Basic wages of the dispatched personnel refer to Annex 1.

3. 基本工资以月计算,凡不满一个月的按日计算,日工资为月工资的1/25。

3. The basic wages is calculated on a monthly basis, and the days for less than a month is calculated on a daily basis, with the daily wage being 1/25th of the monthly salary.

第十条 社会保险

Article 10. Social insurance

1. 乙方人员在合同有效期内的人身保险,由乙方自选办理,甲方支付乙方派遣人员每人每月_____ 美元的人身保险费。

1. The life insurance for Party B's personnel during the term of the contract shall be provided at Party B's option and Party A shall pay USD _____ per person per month to Party B's personnel.

2. 甲方承担乙方人员在工地发生工伤的医疗费用,如发生死亡事故,负担所有的费用,包括善后安葬和抚恤。

2. arty A shall bear the medical expenses incurred by Party B's personnel on the construction site and in the event of a fatal accident, shall bear all expenses, including burial and compassion afterwards.

第十三条 支付办法

Article 13. Payment method

1. 除机票费和准备费全部支付美元外,甲方应支付乙方的其他各项费用,均按80%美元与20%的_____ 国货币的比例支付,如需要改变这一比例,须经双方代表同意。

1. Except for airfares and preparation fees which are payable in full in United States dollars, all other fees payable by Party A to Party B shall be paid in the ratio of 80% United States dollars to 20% in the currency of the country of _____ and any change in this ratio shall be agreed by the representatives of the parties.

2. 休假工资和应付乙方的机票费应于休假当月之初支付。

2. The leave pay and airfare payable to Party B shall be paid at the beginning of the month in which the leave is taken.

第十四条 人员替换

Article 14. Personnel replacement

1. 乙方负责派遣身体健康、技术熟练的合格人员到____ 国现场工作,如甲方认为派遣的人员不能胜任工作,经双方现场代表同意后,由乙方负责替换,由此而发生的费用应由乙方负责。

1. Party B is responsible for dispatching physically fit, skilled and qualified personnel to work on site in the country of ____. Where Party A considers the dispatched personnel are not competent for the work, Party B shall be responsible for replacing them upon the agreement of the site representatives of the parties, and the costs incurred therefrom shall be on the Party B’s account.


