
To complicate matters, when Mira arrives at her mother’s house, she learns that Lara has lied to the family about where she’s been. Lara excused Mira’s absence by concocting a trip to Florida, which infuriates Mira. “What were we supposed to tell the family,” Lara says, trying to explain why she lied. “You know how they are.” Mira is displeased with her sister’s deception but grudgingly(勉强地) goes along—she knows how her family is, a deeply loving immigrant Arab family whose members go to extreme lengths to protect one another from worrying. They are fearful of extended periods of grief—where they might lead and the weaknesses they might imply. This decorum, though not unique to Arab families, is certainly common among them. Hotait and Alyan are both of Arab descent. “Sometimes I wonder, Is it an allergy(过敏)to sadness?” Alyan, the film’s screenwriter(编剧) and a clinical psychologist(临床心理学家), told me, describing the film’s characters, who have some habits in common with her own family. “Or is it having experienced so much of it that this is survival—you put lipstick on because life is not going to get any easier?”,我来为大家科普一下关于英语学习坚持的第二十七天?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



To complicate matters, when Mira arrives at her mother’s house, she learns that Lara has lied to the family about where she’s been. Lara excused Mira’s absence by concocting a trip to Florida, which infuriates Mira. “What were we supposed to tell the family,” Lara says, trying to explain why she lied. “You know how they are.” Mira is displeased with her sister’s deception but grudgingly(勉强地) goes along—she knows how her family is, a deeply loving immigrant Arab family whose members go to extreme lengths to protect one another from worrying. They are fearful of extended periods of grief—where they might lead and the weaknesses they might imply. This decorum, though not unique to Arab families, is certainly common among them. Hotait and Alyan are both of Arab descent. “Sometimes I wonder, Is it an allergy(过敏)to sadness?” Alyan, the film’s screenwriter(编剧) and a clinical psychologist(临床心理学家), told me, describing the film’s characters, who have some habits in common with her own family. “Or is it having experienced so much of it that this is survival—you put lipstick on because life is not going to get any easier?”

  1. complicate [ VT ] UK/ˈkɒm.plɪ.keɪt/ US/ˈkɑːm.plə.keɪt/ to make something more difficult to deal with, do, or understand 使复杂化;使更难懂;使更麻烦 To complicate matters 使事情变得更加复杂
  2. concoct [ VT ] UK/kənˈkɒkt/ US/kənˈkɑːkt/ (1) to make something, usually food, by adding several different parts together, often in a way that is original or not planned 调制,配制(通常指食品)He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of leftover food.他以各种剩余食材为原料配制成了一道美味佳肴。(2) to invent an excuse, explanation, or story in order to deceive someone 编造,捏造,虚构(借口、解释或故事)
  3. infuriate [ VT ] UK/ɪnˈfjʊə.ri.eɪt/ US/ɪnˈfjʊr.i.eɪt/ to make someone extremely angry 使大怒,激怒
  4. deception noun [ C or U ] UK/dɪˈsep.ʃən/ US/dɪˈsep.ʃən/ the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage 欺骗;欺诈;隐瞒 But that kind said the big man not own beginning platform----This "good lie" , also undesirable. Is not true of the good, is deception.但那种说伟大人物没有自己的起点平台----这“善意谎言”,也是不可取的。无真之善,就是欺骗。
  5. extended adjective [ before noun ] UK/ɪkˈsten.dɪd/ US/ɪkˈsten.dɪd/ long or longer than usual 延伸的;长的;延长的 They're going on an extended holiday to Australia.他们要到澳大利亚去度长假。There was an extended news bulletin because of the plane crash.因为发生了坠机事件,新闻简报的播出时间延长了。
  6. grief n. very great sadness, especially at the death of someone(尤指某人之死引起的)悲痛,悲伤,悲哀
  7. decorum [U] /dɪˈkɔːr.əm/ behaviour that is controlled, calm, and polite 稳重,端庄 ->礼仪,体统
  8. descent (RELATION) [ U ]the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people who lived in the past 血缘关系,家族关系;祖先;出身 Arab descent 阿拉伯后裔

