


关键词:Tap water 自来水;Hydrate 补充水分;hydrated 水分充足;dehydrated 缺水;water company 自来水公司;regulated 符合(法律)规定的;hygienic 卫生的;

Staying hydrated is important for feeling energized and concentrated. Our bodies are on average 60% water and maintaining a water balance is absolutely vital for our health and survival. Opting for plain water rather than sugary drinks also contributes to overall fitness as it hydrates the body and mind without unnecessary calories. Tap water is of the highest quality in the UK and given its wide availability, it offers an ideal daily choice for a healthy lifestyle.



Is water better for hydration than other drinks? 跟其他饮料比,水是补充水分的最佳选择For the sole purpose of hydration, there is no qualitative difference between plain water and water from foods and other beverages. According to the Annual Review on Nutrition, food and metabolic oxidation can in fact cover up to 20-40% of the daily fluid intake. Yet when compared to many other beverages, water has the advantage of being sugar-free. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition has recently recommended that consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks should be minimised by both adults and children.


Where does my tap water come from? 英国的自来水来自哪儿?About one third of tap water in England and Wales comes from underground sources (aquifers), in Northern Ireland and Scotland this figure is 6% and 3%, respectively. The rest comes from reservoirs, lakes, and rivers. Namely, surface water in the UK accounts for 68% and mixed sources for 4% of the supply.



Can I drink tap water in the UK? 英国的自来水能直接喝吗?Yes, British tap water is among the best in the world. Millions of tests are conducted annually to guarantee the best possible quality of water for consumers. That makes tap water the most regulated drink out there. You can find out more about water quality at DiscoverWater.co.uk.


Should I boil tap water before drinking it?自来水需要烧开了才能喝吗?Unless your water company issues a specific boil notice, it is not necessary to boil your tap water. 除非自来水公司有特别声明,否则没有烧开的必要。



Should I use a water filter at home? 家里需要安装自来水过滤器吗?By law your local water company has to supply wholesome water that is suitable for all domestic purposes, including drinking, cooking and washing.All public water supplies are regularly tested in England and Wales and the results which are published and available to every consumer on request show that tap water is safe to drink and there is no need to install additional treatment within the home as a health protection measure.自来水会定期检测,所有的公共供水是安全可直接饮用的,因此无须为了健康而额外安装过滤器。


Can I drink warm water directly from the hot tap? 水龙头的热水可直接喝吗?You should avoid using hot water for drinking or cooking because it often comes from a storage tank within the home and is not as fresh as water directly from the mains. 热水来自水箱,不是新鲜的水,不建议用来直接喝或者煮饭。


Why is chlorine added to tap water?自来水里为什么会添加氯?Chlorine is a disinfectant used by water companies around the world to maintainhygienic conditions within the public water supply network of pipes. At the very low levels used in drinking water – routinely at 0.5 mg/l or less (WHO sets the maximum guideline at 5mg/l) – it is perfectly safe.氯是用来消毒的,全世界的自来水供水系统常规操作。



Is tap water safe for babies and children? 婴儿和小孩能直接喝自来水么?Yes, as long as it’s compliant with the legal quality standards. However, you should always use unsoftened mains water for preparing babies’ feeds. 可以。尤其在为婴儿准备食物时,应该使用未经过软化的水。


How do I get tap water when I’m out and about? 外出时在哪儿能添加自来水呢?Refill is the UK’s leading ‘app for tap’ – connecting people looking for water with shops, businesses, fountains and transport hubs where they can Refill their water for free on-the-go. Find out more here.出门在外时,可以带着自己的水瓶(矿泉水瓶也行),可以通过Refill这个app查到附近免费接水的点。这样可以省去买水的钱,经济又环保。我们Brunel University London 校园里设有多个饮水机,可以去续杯/加水。



Can I ask for tap water in restaurants? 在餐厅可以点自来水么?Yes. Establishments that sell alcohol are legally obliged to have free tap water available. 可以的,你就说tap water 就行,这是免费的。所有的餐厅和酒吧都有义务提供自来水。Waiter: what would you like to drink?Me: Can I have some tap water please?


How much does tap water cost?英国的水费怎么收?Two litres of tap water costs around a third of a penny. To find out more about billing and charging, take a look at DiscoverWater.co.uk. 最近英国生活成本上涨,估计水费也有所变化,感兴趣的同学可以自己上网查。在英国生活了三年以后的个人体验,我一直都喝tap water。我认识的英国人也喝tap water。我房东(印度裔)家里装了水软化器,但是他们喝的水是没有经过软化的,而软化过的水仅仅用来洗漱。软化后的水只是没有明显的水垢而已 (水壶里烧开水后留下的白色物质)。我个人并没觉得英国的自来水导致掉头发。严重脱发(hair loss)需要及时就医。脱发可能是遗传,或者跟健康有关(health),压力过大 (stress) 或者生活方式不健康也会导致脱发.最后祝大家留学愉快。Reference :https://www.water.org.uk/advice-for-customers/water-and-health/#:~:text=Can I drink tap water,most regulated drink out there.


