

今天就让我们用英语学习四步法:单词—短语—单句—短文,来一起学习《新概念英语》第一册 Lesson 5,Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。


Lesson5Book1, New Concept English

1、英语单词(New Words)

1.1、good英 [ɡʊd] 美 [ɡʊd]    adj. 好的;上等的;优秀的

用作形容词 (adj.)

A good video camera will cost you a lot of money.一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。

My one good suit is at the cleaner's.我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。

If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer.你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员。

用作名词 (n.)

Complaining won't do you any good.抱怨对你没有任何好处。

Good is rewarded with evil.善有恶报。





adj.: bad,evil,poor,unsuitable,unfriendly,unkind,ill,sick,unhealthy

2、英语短句(as good as)

用作形容词 (adj.)

a good few 相当多(的),几个 a considerable number (of); several

as good as 几乎,实际上 almost, practically

good and ... 〈美口〉完全,彻底 completelygood and adj\u002e

I won't go until I'm good and ready. 我完全准备好了才去。

She made me good and mad.她使我如痴如醉。

She was good and angry.她非常生气。

I was good and tired.我很累。

He knew good and well that she had stolen his watch.他清楚地知道她曾偷了他的表。

The melon was good and sweet.这瓜很甜。

good for sb 某人干得好(用以祝贺某人) doing well (used when congratulating sb)

用作名词 (n.)

do good 有益于某人 benefit sbThis cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn't do much good.这咳嗽药不难吃,但作用不大。

do sb good

Eat more fruit, it will do you good.多吃水果,对你有好处。

Much good may it do you.但愿对你大有好处。

do good to sb

You should do good to others.你应该对别人行善。

for good (and all)

永久,永远,决定性地 permanently; finally

to the good

(用以记述某人的财务状况)盈余 (used to describe sb's financial state) in credit

up to no good

做坏事,淘气,恶作剧 doing sth wrong, mischievous, etc.


Nice to meet you


Good morning.

This is Miss Sophie Dupont.

Nice to meet you .

What brand is this car?

It is a Volve(Swedish)/Peugeot(French)/Mercedes(German)/Toyota (Japanese)/ Daewoo (Korean)/ Mini (English)/ Ford (American)/Fiat (Italy)

Alice is a student. She isn't German. She is French.

This is her car. It is a French car.

Hans is a student. He isn't French. He is German.

This is his car. It is a German car.


When the people meet together, each of them would say “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” or “Good evening” for greeting.

When introduce somebody to another one, we usually say like this: “This is Han, and he is German”.

But if two friend to meet for the first time or on a formal occasion , the greeting usually be “ How do you do? while the answer is the same as “How do you do ?”

人们见面打招呼用语有:早上好、下午好或晚上好, 具体要看见面的时间。另外,如果是初次见面,或在正式场合下,常用:How do you do ?


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