
编者按/精读指导:成人英语学习应该有更多的主动性,在高中英语的基础上,应该尽快进入英语原著和英文报纸的阅读,这样才能尽快的提升英语水平。因为英语原著和英语报纸不同于中学的考试,其内容都是英语的实际应用。我会和朋友们一起分享英语原著《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily)上面的英文报道。



我们有的同学是有学习动机,也在认真阅读,泛读进行地很好,亨廷顿教授的 The Clash of civilization and the remaking the world order, 福山教授的 The end of history and the last man 这样的大作都读过了,但是英语学习还是在阅读和写作上存在问题,[大家不要误解,她的问题是阅读和论文写作方面的问题,是在海外读研读博遇到的问题],为什么会这样呢?一个原因是泛读没有和精读相结合,还不能用英语习惯来写作。所以我们的英语学习方法是,既要读英语著作,如《哈利波特》,也要读英语报刊杂志;既要精读,也要泛读。没有泛读,只有精读,我们无法把握一本书的主旨;没有精读,只有泛读,我们无法稳定地提升单词量,无法体会英语的精准运用。所以精读与泛读一定要经合。这个原则,用在中文上也是有道理,要想写出一笔好文章,除了大量阅读中文经典名篇之外,我们还要认真精读、模仿一些大家的著作。

回到Lesson 31 ,有两个单词大家要留意:sound, etch。 sound有声音的含义,大家已经熟知,本课这个词出现了两次,一次是作为系动词 ‘听起来好像;让人听着好像’,另外一个用法作为名词,不常见,但是很有趣,我这里不讲了,给大家布置成作业,大家参考一下马爱农老师的翻译,思考、讨论,看看用哪个意向来解释较好。

sound [saʊnd] n: the ~ of sth (印象;感觉) [2014e: 490]

like, etc. the sound of your own voice: (爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完) [2014d: 436; 2014e: 490]

etch [v: 蚀刻; 凿出[玻璃、金属等上的文字或图画]] ,上节课(Lesson 30) 我们学过它的一个含义[v: [脸上)]流露出] ,大家要放在一起复习。这就是我们的学习方法,只有在具体语境中,会读、能识别这个单词、会用这个单词,我们才能说掌握了这个单词。

[Tuesday, February 8, 2022]


[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix] page 490

wonder [ˈwʌndə(r)] v: (想知道;想弄明白;琢磨) [8A: 5; 2014e: 153]

contemptuous [kənˈtemptʃuəs] adj: (蔑视的;鄙视的;表示轻蔑的) SYN: scornful.

contemptuously [kənˈtemptʃuəsli] adj: [2014e: 107]

skilled [skɪld] adj: (有技能的; 熟练的) [2014e: 490]

~ in/at sth/doing sth [2014e: 490]

legilimency n: it is the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person’s mind. Only those skilled at Occlumency are able to shut down those feelings and memories that contradict the lie, and so can under falsehoods in his presence without detection. (摄神取念) [2014e: 490]

extract [ɪkˈstrækt] v: ~ sth (from sb/sth) (提取; 提炼)

extract [ɪkˈstrækt] v: ~ sth (索取,设法得到[对方不愿提供的信息、钱财等]) [2014e: 490]

fear [fɪə(r)] n: (害怕;惧怕;担忧) [2014: 490]

confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v: ([尤指提供证据来]证实,证明,确认) [2014e: 490]

subtlety [ˈsʌtlti] n: (细微; 微妙;巧妙; 敏锐) [2014e: 261]

glitter [ˈɡlɪtə(r)] v: ~ (with sth) to shine brightly with little flashes of light, like a diamond. (闪亮; 闪耀; 光彩夺目;熠熠闪亮;璀璨夺目) SYN: sparkle. [2014a: 211; 2014b: 50; 2014c: 235; 2014d: 353; 2014e: 490]

fine [faɪn] adj: (难以看出的;很难描述的) SYN: subtle. [2014e: 490]

distinction [dɪˈstɪŋkʃn] n: (差别; 区别; 对比) [2014e: 490]

shortcoming [ˈʃɔːtkʌmɪŋ] n: (缺点; 短处) SYN: defect. [2014e: 490]

lamentable [ˈlæməntəbl] adj: (formal) (十分令人失望的;令人遗憾的;使人惋惜的) SYN: deplorable, regrettable. [2014e: 490]

potion [ˈpəʊʃn] n: (literary) a drink of medicine or poison; a liquid with magic power. (药水;毒液;魔水). [2014a: 72; 2014b: 153; 2014d: 436; 2014e: 490; 2014f: 138]

pause [pɔːz] v: (暂停;停顿) [2014d: 272; 2014e: 489]

apparently [əˈpærəntli] adv: (可见;看来;显然) [2014e: 490]

savour [ˈseɪvə(r)] v: (品味; 细品; 享用) SYN: relish.

savour [ˈseɪvə(r)] v: (体会; 体味; 享受) SYN: relish. [2014e: 489]

insult [ɪnˈsʌlt] v: ~ sb/sth to say or do sth that offends sb. (辱骂; 侮辱; 冒犯). [2014a: 64; 2014b: 121; 2014e: 490]

at will (任意;随意) [2014e: 490]

leisure [ˈleʒə(r)] n: (闲暇; 休闲; 空闲)

at leisure without hurrying. (不慌不忙;从容) [2014e: 490]

etch [etʃ] v: (蚀刻; 凿出[玻璃、金属等上的文字或图画]) [2014e: 490]

skull [skʌl] n: (颅骨; 头[盖]骨) SYN: cranium. [2014e: 455]

skull [skʌl] n: (脑袋;脑子;脑瓜) [2014e: 490]

peruse [pəˈruːz] v: ~ sth (formal or humorous) to read sth, especially in a carefully way. (细读; 研读) [2014e: 447]

invader [ɪnˈveɪdə(r)] n: (武装入侵的军队[或国家]; 侵略者) [2014e: 490]

complex [ˈkɒmpleks] adj: (复杂的;难懂的;费解的) SYN: complicated. [2014e: 490]

layer [ˈleɪə(r)] v: ~ sth (把···分层堆放) [2014e: 490]

smirk [smɜːk] v: to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know sth that other people do not know, etc. (自鸣得意地笑; 傻笑). [2014b: 204; 2014c: 20; 2014e: 179; 2014f: 194]

delve [delv] v: ([在手提包、容器等中]翻找). SYN: dig [2014f: 282]

delve into sth: to try hard to find out more information about sth. (探索;探究;查考) [2014e: 490]

victim [ˈvɪktɪm] n: (受害者; 罹难者; 罹病者; 牺牲品) [2014e: 490]

lie [laɪ] v (lies, lying, lied, lied): (说谎;撒谎;编造谎言). [2014e: 490]

shut sth – down: to stop a factory, shop/store, etc., from opening for business; to stop a machine from working. ([使]关张,停业,倒闭,关闭,停止运转) [2014e: 490]

contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt] v: ~ sth | ~ each other (相抵触; 相矛盾; 相反) [2014e: 490]

utter [ˈʌtə(r)] v: ~ sth (formal) (出声;说;讲) [2014e: 490]

falsehood [ˈfɔːlshʊd] n: (虚假; 说谎) [2014e: 490]

presence [ˈprezns] n: (存在; 出现) OPP: absence. [2014e: 479]

in the presence of sb | in sb’s presence (在···面前;有···在场) [2014e: 490]

detection [dɪˈtekʃn] n: (侦查;探测;觉察;发现)

sound [saʊnd] v: (听起来好像;让人听着好像) [7A: 27; 2014a: 214; 2014e: 490; 2014f: 298]

sound [saʊnd] n: the ~ of sth (印象;感觉) [2014e: 490]

like, etc. the sound of your own voice: (爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完) [2014d: 436; 2014e: 490]

spell [spel] n: words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens when sb say these magic words. (咒语; 符咒; 魔法). [2014a: 63; 2014e: 490]

charm [tʃɑːm] n: an act or words believed to have magic power. (魔法;咒语;符咒) SYN: spell. [2014a: 142; 2014e: 490]

ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə(r)] v: to make sure that sth happens or is definite. (保证; 担保; 确保) [2014e: 490; Xi 2020: 291]

dwell [dwel]v: (formal or literary) to live somewhere. (居住;栖身). [2014a: 126; 2014e: 490]

matter [ˈmætə(r)] v: (not used in the progressive tenses) to be important or have an important effect on sb/sth. (事关紧要;要紧;有重大影响). [2014e: 490; 2014g: 401]



Lesson 31 [page 490] 作业:

1. According to Professor Snape, what are distinctions between Legilimency and mind-reading?

2. 名词解释 Legilimency

3. 翻译并背诵:Only those skilled at Occlumency are able to shut down those feelings and memories that contract the lie, and so can utter falsehood in this presence without detection (2014e: 490).

4. 坚持每天掌握1到2个生词,风雨无阻,天天坚持


