


A barber in China’s Hubei province has been using a hot iron bar to trim his customers’ hair for more than 70 years.中国湖北省的一位理发师近70多年来一直使用烙铁给顾客烫头。

评论翻译HamzaCustomers should be appreciated for their courage.顾客们真的是勇气可嘉。1 guySo does barber理发师的也一样非常有勇气。raghu RameshwarOne rule: not to drop the rod有一点需要注意:不要让烙铁掉下去。Tedtrue是的。Jo JI don’t mind having fire in my hair我不介意让我的头发烧起来。


Ruby RoseNah, gangsta until he drops the iron...不是,直到烙铁掉下来才会有人坐不住了。Kuro Truesdale@Ruby Rose yo, what's that tattoo on your head?你头上的纹身是什么?(烙铁掉下形成“纹身”)EvortyHe is barbercue他在做烧烤。Pudgy PattonnEverybody gangsta til that iron bar touches you're Scalp一旦烙铁碰到你的头,人们就坐不住了。justmythinkingHuman hair smells bad when burnt, not like barbecue人的头发烧焦的时候的味道很难闻,和烧烤可不一样。


xxl xxlha ha ha , can't help laughing.哈哈,我控制不住自己,我想笑。SashaYou take some chocolate and some lobster and some eggs and some pie你过去理发时可以带一些巧克力、龙虾、鸡蛋和派。HmongDefeaterDid somebody say BBQ有人提到烧烤了吗?Noshit BroI wonder how he's doing during this horrible pandemic我想知道在这场可怕的疫情之下他过得怎么样。Prins van OranjeHe's from Wuhan too, but his shop survived.他也来自武汉,但是他的店铺还在营业。Dee B.More importantly he survived at his age更加值得注意的是,他已经90多岁了。Lemcn grxsssaw that on douyin with loads of likes so i think hes fine because you know how people are, they see something thats trending or getting loads of likes and they go do it我在抖音上看到有很多人喜欢这个视频,所以我觉得他过得挺好的,你懂的,人们喜欢跟随潮流,他们看到了一些流行的东西,感觉大家都会很喜欢,然后他们就会一起去做。sumayyah adetunmbi@Dee B. Aww I am so happy for him是的,我为他感到高兴。


MrYgghChina has decreased drastically the number of covid cases中国已经控制住了疫情,新冠病例的数量大幅减少。RTX3090 SLI ownerThe only thing people of wuhan people need to pay, is to pay respect to those on the frontlines武汉人唯一需要做的,就是尊重那些在抗疫一线的人。julia xiaoI think China basically already solved the COVID thing我认为中国基本上已经控制住了新冠疫情。UnparTI16 KelasCPeople are jealous because thinking that "China's" source of virus (Wuhan) has been very ok with the decreasing number of Covid-19.Stay safe guys.人们之所以嫉妒,是因为随着新冠病例数量的减少,中国第一例病例报告地武汉已经恢复正常了。伙伴们,希望你们平安。lexneuronVirus loves to flourish in the cold climate, as perfectly exemplified in the UK at this moment,病毒在寒冷的气候里更加活跃,目前的英国就很好的证明了这一点。Prince Arnold Zapataand his in wuhan ahahaha而且他现在在武汉。Han XiaoDid you notice it's in Wuhan. 3 months complete lockdown = free and normal life till now.你注意到这件事情发生在武汉吗。3个月的封城带来了现在的自由和正常的生活。LuxiQuarantine restriction was removed after two months complete lockdown. Life gets back to normal in Wuhan since April 8th 2020.在两个月的全面封锁后,封城的限制取消了。从2020年4月8日起,武汉的生活开始恢复正常。Kamin8rThe whole western world wants to paint China as the bad guy. the west never liked the East.整个西方世界都希望将中国描绘成一个坏人。西方一直以来都不喜欢东方。Hand me a Dozen Beers"Do you want the back Rounded, Charred or Squared?"Customer: "I'm sorry what?"“你想要把后面修剪成圆形、烧焦还是修剪成方形?”顾客:“不好意思,你在说什么?”Club 1kJho"Why do you use hot iron for haircuts?""So that I don't have to sweep the floor, duh!"“为什么用烙铁来理发?”“这样我就不用扫地了,哼!”


n o r aThey died before being able to complain他们还没来得及抱怨就死了。Simon Bn o r a Congratulations. You got the joke.恭喜你,你找到这个笑点了。


Melissa wYes. Because they’d be dead before they could even complain. 是。 因为他们还没有来得及抱怨就已经死了。Vince Gabriel Aquio WongNot a single customer ever survived没有一个顾客活下来了。Opal BearSo he has been doing that since he was 11 years old lolik its a joke他从11岁就开始这么做了,哈哈,我还以为这是个笑话了。Anja FischerTo be honest, I was sweating on my back when I saw the perm!实不相瞒,看烫头那段的时候我后背也出汗了!



Danny Doyle"Will the iron bar fall on your head?" "Will the hair burn?"“铁棒会不会掉到头上?”“头发会不会烧起来?”twicebang!That is some dark humour right there评论区有好多黑色幽默哦。velocidadThis shop is so retro. I learned that this barber shop called Qingxin has been in business for more than 60 years. Huang Wenxiang, a 90 year old barber, is the first generation apprentice of the shop and the only barber in the shop at present. I'd like to see it if I have a chance.这家店好复古啊,我了解到这家叫庆新的理发店在百年老街上开业已经超过了60年了。今年90岁的理发师黄文祥,是这家店的第一代学徒,也是这家理发店目前唯一的理发师。有机会我也想去体验一下。RishavEveryone Gangsta Until he gets out Lightsaber!在他拿出烙铁之前每个人都很淡定。SHIELAH'S VLOGYes hahahaha是的哈哈。Mistseeker-Bro, do you prefer a haircut or wrestling with a bear? -One bear please, looks safer.But jokes aside - thats one cool grandpa. I like how he keeps old ways afloat.兄弟,你是想要理发还是和熊摔跤?请让我和熊去摔跤,感觉比较安全。好了,不开玩笑了,那是一个很酷的爷爷。我喜欢他仍然坚持使用传统技艺,保留下了我们传统手艺。taotoo2Jokes aside indeed说实话不应该开玩笑。Ray MakHe maybe over 90 years old. But his style is totally Hypebeast!他可能已经90多岁了。但这个他的风格非常新潮。UnparTI16 KelasCPlease don't use the word hypebeast for the wrong concept, hypebeast is more like about fashions or streetwear. I would rather use the word lit, rock, cool, fire. Hope it helps, .请不要误用 hypebeast这个词,因为hypebeast更多的是描述时装或街头服装非常新潮。我更想用“点燃”,“摇滚”,“酷”,“火”这些词来描述。 希望能有所帮助。Tom Manu91 year old? I'd love to go there and let him put his hands on my head. I consider it a blessing for longevity.他已经91岁了吗?我很想去那里让他把手放在我头上。我认为这能够给我带来长寿的福气。4ever trueFor a man who is 91 years old i wonder how he keeps his hands steady. One slight wrong move and......lol.对于一个91岁的人来说,我想知道他是怎么让他的双手这么稳的。万一产生了一个小小的错误动作,后果不堪设想。matt q@4ever true he's been doing it for 70 years他做这件事情已经70年了。


its britneybyotchMeh, I just wanna get my haircut there cuz that place looks vintage lol嗯,我想在那里理个发,因为那地方看起来很复古。4ever true@matt q I guess it is 'slow and steady as she goes'...lol.我猜这个过程是漫长又稳定的,因为他已经老了。


asianthorIf the barber is to win some sort of prize, it should be for being 91 years old and still cutting people's hair.如果这位理发师需要赢得了某种奖赏的话,那应该是因为他91岁高领,还在坚持理发。GildeteNot cutting, burning costumer's hair这不是在剪头发,而是在燃烧顾客的头发。Macam2macamHe s 91 and still got steady hands and working strong. Respect.他91岁了,手还很稳,工作也很努力。我尊重他。


Ranjith KumarJust imagine, when the hot rod accidentally touches the ear想象一下,当烙铁不小心碰到耳朵的场景。Torii ChooI’ve been there before we had a thing called hotcomb that you put on the stove top and heat up it was used to straighten our hair when I was growing up. Every now and then my ear was burned在我拥有电热梳之前,我去过那里理发,他把烙铁放在炉顶上加热,我长大后又在那里拉直头发。我的耳朵时不时被烫伤。Øminous Jay-Røme@Torii Choo Really?真的吗?ReginaBye bye ear耳朵再见。


That's rough buddyI've had a hot comb touch my ear before. (I was having my hair straightened and they were getting the knots out.) Not fun!我以前被人用电热梳烫到过我的耳朵。(当时我正在把头发理直,他们想要把我头发的结打理好。)一点都不好玩!


Raccet KunI did and he growed my hair back我去理发过,他当时把我的头发往后拉。Chelikani RamaraoWhy would you go to a barbar with a shaved head为什么你们要去找自己是光头的理发师剪头发。Admiral MondowGamingextra service tattoo额外服务是纹身。PepShaved head is not bald是剃光头而不是秃头。JJust yesterday someone showed me a chineese guy cutting someone's hair with a comb and an angle grinder就在昨天,有人给我看了中国人用梳子和角磨机给别人剪头发的视频。ErickGz Proimagine accidentally cutting someone's ear off想象一下不小心把别人的耳朵割下来了的场景。NyankanaI really love how the hairs on those young people look like they were barely trimmed... After going through that firey haircut.在经历了烙铁烫之后,我真的很喜欢那些年轻人的头发看起来像是刚刚修剪过一样。Oliver Harris“I’ll have a skin fade please”“请给我做一次皮肤脱色。”Izzy CarolineCustomers' reaction looks worried though After finish: "I've survived" face顾客的反应让人有点担心,剪完头发后:表情上都写着“我还活着。”-High Minds-Honestly I can't even imagine how bad that smells老实说,我甚至无法想象那味道有多难闻。ShlveRNo wonder he is bald. Probably burned his whole head with that iron bar.难怪他秃顶了。可能是用那根烙铁烫了他的头。Brown RabbitI can imagine the smell of singed hair.我能想象头发烧焦的味道。FlakeyFilmsI bet customers would think of him as their grandpa我打赌顾客会把他当成他们的爷爷。potatomato :pNext: chinese barber uses a light saber to shave beard.接下来:中国理发师用烙铁刮胡子。Isshikiremember me when you get famous ok thx当你出名的时候,要记得我。Chlorine Dioxide Supreme'It used to be common in the past' -这在过去很常见。NSB2KI never seen any Chinese with beard !!我从没见过有胡子的中国人!potatomato :p@NSB2K this is your lucky day. I'm 1 in 2 billion.今天是你的幸运日。我是20亿分之一。Songi'm sure 99% of Chinese people didn't know about this type of barber lol.我敢保证99%的中国人不知道还有这种类型的理发师。笑死我了。just some idiot on internetYup me too lol是的,我也不知道。Mona JacksonI know. But I can't try我知道,但是我不敢尝试。Soga ChewAs a oversea chinese i can comfirm作为一个在海外的中国人,我不知道。Me Soyydo you know every barber in your country? didn't think so你认识你们国家的每个理发师吗?我不认为你都认识。Ani Kumar@Me Soyy the video mentions this method of 'cutting' hair is old school for China. Now very few people do it.It is not a matter of knowing this barber only, although yes I also don't know every barber in my country.视频中提到这种“剪发”方法在中国是非常古老的了,现在很少有人用这种理发方式了。这个问题不在于认不认识这个理发师,尽管我要承认,我也不了解我国的每个理发师。JunIt's impossible to know everything about 9.6 million square kilometers.960万平方公里的事,怎么可能都知道。Reine MercadoThis method was common in the past because it kills lice--eggs, nymphs and adults.这种方法在过去很常见,因为它可以杀死虱子,卵,幼虫和成虫。Yeetus FeetusImagine if it acciedentally burned the head. Ouch想象一下如果意外烧伤了头部。天哪。Maria EatradaI think she meant how nymphs grow to be adults so like the stages of the life cycle我想她指的是幼虫长大成为成虫,和生命周期的各个阶段一样。Karina ComanescuBut isn't it harmful for the hair?这个难道对你的头发没有伤害吗?Karen Y@Karina Comanescu probably not. the hair is dead. Some barbershops in the US finishes haircuts by flaming the ends with a lighter. this seals the ends to prevent split ends应该不会。头发已经失去活性了。美国的一些理发店用打火机点燃发梢来完成理发。这样可以密封端部,防止发梢分叉。Karina Comanescu@Karen Y thanks for the answer☺️谢谢你的回答。Stephanie Limno, I think what she meant are stages of a lice's life. From egg- nymph- adult.不,我认为她的意思是虱子生命的各个阶段。虫卵、幼虫、成虫。David Platt@Stephanie Lim oh. that is new to me. Thank you.对我来说这是新知识,谢谢你。Sharon TaylorShe means adult lice.她是指成熟的虱子。


Sleepy pandayour not a coward at all, you habve just chosen life over death by hot iron!!!你根本不是胆小鬼,你只是在烙铁面前选择了生而不是死!


The Hacks-By-Jack ChannelScissors create split ends. This melts and seals the ends. This is better.剪刀剪了之后会让头发产生分叉,这个方法会熔化并把头发密封好,这个更好。TECH HACK@The Hacks-By-Jack Channel it will damage hairs by heatI don't know but that seems rough for hairs太高的温度会损伤头发,其实我也不了解,但这对头发来说太粗鲁了。Shady@The Hacks-By-Jack Channel dull scissors create split ends, that’s why there’s specific sharp hair cutting scissors. This is literally burning your hair off钝的剪刀剪了之后会产生开口甚至分叉,这就是为什么要使用特别锋利的剪发专用剪刀的原因。 实际上这样把你的头发烧毁了。lovely9987 redI can smell the burnt hair from here 我能从这里闻到头发烧焦的味道。Lynn LittleI would trust him sonce he's been doing it for 60 years我相信他,因为他已经做这件事情有60年了。Student A FakeYou should trust him more when he hits 100那如果他到100岁时候,你应该更加相信他。Mm WH70 years plus应该是70多年了。Smit Patilthis grandpa is 91 year old. What if iron rod slips accidentally ?这位爷爷已经91岁了。万一烙铁不小心滑下来了怎么办?CALIMA ProductionHonestly I'm more worried about his age than the hot steel老实说,我更担心的是他的年龄,而不是他的工具。Peanut530Much respect and I love to be one of his customers if i were in China. 我很尊重他,如果我在中国,我很想要他给我理发。


Sarah Mackeprang EsquellIf he's still in business, looks like his customers trust him. Age isn't everything. He appears to be pretty sharp; smarter than some folks half his age如果他还在开店,这就证明他的顾客信任他。年龄不能代表一切。他看起来很聪明。看起来比他年轻一半的人都要聪明。naturalpn7Age only matters in sports and modeling对于运动员和模特来说年龄才重要。Hhfu0:22 I think he's scared在22秒的时候,我认为他看起来很紧张。


Jean Ampongan@Crypticat don't be rude不要这么粗鲁。Finnesz@Jean Ampongan it's not being rude I think, he's just being honest我想这不是粗鲁,他只是说出了心里话。


RTX3090 SLI owner@Crypticat his hand more steady than u 他的手可能比你的手还要稳。YYYHI was so worried that he might burnt the customer's scalp or ears.我很担心他会烫伤顾客的头皮或耳朵。Renata ReynoldsHe's definitely getting all the split ends out. His smile is so precious他肯定把所有的分叉问题都解决了。他的微笑看起来太珍贵了。



boiled potatoScissors were invented in 1867.People before 1867:剪刀是1867年发明的。这是生活在1867年以前的人。


ranto sijabatI dont mind the method,but i cant stand the smoke of burning hair我不介意这种理发方法,但我受不了头发燃烧时产生的烟雾。t h i c csame. Awful smell我也一样,那是很恶心的味道。Rauhan Shaikbruh where have you guys smelt burning hair?你们在哪里闻到了头发烧焦的味道?Nectar Krsn@Rauhan Shaik try yourself, you would get a experience.你可以自己试试,这样你就会有经验的Lexx303It looks pretty cool, but imagine the strong smell of burning hairs that will stay with your for the rest of the day...这个理发方法看起来很酷,但是想象一下头发烧焦的气味会伴随你一整天的感觉。Tuff HonesteaaThat's why he washes the hair after这就是为什么他在剪后洗头发的原因。Rolfe Lee@Tuff Honesteaa the smell can get on and stay at clothes I guess.我猜这个味道会在衣服上留下来的。Øminous Jay-RømeThat's why you take a bath!这就是为什么你需要洗澡。Ahjahli Lula AmadeusThey could've used that back in the middle ages instead of chopping it all off with a blade.....早在中世纪,他们就用这种方法,而不是用刀片把头发全部剃掉。WTF STUDIO INC.This is really scary. One wrong move and your scalp is injured.这真的很可怕。一个失误的举动,你的头皮就可能会受伤。Baby NaazImagine him dropping that hot iron bar accidentally on someone's head想象一下他不小心把烙铁掉到别人头上的样子。MayomayaI knew i wasnt crazy for burning my own hair, its much easier then using a hair trimmer or scissors我了解我自己,我不会因为自己头发被烧了而抓狂,这种方法比用理发器或剪头发容易得多。


Harnoor KaurFun Fact: The old man is scared of hurting his customers by using scissors.....so he uses a HOT iron rod instead.....趣闻:这位老人害怕用剪刀剪头发伤害他的顾客,所以他改用烙铁。Kɪʀᴏʀ0A 91 year old Chinese man, meaning he was born in 1929, it must be terrible for him to experience WW2 And Chinese Civil War at the same time during his teenage..一个91岁的中国人,意味着他出生于1929年,在他十几岁的时候同时经历二战和中国内战,对他来说一定是很可怕的经历。David WilliamsI would like the hottest new style please.....我想要最流行的新发型。Tasnim Roslihope the hair follicles are not damage due to the heat :)希望毛囊不会因受热而受损。HhfRisking his life in a haircut冒着生命危险在理发。


kevinwyf200891 years old, the hand is still so stable, powerful old man!! What a daring artist!91岁了,手还这么稳,厉害了老爷子!真是艺高人胆大!Dead AfSo theres a few barbers left that used this technique. Theyre likely very old too. If those youngsters are interested in getting a haircut,maybe they shud learn his ways to preserve culture. Its kinda sad to think that unique art like this are fading :(If theres a silver lining to all this, at least videos of him will remain in the future.还有用使用这种技术的理发师传承下来。他们的年纪都可能很老了。如果这些年轻人有兴趣去理发,也许他们应该学习他保护传统文化的方法。一想到像这样的独特的艺术正在慢慢消失,就有点悲哀。如果有可能的话,那么至少要保留有关他的视频。


